Ten Tips for Acing Your MBA Interview

At Gurufi, we focus on helping clients brainstorm, build, write, and revise powerful personal statements that move the needle on their admissions. But just because we don’t charge for the other stuff doesn’t mean we don’t give it away for free! 🙂 With that in mind, here are ten tips for nailing your MBA interview!

If there’s one part of the MBA admissions process that rattles many applicants, it’s the interview. At many schools, earning an interview is an achievement in itself, and you don’t want to fumble this important opportunity. It’s a precious opportunity to elevate above your written application and showcase your personality, aspirations, and fit for the program. The committee can see you as a fully formed person and ask you about your aspirations. Excelling in this interview requires more than just thorough preparation; it demands an understanding of nuanced interpersonal skills, research acumen, and an ability to engage genuinely and thoughtfully.

Mastering Interpersonal Skills and Politeness

The foundation of a successful MBA interview lies in getting the basic interpersonal dynamics right. Politeness and courtesy are not just niceties; they are critical indicators of your ability to navigate future professional interactions. This includes simple gestures like greeting the interviewer with a warm, confident smile, maintaining appropriate eye contact, and showing gratitude for the opportunity. These seemingly minor details can set a positive tone for the entire conversation.

If you do an in-person interview, be polite and kind to secretaries. They have remarkable sway in office settings, and a bad word from them because you couldn’t deign to be nice to someone you saw as maybe beneath you can (rightly) sink your application.

Also, afterward, be sure to send a short thank-you email to your interviewers. It shouldn’t be more than 100ish words long. I actually prefer sending a short hand-written note instead, but other people find that old-fashioned.

Research: Your Secret Weapon

One cannot overstate the importance of doing your homework on the school and the interviewer. Understanding the school’s ethos, culture, and values helps tailor your responses to align with what they are looking for in a candidate. If possible, research your interviewer’s background. This knowledge can provide valuable context during the conversation, allowing for a more personalized and engaging interaction.

Preparing Questions: Show Your Engagement

Coming prepared with thoughtful questions is a strategy often overlooked by candidates. These questions should not be generic but tailored to the specific program and its offerings. Inquiring about aspects like faculty, course structure, or specific initiatives demonstrates your genuine interest and investment in the school. It also provides an opportunity to further assess whether the program aligns with your career objectives.

Responsive and Genuine Answers

While it’s crucial to prepare for common interview questions, equally important is the ability to be responsive and genuine in your answers. Listen attentively to the questions asked and provide direct, succinct responses. This reflects your ability to process information and communicate effectively — key skills in any business setting.

Avoiding the Humble-Brag Pitfall

A common misstep in interviews is the tendency to ‘humble-brag’. It’s essential to showcase your achievements and strengths, but this should be done with humility and authenticity. Overstating accomplishments or framing them in a boastful manner can leave a negative impression. Instead, focus on sharing experiences and learnings that genuinely reflect your growth and potential.

The Virtual Interview Environment

In today’s digital age, many interviews are conducted virtually via platforms like Zoom or Skype. It’s crucial to ensure your background is clean, professional, and free of distractions. An interesting, yet appropriate background can also serve as a conversation starter. Test your equipment beforehand to avoid technical glitches and ensure good lighting and sound quality.

Practice Makes Perfect

Extensive practice is the key to confidence. Engage in mock interviews, record yourself to analyze body language and speech patterns, and seek feedback from mentors or peers. Practicing under simulated conditions can help alleviate anxiety and improve your overall performance.

You Can Do It!!!

Nailing your MBA interview is an art that balances preparation with spontaneity, professionalism with personality. It’s about demonstrating your capability and fit for the program while also assessing the school’s alignment with your goals. Remember, the interview is not just an evaluation of you — it’s a two-way street. Approach it with the right mindset, and you’ll not only impress your interviewers but also gain valuable insights into your own aspirations and potential as a future business leader.

For help with your MBA personal statement, check us out at Gurufi.com. Our personal statement editors and consultants have decades of experience helping clients get into top Masters and Ph.D. programs in STEM, humanities, fine arts, and social sciences. Our specialty is helping you craft compelling personal statements that move the needle in your admissions process! For questions, shoot us an email at service@gurufi.com. Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Acing Duke Fuqua’s “25 Random Things” Essay

Fuqua MBA application
Duke Fuqua’s ’25 Random Things’ essay requires thought and planning

Gurufi.com helps clients brainstorm, build, write, and revise their personal statements. With 17 years of industry experience, Gurufi’s Ivy League-educated consultants and editors have helped thousands of applicants earn admission to their dream schools.

         Let’s face it: most MBA admissions essays are pretty much the same: what have you done, how do you fit, what do you hope to do? While it’s obviously smart to tailor these essays to particular schools, it’s also true that once you’ve written your first personal statement, you can repurpose much of that text for subsequent schools. But Duke Fuqua’s “25 Random Things” list / essay is its own thing.

         Now, as a consultant, I love this prompt because it forces people to break through the carefully constructed “Application Self” that they deploy anytime they’re trying to sell the best version of themselves and instead embrace the discomfort of moving beyond their controlled and comfortable self-presentations. That’s why this prompt works… and why it’s so confusing and borderline terrifying.

         Here at Gurufi, we’ve had great success helping people get into Duke, and in part it’s because of the advice we provide them when constructing this list, both in terms of what to select and how to say it. So here are seven tips that you can use, including a list of potential questions to ask to help you create a strong, personal, and effective list that reflects your personality, values, and yes, quirks. Remember, rather than focusing solely on professional achievements, this prompt asks for a glimpse into the more personal and human sides of candidates. Understanding how to tackle this essay

can set you apart in the admissions process.



  1. Embrace the ‘Random’ but Keep It Relevant

The term ‘random’ may suggest that anything goes, but the best essays show a strategic selection of

facts that collectively paint a picture of who you are. Random does not mean irrelevant. Each fact should offer a fresh perspective or insight into your character, values, and how you engage with the world. Whether it’s your knack for remembering obscure facts, a passion for salsa dancing, or your experience volunteering across continents, each tidbit should add a new color to the portrait you’re presenting to the admissions committee. A good place to start is to ask three good friends: “suppose you were going to tell your mom about me. What stories about me would you include to give her a picture of who I was, what I cared about, and what I was like to be around?” These replies might give you some insights into things that people find most distinctive about your and / or what moments from your life best exemplify your personality and character.

  1. “We, Not Me.” Your Character and Team Spirit

During a recent conversation with Duke Fuqua’s Russ Morgan, he noted that the admissions staff often keep an informal tally of how many times applicants use “me” versus “we.” The idea being that Duke cares deeply about collaboration and building a dynamic and interactive community, and as such want to see whether applicants view success as mostly personal as opposed to within the context of a shared goal. As such, your essay should reflect your ability to contribute to and thrive in a collaborative and collegial environment. Rather than simply stating that you work well in a team, share anecdotes that show your collaborative spirit in action. This could include a story about a time you resolved a conflict, led a group to success under tight deadlines, or went above and beyond to support a teammate.


  1. Diversity and Cultural Competency Are Key

With a significant international student body and an emphasis on diverse perspectives, Fuqua

values cultural competency. Indeed, in recent years, the school has redoubled its efforts to make DEI a substantive part of its education. Your essay should highlight your experiences and comfort with diversity. Have you worked on global teams, navigated cross-cultural communication challenges, or learned a great deal from someone with a very different background? These stories can demonstrate your readiness to join and contribute to the diverse Fuqua community.


  1. Honesty and Vulnerability Can Be Strengths

As a whole, your essay should have balance. This means showing successes and achievements, but also including a bit of quirkiness and also a few moments where you talk about vulnerabilities or setbacks. Admission officers are well aware that no candidate is perfect, and they appreciate honesty and self-awareness. Sharing a fear, a mistake, or a lesson learned shows maturity and depth. It reassures the admissions team that you are someone who is reflective, able to grow from experiences, and relatable. Similarly, talking a bit about passions outside of work can show that you’re well-rounded and also allow you to show that you’d bring some variety and spice to the incoming class.


  1. Verbs.


In terms of writing an interesting set of random factoids, a great exercise for revision is to highlight every verb in the text. If you find that you are repeating verbs, especially “to be” (and its variants: am, was, were, are, etc.) then swap those out. Verbs show what you DID, which is ultimately the most important information in these essays. Give real attention to them.

  1. Vary the Length and Depth to Create Dynamic Rhythm

Since you have a maximum word count (750), use it strategically. Not every entry needs to be a deep

dive; some can be short and light-hearted, while others may require more explanation. A mix of lengths and tones will keep the reader engaged and offer a more complete view of your multi-faceted personality.



  1. I’m at 17, and I’m Stuck!!!


If you’re having trouble populating your list, here are some ideas that you can explore to generate additional items.


  • Regrets and Learning: Share a regret not just as a missed opportunity, but as a catalyst for future actions, showing your growth mindset and resilience.
  • Unique Skills as Superpowers: Relate a unique skill to how it has helped you in your career and personal life, showing your resourcefulness and impact on others.
  • Soft Spots and Personality: Your penchant for something unusual can reflect your creativity or unique way of seeing the world.
  • Quirks and Individuality: Your differences make you memorable. Illustrate how these quirks play into your life choices and interactions.
  • Ever got lost? Is there some city, place, or time that you remember with particular vividness? Why? What about that place or moment excites you still?
  • Pride and Accomplishments: Share what you’re proud of with an emphasis on the journey, not just the destination.
  • Desires and Motivations: Talk about something you desire, not for its material value but for what it represents in your life story.
  • First Experiences: Reflect on a ‘first’ that was a turning point or a significant learning moment.
  • Wishes and Aspirations: Connect a deep wish to your overall narrative, showing how it aligns with your life’s mission.
  • What does your family mean to you? Are you close? A parent? How has family shaped your worldview? Are you a spunky youngest child? A deal-making middle kid? A confident and assertive oldest child?
  • Nicknames and Stories: Use a nickname to introduce a story that offers insight into your character and past experiences.
  • Likes with Meaning: Explain a like or preference in a way that reveals more about your personality or values.
  • Entrepreneurial Ventures: Describe a time you made money in an unconventional way, showing your initiative and problem-solving skills.
  • Conquering Fears: Share a fear you’ve overcome, the process behind it, and what it taught you about yourself.

Remember, the point of this essay isn’t to show that you’re perfect and amazing in 25 different ways. Lean into your individuality, and for each one, ask yourself “why?” and “why is this important?” View this essay / list as a chance to stand out as an individual and showcase the unique attributes you would bring to the Fuqua community. By being thoughtful, honest, and creative, you can craft an essay that will capture the attention of the admissions committee and help pave your way into the Duke MBA program.

For more help with your personal statement, check us out at Gurufi.com. Our personal statement editors and consultants have decades of experience helping clients get into top Masters and Ph.D. programs in STEM, humanities, fine arts, and social sciences. Our specialty is helping you craft compelling personal statements that move the needle in your admissions process! For questions, shoot us an email at service@gurufi.com. Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Stanford GSB Essay Tips

Stanford GSB MBA essays
How to earn admission into Stanford GSB

Gurufi.com helps clients brainstorm, build, write, and revise their personal statements. With 17 years of industry experience, Gurufi’s Ivy League-educated consultants and editors have helped thousands of applicants earn admission to their dream schools.


         Last year, seven of our nine clients who applied to Stanford GSB earned admission (not bad for a school with a 6% acceptance rate!), so I was happy to see that they kept the same personal statement that they’ve used the past several years. But beyond the selfish reason of not having to learn and build strategies for a new essay, I was also happy because I think that this is one of the best personal statement prompts at any school. It does a fantastic job of allowing applicants to express their strengths, shine a light on their values, and demonstrate how they fit into arguably the best business school in the world. (Hey Wharton and HBS… before you get mad, I said, “arguably!” you and about a dozen other schools also are in this discussion)

         But what does that mean for YOU? In other words, what are some strategies YOU can use to conquer these two essays? I’ll give you three tips for each of the respective essays, but before I do, I want to give three big-picture hints that apply to these two essays as a package.

  • First, it’s important to view these essays as complementary. When planning them out, almost think of them as one essay broken in two. Obviously, each needs to have its own structure, theme, and ideas, but while you should want the essays to feel connected -in terms of tone and theme- you don’t want to content or ideas to be too repetitive. If you go over something at length in Essay 1, don’t feel the need to do anything more than mention or nod at it in Essay 2.
  • Second, keep the core strengths of Stanford GSB in mind. This is a school that loves entrepreneurs; they’re not looking to train the next generation of middle managers. So, don’t be afraid to talk about the big ideas you want to conquer so long as you can ground those big ideas in substantive accomplishments and personal knowledge.
  • Lastly, perhaps more than any other school, Stanford’s prompt really is begging you to open up your soul. So think in terms of stories and experiences, and how they inform, created, or explain your values and also why these sensibilities make you a good fit for Stanford.

Okay, now to explain how we at Gurufi like to think about these two essays. First, Essay One: “What matters most to you and why?”

The mindset I’d like you to keep throughout this process is that this essay isn’t an application, it’s a journey of self-discovery and deep reflection. Now look… obviously it IS an application, but allow yourself to shift your mindset so that you’re thinking in ways that produce meaning and deeply personal stories.

  1. Delve Deep Into Self-Reflection

At its heart, this prompt asks for a narrative that transcends professional achievements and the kinds of rote clichés that litter MBA applications. It’s an invitation to introspection, a call to articulate the values and experiences that define your essence. The foundational tip here is to engage in profound self-examination. Reflect on the moments that have sculpted your character, the lessons that have crystallized your values, and the reasons why these elements have risen above all else in importance.

How can you do this? Ask friends, “what do you think seems most important to me?” Ask yourself, “what moments have been the most important to me? Why did they have such importance?” Then, sit and engage in a process of brainstorming where you just write out your ideas about this topic. You want to make sure that the value you define is clear, direct, and relates to everything else you’re going to build in this essay.

(also, a small point: many people feel the need to open their essay with “Nothing matters more to me than…” This is very middle school. Don’t do that. You can trust that the reader won’t stop reading if you don’t say it right away. In fact, two of my applicants (who were admitted last year) began their essays with framing / introductory stories and then had their “nothing matters more to me than…” at the start of Paragraph Two)

  1. Craft a Cohesive and Engaging Narrative

In other words: think in terms of stories that show you putting your most cherished value in action. Your essay must not only present your values but also weave them into a narrative that resonates with authenticity and engagement. Tell a story replete with emotion, humor, or inspiration, one that imbues your personal growth with relatable and vivid anecdotes. Remember that admissions officers seek to uncover the ‘why?’ behind your values through this conversation on paper. The effectiveness of your essay hinges on how well you translate your values into compelling life stories.

  1. Link Your Values to Your Vision

Finally, Stanford is not just looking at who you are, but who you aspire to be. Your values should not exist in a vacuum; they should propel you forward. Stanford’s mission—to change lives, organizations, and the world—should echo in your narrative. Illustrate how your values have shaped your vision and how they drive your purpose and future ambitions.

Essay B: Why Stanford?

  1. Identify Unique Aspects of Stanford GSB… But don’t turn it into a Stanford brochure

When addressing ‘Why Stanford?’, specificity is key. It’s not enough to laud the school’s prestigious reputation or vibrant location. A good question to ask when thinking about whether to mention something is, “do all top schools have this?” For instance, if you add, “the school’s use of the case method and its strong alumni connections…” could be said of any top business school. So either go deep and get more specific, or leave that out. Instead, pinpoint particular resources, opportunities, and facets of the GSB experience that align precisely with your aspirations. Show how Stanford’s distinctive offerings intertwine with your goals and how they are instrumental in your envisioned future.

But, also make sure that you don’t turn this essay into just a list of stuff you found on Stanford’s website. The easiest way to avoid this is to select just a few specific things (say, no more than 4-5) and explain their meaning and utility to you, giving specific attention to how your past would prepare you to maximally leverage these opportunities and why doing so would position you to attain your long-term goals.

  1. Exhibit Intellectual Curiosity and Problem-Solving Orientation

Stanford prizes intellectual rigor and a problem-solving mindset. To convey this, focus on the challenges you wish to tackle post-MBA and how Stanford’s curriculum, culture, and community are conducive to equipping you for these endeavors. Demonstrate a clear understanding of how the school’s academic ethos and practical opportunities serve as a catalyst for your problem-solving capabilities.


  1. Contribute to the Stanford Community

Admissions officers also want to discern what you’ll contribute to Stanford. Reflect on your unique experiences, skills, and perspectives. How will you enrich the GSB community? Articulate your potential contributions and envisage your role within the school’s tapestry, reinforcing why your presence at Stanford will be mutually beneficial.


I know that this is a lot to take in, but these are two deceptively complex prompts that require a nuanced, thoughtful, highly specific, and polished essay. These two essays, taken together, should narrate the stories of your life that reveal your deepest values and aspirations and delineate a future intertwined with Stanford GSB’s transformative education. With these tips, take the challenge head-on: reflect deeply, narrate compellingly, link values to vision, specify your reasons for choosing Stanford, demonstrate intellectual vitality, and project your contributions to the GSB community. By doing so, you’ll not only answer Stanford’s questions but also engage in an exercise of profound self-awareness. Remember, at the heart of these essays is you—your truth, your story, and your vision for a future that Stanford can help you realize.

For more help with your personal statement, check us out at Gurufi.com. Our personal statement editors and consultants have decades of experience helping clients get into top Masters and Ph.D. programs in STEM, humanities, fine arts, and social sciences. Our specialty is helping you craft compelling personal statements that move the needle in your admissions process! For questions, shoot us an email at service@gurufi.com. Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.


Avoid This Mistake in Your MBA Personal Statement!

Much more so than any other professional or graduate school, extracurricular life and activities play a huge role in the MBA experience. Indeed, many MBA graduates believe these extracurricular experiences were the most important part of their MBA experience. As such, it’s vital that you talk about your intended clubs and extracurriculars in a thoughtful way that integrates well with your broader application’s themes, experiences, and aspirations. Many applicants seem to just read the school’s website, find a list of clubs they “think would be fun” and don’t really do much work in terms of explaining the how and why those clubs would align with and enhance their MBA and long-term professional goals. This is a mistake.

You should avoid the “club dump” in your MBA application, where you simply list the clubs without providing the proper context or integration with your application and aspirations. Instead, look to include fewer clubs, explain your interest in them more substantively, and make sure they seem to align with what you’re hoping to convey about yourself in your application. This can be a tricky needle to thread, so if you’re concerned or confused, feel free to reach out to us at Gurufi.com with help crafting your personal statement. We have a fantastic record of getting clients into top schools, have perfect reviews on GMATClub, and because we focus only on the written aspects of your application (personal statements and CVs), we can offer this service at a competitive price point!

Now, back to the show! Here are two strategies that you can think about using in your personal statement that could make a real difference.

The first is the most straightforward: align your club selection with the rest of your personal statement and your professional aspirations. For instance, if after graduating with your MBA from Bigtime University, you want to found a healthcare startup that operates in the Global South, it makes sense to highlight the Healthcare Club, Young Entrepreneurs Workshop, and the Global South Development Clubs. You could then talk about some of the specific initiatives, programs, and opportunities they offer and provide a brief explanation of how they align with what you aspire to do and become. This is a more coherent approach than, say, writing your essay about your desire to found a healthcare startup and then at the end drop an, “oh, by the way, I also love food, so I’ll be joining the Foodie Club and since I love dancing the Salsa Club, too.” In a personal statement, *mentioning* something in passing is usually a bad idea.

The second approach is a bit more complicated and takes more skill as a writer. (don’t worry, we can help you with that!  ) As an example, let me mention a client I worked with a few years back who ended up getting into her top four choice elite MBA programs. She had a pretty standard background (consulting, etc.) and her professional interests were also not surprising (she wanted to move up within the kind of consulting she had built her career in). In the first draft of her personal statement, she did the standard “club dump” we’re talking about, where she talked about the Culinary Club, the Foodie Outings, and other related extracurriculars that she hoped one day to join. I advised her not to do this, and she replied that food was, in fact, *very* important to her, that it had deep cultural roots, and in many ways defined how she saw the world.

My reply was, “great, let’s build your essay around that theme.” The personal statement that we ended up writing talked about how much cooking, baking, and the social experiences that came with it informed her worldview. Baking was about precision, following exact recipes, and a more meticulous form of culinary artistry. Cooking her native Vietnamese dishes was more about feel, flair, flavor, and emotion. She learned to balance these two sides of her personality -the analytical and emotional- by learning cooking and baking at her mother’s and grandmother’s side. These traits made her both more analytical and more adept at communicating with clients and understanding their needs.

By moving from “mentioning” to writing a more genuine essay about how and why cooking and baking were so important, the essay came to life, and she revealed herself in a way that was far more substantive than “just another consultant.”

Remember, best personal statements favor depth over breadth and embrace the idea that saying two things well is far better than mentioning five things.

If you’re struggling to master this, or any other, aspect of your personal statement, be sure to check us out at Gurufi.com. All we do is admissions writing, so helping you build a fantastic essay is our specialty.

Ten Common MBA Interview Questions


Last Friday, I wrote that practicing sample interview questions and taping your responses is an excellent way to prepare for interviews. Several people reached out and asked if I had good interview prep books or resources so that they knew what questions to prepare for. At Gurufi, we focus exclusively on the written aspects of your application (personal statements, CVs, etc.) but I have extensive experience advising clients informally, have conducted dozens of real and mock interviews myself, and understand the process quite well. What you’ll discover once you’re in the interview chair is that these things tend to *fly* by, and they can often feel like they’re over before you know it. With that in mind, your best strategy (beyond what I wrote last week) is to study the school well, have a clear idea of why you would be a good fit and what you hope to do while there (classes, clubs, extracurriculars, etc.) and why, and also do lots of recorded reps for these ten questions, which cover most of the basics. If you have solid answers and feel prepared for these 10 questions, you’ll probably be ready for whatever comes.


  1. Why did you choose to pursue an MBA? This question is a common one, and the interviewer wants to know what motivated you to pursue an advanced business degree. In other words, this is your “big why?” moment. To answer this question well, you should highlight your specific career goals and how an MBA will help you achieve them. If you feel comfortable, you can also frame this within your personal story as a way of explaining why this feels like the right moment to do something very important for your life and career.
  2. What are your career goals and how will an MBA help you achieve them? This is a similar question to the first, but it goes a bit deeper into your future plans. Be sure to have a clear and concise answer that showcases your motivation, focus, and long-term vision. Remember, MBA admissions is ultimately about the future. How clear and compelling is the picture you’re painting of the person you aspire to be and the things you hope to build or accomplish? So as you answer this, keep in mind the idea of showing that you have a compelling aspiration and a clear plan for achieving it. Sometimes, this question will be broken down by time periods. As in, “how will an MBA change your career trajectory over the next 5 years?” As such, it’s a good idea to have a sketch of your post-MBA timeline.
  3. What sets you apart from other MBA candidates? This question is an opportunity for you to highlight your unique skills, experiences, and strengths. Be confident in discussing what makes you different from other candidates and why you are a good fit for the program. Sometimes people feel sheepish about bragging, but remember that it only comes across as bragging if you don’t link a descriptor to an accomplishment. For instance, “I’m really smart” is bragging, but “my work refining our company’s high-frequency trading algorithm shows that I’m detail-oriented and can handle big, cognitively complex tasks” is just a frank description that shows rather tells the reader that you’re smart.
  4. Can you discuss a specific leadership experience you have had? This question is an opportunity for you to showcase your leadership skills and experiences. Be specific in your answer and talk about the challenges you faced and what you learned from the experience.
  5. How do you handle conflict in the workplace? This question is asking about your problem-solving skills and how you handle difficult situations. Be honest in your answer and give a specific example of a conflict you faced and how you resolved it.
  6. Can you discuss a time when you had to work with a difficult team member? This question is similar to the previous one and is asking about your ability to work with others and handle conflict in a team setting. Provide a specific example and talk about what you learned from the experience.
  7. How do you prioritize and manage your time effectively? This question is asking about your organizational skills and work habits. Give a specific example of how you prioritize your tasks and manage your time to meet deadlines.
  8. Can you discuss a time when you had to make a difficult decision? This question is asking about your decision-making skills and how you handle challenging situations. Be specific in your answer and talk about what you learned from the experience.
  9. Can you discuss a project or accomplishment that you are particularly proud of? This question is asking about your past achievements and what you are proud of. Choose a project or accomplishment that showcases your skills and strengths and be sure to explain why it is significant to you. A storytelling tip: establish the stakes early. If you’re talking about a big project, if you relate why it was important (for instance: what would happen if you failed? What was at stake?) then your success feels more substantial and meaningful.
  10. What are your weaknesses and how are you working to improve them? This question is asking about your self-awareness and how you are working to become a better professional. Be honest in your answer, but also focus on what you are doing to overcome your weaknesses. Most importantly: DON’T HUMBLEBRAG by saying something like, “I care too much,” or “I work too hard,” or “I hold myself to too high of a standard.” That comes across as phony, disingenuous, and an evasive way of avoiding talking about your weaknesses.


For more help with your personal statement, check us out at Gurufi.com. Our personal statement editors and consultants have decades of experience helping clients get into top MBA programs. Our specialty is helping you craft compelling personal statements that move the needle in your admissions process! For questions, shoot us an email at service@gurufi.com. Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Admissions is a Two-Way Street! (Why and How to Assess MBA Options Throughout the Application Process)

Title: The “Right Fit” MBA Hunt: More Than Just Names and Numbers

Golden leaves on the ground and the air is getting a little crispy and cold… ahhhhh, Round 2 application season is upon us! So, you’ve decided to take the plunge and pursue an MBA. This is an exciting, but also quite daunting, moment. Often, as applicants begin this process they have one thing in mid: “how do I make myself attractive to the top schools?”

That’s a good question to ask… but not the only question. You also need to keep in mind -throughout the application process- that it’s not just about getting into the highest ranked MBA program possible, it’s about finding YOUR MBA program. The one that fits you like a glove, aligns with your values, and helps you climb the ladder of success in your own unique style. Keep an open mind throughout every step and during every phase -research, essay writing, interviews- so that you can constantly be aware of things you like and don’t like about the various programs.

In the 17 years that I’ve spent helping applicants get into top programs, I often say that I’m like the sommelier at a nice restaurant: my job is to provide you with the best possible advice (don’t pair a red wine with a delicate whitefish) but ultimately, the choice is up to you. In doing follow-up work with clients, what I’ve discovered is that clients that we helped get into top-5 programs that maybe weren’t the best match (usually because they ignore my advice), ended up having less stellar MBA experiences. By contrast, clients who maybe took a half-step down the rankings ladder to attend a school whose culture, strengths, and positioning better aligned with what they wanted and needed, tended to be happier and be in a better spot post-graduation.

If attending Harvard Business School or Stanford GSB is your dream, I won’t, shouldn’t, and probably can’t dissuade you. BUT, it is important to remember that the application process isn’t just about selling yourself to the school. Nope. It’s a two-way street. Just as they’re deciding if you’re a good fit for them, you need to figure out if they’re a good fit for you. It’s an imperfect analogy, but applying to an MBA program is a bit like dating where you’re trying to show your best self, but also making sure the other side’s best self is what’s best for you. Don’t “swipe right” just because of a shiny brand or high ranking; keep an open mind and actively use the application process to find out if the school is perfect for you.

The application questions can tell you a lot about the school’s culture. They’re a window into the soul of the institution. If a school asks about your community work or social impact initiatives, it’s a pretty clear signal that they value social responsibility. So if you’re passionate about making a difference, that could be your perfect match! On the flip side, if you’re all about entrepreneurship or finance, this might not be the best fit for you. This is true even if a school’s brand, ranking, or prestige is sooooo hard to resist.

One of the best ways to get the lowdown on a school is by chatting with the people who’ve lived it – the current students, the alumni, and even the faculty. These are the folks who can give you the real scoop, beyond all the glitzy brochures and the polished website marketing blurbs. They can tell you about the school vibe, the inside jokes, the stress of exams, and how helpful (or not) the faculty and career services are. If anything they say makes you go “hmmmm…” follow up on it. In your conversations, be on the lookout for criticisms that multiple people make, ask current and former students what they would change, and use your intuition to feel out how excited they are about their educational process and career prospects.

Speaking of faculty, they’re a crucial part of your MBA journey. After all, they’ll be the ones imparting wisdom and guiding you along the way. Check out their areas of expertise. Do they align with your interests? And think about their teaching styles. Are you the kind of person who prefers traditional lectures, or do you thrive in an experiential learning environment with case studies and group projects?

Now, let’s talk about the elephant in the room: school rankings. They’re impossible to ignore, but they can also lead you astray. Sure, it’s great to aim for a highly-ranked institution, but remember, these rankings aren’t everything. They’re made up of many factors, and some might not be as important to you as others. Don’t get so caught up in the numbers game that you miss out on finding the school that truly fits you. Getting obsessed with the brand or ranking can sometimes make you miss red flags. Just because a school has a big name doesn’t mean it’s the right one for you. It’s a bit like wearing a designer outfit that doesn’t fit you well – it might impress others, but if you’re not comfortable in it, you won’t shine.

The application process is your first step towards finding the perfect MBA program for you. Look beyond the prestige and the rankings, connect with the school’s community, and tune into the school’s vibes through the application. Because the best MBA program for you isn’t necessarily the one at the top of the list, it’s the one that matches your goals, interests, and values. After all, the ultimate goal isn’t just to get an MBA, it’s to kick-start a journey of growth and transformation that’s tailored just for you. Happy hunting!

For more help with your personal statement, check us out at Gurufi.com. Our personal statement editors and consultants have decades of experience helping clients get into top MBA programs. Our specialty is helping you craft compelling personal statements that move the needle in your admissions process! For questions, shoot us an email at service@gurufi.com. Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Ten tips for a great MBA Interview

preparing for a zoom interview
applicant prepares for an MBA interview

Let’s face it: interviews can be scary. For all other parts of your application, you control the pace, you have time to reflect and refine, and if you plan well, you can submit your package knowing that you did your absolute best to present yourself as a compelling, qualified, and interesting candidate.

 But interviews are dynamic and unpredictable, and you’ll often get questions designed to either trip you up or force you to reveal how you think through a problem. Here are eight tips for acing your MBA interview.

  1. The kindergarten stuff. You’ve heard the old adage, “all I really need to know, I learned in kindergarten”? This applies to interviews. It’s sad that I have to emphasize this, but you’d be shocked at the number of times I have conducted academic or hiring interviews and people fail at basic acts of politeness and thus sink their applications. Be nice and polite to everyone (even people like secretaries who won’t be interviewing you), smile, shake everybody’s hand, avoid inappropriate topics, and afterward be sure to thank them for their time and send a short, polite, thank-you email or (preferably) short hand-written note.

If this all seems patently obvious to you, that’s fantastic. If not, here’s a cautionary tale. One of my first professional mentors was the company’s CEO, but he would work the front desk on interview day, and any candidate who was rude or condescending to him would get an awful surprise when they sat for the interview, he walked in, and asked his first question: “if you treat people like that, why should we hire you?” Your interview might not pull this particular trick… but trust me, I’ve seen many an *impressive* CV get tossed in the crash can or application get put at the bottom of the stack after an exasperated interviewer said of an impolite candidate, “man, that dude sucks.”

  1. Do your research. You can usually predict some -and probably most- of the questions that you’ll be asked. Know the school’s mission, strengths, values, best programs, and how you fit in with them. Have some particular examples ready to talk about. For instance, if a club or program aligns perfectly with something you’ve done in the past, be prepared to talk about that alignment and maybe some ideas that you have for ways you could contribute.

  1. But don’t memorize your answers. I will occasionally work with clients who want to memorize their answers to questions they anticipate. Don’t do this. First, unless you’re a trained and skilled actor, a memorized answer will come across as forced, canned, and limp. It also introduces unnecessary stress as you try to recall, word for word, your reply. I like to make outlines or sketches of answers, and if I do practice interviews, I’ll try different wordings, etc. This helps to keep things fresh, conversational, and natural.

  1. Answer the question you’re asked! One of the dangers of memorizing your answers is that sometimes you won’t quite get the question you anticipated, so you’ll try to shoehorn in a response to a question that wasn’t asked. Not answering a question can annoy an interviewer and you’ll come across as evasive, uncertain, or perhaps unknowledgeable about what they’ve asked you.

  1. Practice. If your school or company offers mock interviews, use them and, if possible, record yourself. If there is no set structure like that for you, you can find lists of common interview questions. Give them to a friend and have them ask you them, again making sure to record your responses. It can be cringe to watch or listen to yourself, but pay attention to both your content and your presentation. Are there things you feel like could say better? Details to add? Are you calm, relaxed, smiling with good posture? Do a self-critique and ask your loved ones to do the same, then repeat the process.

  1. Have questions. Almost every interview will end with some version of “do you have any questions for us?” A candidate who replies with, “nope, all good,” will come across as unprepared, uninterested, or otherwise uncompelling. If you do your research, you should be able to identify some areas of interest and / or concern that can serve as grounds for questions. Have 4-5 questions ready to go when asked.

  1. Stay positive. It’s important to be honest during the interview, but avoid complaining or being overly negative. Focus on the positives and what you have learned from any challenges or setbacks.

  1. Being too casual. It’s important to be yourself and show your personality, but remember that the MBA interview is a professional setting. Avoid using slang or being overly casual in your language and be sure to dress appropriately.

  1. Curate your Zoom box. As more / most interviews are moving online, take the time to clean and curate your background. I know that there are artificial filters that you can use, but I actually prefer to take 15 minutes, clean the space behind me, and think about what you want to show about yourself. Have one or two items that say something about your personality in the background, and take the time to think about what your aesthetic says about you. In the same way that you devote time to selecting a suit, blouse, tie, or eyeglasses, make sure that you curate your working space as well.

  1. Don’t humblebrag. You’ll often be asked for your biggest weakness or biggest failure. Resist the temptation to turn this into a thinly veiled success or strength. So, don’t talk about how “I care too much,” or “I work too hard.” That shows a lack of self-criticism. Everyone has real weaknesses. Find one that is a genuine weakness or misstep, BUT in your answer also talk about how you have or hope to address it. I used to have a real problem with deadlines, so I took a class on time management and use the pomodoro system. It will always be something that I struggle with, but I feel like I have a system in place to manage it.


BONUS:           If you have a Zoom interview, and if there are no rules against it, tape some notecards above your camera where you put 3-4 questions that you’d like to ask, some main points you’d like to remember to hit at some point, and maybe even some affirmations like “smile,” “breathe,” or “relax,” to help you stay in a good place mentally during the interview. It’s also a good idea to write down your interviewers’ names if you learn them beforehand. Calling people by their names in conversations helps to build rapport. If you prepare well for the interview, you probably won’t need them, but just having that safety net can make many people feel calmer.

For more help with your personal statement, check us out at Gurufi.com. Our personal statement editors and consultants have decades of experience helping clients get into top MBA programs. Our specialty is helping you craft compelling personal statements that move the needle in your admissions process! For questions, shoot us an email at service@gurufi.com. Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Five Questions to Ask MBA Alumni

MBA alumni interview
tips for getting the most out of conversations with alumni

Much more than any other professional or graduate school, speaking with alumni is an important part of the MBA application process. In addition to providing intel for future interviews and guidance for your personal statement (it’s common to name-drop an alum in an essay), these conversations also serve as genuine investigatory steps as you decide which schools to apply to or, hopefully, which schools to select from among the many that end up accepting you. With that in mind, here are two overarching bits of advice as well as five specific tips for getting the most out of an alumni conversation.

         First, as you engage in these conversations, trust your gut. Ask yourself, “could I see myself studying, learning, working, and socializing with this person?” Obviously, no one person represents the culture of an entire school, but if repeated interactions with alumni from School X repeatedly make you think, “hmmm… not my vibe,” then at the very least, pay attention to that and try to get to the bottom of it. I tell clients all the time that you should NOT view an MBA as something you must simply endure; it should be an exciting experience that, even though it’s hard work, you are eager to commit yourself to fully. If people aren’t your vibe or tempo, and you feel like you wouldn’t fit in… think twice.

         Second, approach every conversation looking to do two things beyond getting the kind of specific information outlined below: find reasons to apply and reasons not to apply. Often, by the time a candidate speaks to an alum, they’re already in love with the school or enamored by its brand. But just as the application process is where the school finds out whether they like you, so too should you use this process to discern whether you think you’re a good fit for the school. Be a one-(wo)man AdCom, looking for red flags and green lights. Think about everything you hear, identify strengths and weaknesses, and don’t be afraid to pointedly (but politely) follow up if somebody says something that makes you wonder if School X is ideal for you. Similarly, if an alumni is willing to speak with you, it’s probably because they love their school, so find out why.

Now, for the five questions you should ask!

In the quest to select the right MBA program, conversations with alumni can provide invaluable insights, bridging the gap between a school’s polished marketing material and the reality of students’ experiences. Alumni have been through the journey you are about to undertake and can offer perspectives that cut through the noise. Here are five essential questions to ask alumni that can help determine if a program is the right fit for you.

  1. What was the most transformative aspect of your MBA experience at this school?

I love open-ended questions like this. This is a great way to begin a conversation. People LOVE to talk about themselves, and people tend to like people who allow and urge them to talk about themselves. So beyond eliciting great information, this question opens the door to the kind of meaningful storytelling that creates a sense of trust. It also allows alumni to share their unique experiences, shedding light on the school’s potential to provide transformative learning experiences. Also, their answers can offer a glimpse into the aspects of the program that have the most impact, whether it’s the course curriculum, faculty, internships, or networking opportunities. If their transformative experience aligns with what you hope to achieve from your MBA, this school might be a good fit for you. If not, well… it’s good to know that too!

  1. How would you describe the school’s culture, and how did you fit into it?

Asking someone about “culture” is useful because, to begin with, everybody has their own definition of what that means. So, even how they define “culture” will tell you something about their sensibility and values. But whatever it means to a particular person, culture plays a pivotal role in shaping your MBA journey. The alumni’s response will give you a sense of the social dynamics, values, and ethos of the school. It’s also a window into the competitive or collaborative nature of the environment, and whether the school values diversity and inclusiveness beyond just slogans. By asking how they fit into this culture, you can assess how your own values and personality may align or clash with the school’s culture.

  1. What did you think of the faculty and their teaching methods?

Whether they’re providing facts, inculcating skills, or providing broad-ranging mentorship, faculty relationships can transform your MBA experience. Indeed, faculty members are the backbone of any educational institution, and their teaching styles can significantly impact your learning experience. Alumni can provide insights into how professors engage with students, their approachability, and their emphasis on theoretical learning versus practical application.

  1. How did the school’s career services support your career development and job search?

At the end of the day, you earn an MBA so that you can put your professional trajectory on a steeper trajectory. So understanding how a school can help you get where you’re trying to go is vital. How an alumnus answers this can help you understand the school’s commitment to career development. How proactive is the career services department? What kind of internships, job fairs, networking events, or company visits do they arrange? How successful are students in securing jobs in their desired field post-MBA? This information is critical, especially if you are considering an MBA as a means to change careers or accelerate career progression.

  1. Knowing what you know now, would you choose the same MBA program again? Why?

This retrospective question can yield particularly insightful responses. If the alumnus would choose the same program, ask why. Is it because of the school’s culture, faculty, network, or reputation in a particular field? If they wouldn’t, their reasons can provide you with potential red flags about the program.

Remember, the goal of these questions is not just to collect data but to engage in meaningful conversation that will help you assess whether the school aligns with your professional goals and personal values. The alumni’s candid responses will be instrumental in making an informed decision about whether the MBA program will be a good fit for you. It’s about envisioning where you’ll grow, thrive, and transform in your journey—not just about following the crowd to a top-ranked program.

Lastly, I believe strongly in the “kindergarten rules” of “be nice, be polite,” and so remember to send an email or (even better!) a handwritten thank-you note to any person who offers you their time and energy. Even if you end up not going to that school, it’s a small world, and people remember kind gestures and a person who shows basic interpersonal respect by saying “thank you.”

For more help with your personal statement, check us out at Gurufi.com. Our personal statement editors and consultants have decades of experience helping clients get into top MBA programs. Our specialty is helping you craft compelling personal statements that move the needle in your admissions process! For questions, shoot us an email at service@gurufi.com. Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

How to Choose Between Graduate Schools

Hello to everybody! So, hopefully, I can say this: CONGRATULATIONS! You’ve followed Gurufi’s advice on the grad school admissions process, and now you’ve got a wonderful problem… choosing from among multiple offers at great schools.

In this video, I talk about how to pick a graduate program when you have multiple offers. Many of you have received numerous graduate school offers, and I realize that you may be feeling a little overwhelmed right now. Be at ease; I’m here to help! Here are a list of what I see as the most important considerations:


Hey there, decision-makers! 🎉CONGRATS🎉! You’re crushin’ it with multiple grad school offers, thanks to Gurufi’s advice! Now, how do you pick the one? Chill, I’m here to help! 💆‍♂️💆‍♀️Let’s break it down: 📝 1️⃣💰: Funding first! Grad school ain’t cheap. How are you paying for it? Loans? Scholarships? Fellowships? Investigate! And remember, schools’ offers reflect how they see you: priority or cash cow? 🐄 #showmethemoney gradschoolfunding2️⃣👩‍🏫: Mentorship matters! Is the school’s program solid? Chat with students: do they feel supported, get pro advice, and have profs on speed dial? 📞 You’ll need a mentor, so check! #mentorshipgoals gradschoolbuddies3️⃣🎓: Student-centric vibes? See if the school involves students in recruiting/admissions. It’s a fab way to learn about the REAL school life! 🕵️‍♂️ #studentlife gradschoolvibesNow, weigh your options and remember, there’s no “wrong” choice! 🚫 It’s about the right fit for YOU! So, ditch the name-chasing and find YOUR happy place! 🥳🏫#personalstatement #gradschool #graduateschool #personalstatementhelp #howtowriteapersonalstatement #personalstatementtips #personalstatementadvice #personalstatementguide #personalstatementsamples #personalstatementmadness #majordecisions #findingtherightfit

♬ original sound – Gurufi

  • Funding is the first item you should think about. This may seem counterintuitive for people who view graduate school as being about passion, but money isn’t just money. What financing plan do you have for graduate school? Graduate school tuition can be paid for in a number different ways, such as with loans, fellowships, and scholarships. You’ll need to conduct some study to learn about your possibilities. AND, the options that the respective schools offer says something about how they view you as a candidate. Are you a priority, or just someone whose checks they’re willing to cash?

  • The school’s mentoring program is the next item you need to take into account. Is there a robust mentorship program there? Talk to students and ask if they feel supported, if they get useful professional guidance, and if they find it easy to schedule time with professors. This is significant since you’ll need someone to assist you during your graduate studies.

  • Is it a student-centric place? Last but not least, you should think about if the institution uses current students in the recruitment or admissions processes. This is a fantastic method to learn more about the school and what it’s like to attend.

After giving these things some thought, you’ll be ready to begin limiting your options. Keep in mind that there is no right or wrong decision when selecting a graduate program. Finding a school that fits you, your aspirations and your needs is vital, so take everything into account and don’t just chase a fancy name!

For more help with your personal statement, check us out at Gurufi.com. Our personal statement editors and consultants have decades of experience helping clients get into top Masters and Ph.D. programs in STEM, humanities, fine arts, and social sciences. Our specialty is helping you craft compelling personal statements that move the needle in your admissions process! For questions, shoot us an email at service@gurufi.com. Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

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Who Do You Ask for Personal Statement Help?

Personal Statement Help
Asking the right person for personal statement help is vital

You’ve written your draft, you’ve revised it once… twice… three times. You’re now ready to get feedback to inform your last round of revisions. Unfortunately, far too many people take a haphazard approach to getting personal statement advice. As such, we at Gurufi provide you with these tips on getting great advice for your personal statement.


First, the person you choose will play a pivotal role in helping you craft a personal statement that not only shines but truly captures the essence of who you are. You’ll want to find someone with a strong writing background. Content choices and big-picture strategy and positioning are obviously important, but if your prose isn’t clean, clear, and properly structured, you’re doomed from the start. As such, your readers should ALL be experts in grammar, syntax, and style, and know how to give feedback that’s as constructive as it is actionable. If they’ve had experience working with personal statements, even better – they’ll be in the perfect position to guide you through the twists and turns of this unique writing endeavor.

Second, it’s a great idea to seek out someone who’s got their finger on the pulse of your field or the program you’re applying to. You want your personal statement to reflect a deep understanding of what makes your industry tick and thus your editor needs to be able to speak the language of your future colleagues. Plus, they’ll have the know-how to help you showcase your one-of-a-kind strengths and experiences in a way that’ll make you stand out from the crowd.

Third, think about your relationship with that person. Is it based on respect, knowledge of one another, and bluntness balanced by empathy? The best editors know how to give tough love diplomatically, to tell you the difficult truth while also making you believe you have it in your to fix it. There are two poles to avoid. On the one hand, you don’t want somebody who is afraid to step on your toes, so they hold back on tough critiques. On the other hand, sometimes bluntness can go to far if it either undermines your confidence or provides you with clumsy criticisms that don’t have solutions attached. At Gurufi, we never raise a problem without providing paths for solutions because we believe that we can get our clients from wherever they are to a powerful personal statement.

By selecting a person with these outstanding qualities, you’ll be well on your way to receiving the advice and insights that’ll help you craft a personal statement that’s as exceptional as you are.

For more help with your personal statement, check us out at Gurufi.com. Our personal statement editors and consultants have decades of experience helping clients get into top Masters and Ph.D. programs in STEM, humanities, fine arts, and social sciences. Our specialty is helping you craft compelling personal statements that move the needle in your admissions process! For questions, shoot us an email at service@gurufi.com. Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

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