What to Include AND NOT INCLUDE In Your AMCAS Personal Statement

Cartoon of a female medical school applicant surrounded by thought bubbles representing clinical experience, lab work, excellent grades, leadership, and volunteering with the homeless

         As the May 2nd AMCAS release date approaches, many applicants have begun planning their applications and personal statements. After nearly 20 years of helping people get into top medical schools, I have seen, over and over, how the best applications feature a focused personal statement complemented by Work/Activities sections that provide breadth and complementarity. This is a tricky task, and in putting together your AMCAS application package, it’s crucial to understand the difference between “box-checking” and “ differentiators.” All applicants will, no doubt, possess the necessary prerequisites, but how you present these alongside your unique experiences can set you apart in the competitive medical school admissions process.

Understanding “Box-Checking”

Box-checking activities are essential components of any medical school application. These are the basic qualifications that admissions committees expect every applicant to possess. Generally, these include:

  • Clinical Experience/Exposure: Demonstrating hands-on patient interaction and an understanding of the healthcare environment.
  • Sufficient Scientific Training: Evidence of rigorous scientific education, typically highlighted by coursework and lab experiences.
  • Service-Mindedness: Engagement in activities that show a commitment to helping others, often through volunteering or community service.
  • Leadership: Doctors are leaders of healthcare teams, so the ability to lead is crucial. Thus, admissions committees prize situations (academic, athletic, personal, professional) that demonstrate leadership.

While these elements are critical, they do not usually distinguish one candidate from another because almost all applicants will meet these criteria.


The Role of Differentiators

Your application’s most precious “real estate”—particularly your personal statement—should be dedicated to what makes your journey to medicine unique. The easy rule of thumb is that “the personal statement is about depth; everything else is about breadth.” That is, use your personal statement to tell 1-3 compelling stories, but tell them well and with relevant detail. These differentiators are what make your application memorable and can significantly enhance your appeal to an admissions committee.

What kinds of things work well as differentiators?


Identifying Your Unique Elements

First, it’s important to note that every candidate will have different differentiators, depending on their interests, backgrounds, and career goals. For example:

  • MD/PhD Candidates: If you’re aiming for a dual-degree program, emphasizing your research experience and long-term investigative goals could be your differentiator.
  • Aspiring Medical Researchers: Highlight any unique research projects, particularly those where you played a pivotal role or contributed to meaningful outcomes.
  • Leaders in Healthcare: If you’ve held significant leadership roles, either in healthcare settings or in community organizations, these experiences showcase your potential to lead in the medical field. Don’t be afraid to feature something that is ostensibly non-medical. Working on Capitol Hill, doing GOTV, your time as an elite NCAA athlete… these can all be tied into a narrative that supports your medical school aspirations.


Strategic Placement of Information

It’s essential to strategically place information about box-checking and differentiators across different parts of your application:


  • Personal Statement: This should be primarily reserved for telling your unique story. How have your experiences and ambitions shaped your desire to pursue medicine? Focus on moments that highlight your unique insights, challenges overcome, and personal growth. Don’t weigh your essay down with box-checking. Remember, you’ll have additional chances to show your full range of accomplishments, BUT the best way to ensure that the reader doesn’t give your W/A, reccos, etc. a full reading is to write a boring and rote personal statement. On the other hand, if your reader’s interest is piqued, then they’ll really dig into all parts of your application.
  • Work & Activities Section (AMCAS): Utilize this section to detail your box-checking activities. Use the “Most Significant” activity descriptions to expand on experiences that have prepared you for medical school but are more common among applicants.
  • Secondary Essays: These can also be a valuable space to discuss aspects of your candidacy that you didn’t explore fully in your personal statement, including additional differentiators or significant box-checking activities. That said, beware: don’t leave important / featured parts of your life / application for your secondaries for two reasons: (1) not every school will ask you a question that allows you to bring up this important accomplishment, and (2) if something is a needle-mover, don’t put it in a part of your application that might not come (because you don’t a secondary) or that will be so late in your package that your reader is already sort of made up their mind.


Why Differentiators Matter More Than Ever


Medical schools increasingly value well-rounded candidates who bring diverse perspectives and skills to their programs. Indeed, it’s such a point of emphasis that the Work/Activities section has a new Social Justice and Advocacy experience type. This shift means that admissions committees are looking for more than just academic and clinical excellence; they want individuals who can contribute uniquely to the medical community through:

  • Policy Work and Public Health: Experience in these areas can demonstrate an understanding of the broader factors that impact healthcare systems and patient care.
  • Innovative Research or Unique Clinical Experiences: Especially those that break new ground or address significant challenges in medicine.
  • Personal Stories: Compelling personal narratives that connect your life experiences to your medical aspirations can be powerful differentiators.


Crafting Your Narrative

When writing your personal statement, consider where your narrative fits best. If your experience is common, such as working in a lab doing routine tasks, it might be better placed in the AMCAS section, unless there is a compelling story or unique challenge associated with it. Always aim to tell a story that only you can tell, focusing on what sets you apart from the crowd.


While box-checking is necessary, it’s not sufficient for standing out in a pool of highly qualified applicants. Consider your application as a holistic, complementary package and that each section does something different for you. Your differentiators are what imbue your application with color and personality, making you memorable to the admissions committee, so make sure to feature them prominently. As you prepare your application, carefully consider how to balance these elements to present a compelling picture of who you are and what you will bring to the field of medicine. Remember, in the competitive arena of medical school admissions, it’s not just about checking the boxes—it’s about drawing outside of them.

For more help with your personal statement, check us out at Gurufi.com. Our personal statement editors and consultants have decades of experience helping clients get into top medical schools. Our specialty is helping you craft compelling personal statements that move the needle in your admissions process! For questions, shoot us an email at service@gurufi.com. Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Ten Insider Tips for Your Medical School Personal Statement

A young adult appears stressed while sitting at a cluttered desk with medical textbooks, university application letters, and a laptop displaying an application page, symbolizing the challenging journey of medical school applications.
Embrace the journey, conquer the challenge. Your path to becoming a medical hero starts here. #MedSchoolDreams #FutureDoctor”


         How do you summarize your life and aspirations in just 5300 characters? With spring around the corner, this is the challenge facing thousands of medical school applicants. The AMCAS (American Medical College Application Service) personal statement is the central pillar of your application, where you explain your achievements and contextualize your life, so you don’t want to get it wrong. To this end, we at Gurufi are producing a free video series that we’ll start rolling out next week detailing how you should approach your AMCAS personal statement. In the meantime, here are some tips you can use to craft a more powerful personal statement. In the meantime, if you’re feeling stuck, feel free to contact us atservice@gurufi.com for help, or visit our website at Gurufi.com!

         Here are ten tips for making your personal statement pop!

  1. Clearly state your motivation for pursuing medicine: The first thing that a good AMCAS personal statement does well is clearly state the applicant’s motivation for pursuing medicine. This is an opportunity to express why you are interested in becoming a physician and what drives your passion for the field. Be specific and concise, and make sure that your motivation is evident throughout the essay.

You don’t, though, have to state this in the opening paragraph. Use good storytelling to make your essay stand out, and part of this means that you should avoid overly rote openings like “I want to become a doctor because…:” I made these three videos for MBA applicants, but most of the core ideas are relevant to med school personal statements. Check them out here, here, and here!

  1. Understand you can’t say everything. The horror of medical school applications is that there is just so much to do! The flip side, though, is that in addition to your primary personal statement, you also have the AMCAS Work & Activities Section, secondaries, and even letters of recommendation to highlight additional parts of your application. Because you have so many opportunities to talk about what you’ve done, do NOT try to overstuff your Personal Statement. Most good personal statements will have three beats: “origin story,” “relevant accomplishment,” and “why medicine?” This isn’t a hard-and-fast rule, but a useful rule of thumb. In other words, in your PS, look to cover a few things really well, and then use the Work & Activities and individual school secondaries to address additional themes and tell additional stories.

  1. Highlight your unique experiences and skills: A good AMCAS personal statement should also highlight the applicant’s unique experiences and skills. This could include experiences in healthcare, volunteering, research, or leadership positions. Be specific about the experiences and explain how they have shaped your understanding of medicine and your goals for the future.

  1. Show your personality: The AMCAS personal statement is a chance for you to show your personality and make a connection with the admissions committee. Use a clear and conversational tone to describe your experiences and motivations. Avoid using medical jargon and technical language, and instead, write in a way that is easily accessible by an intelligent reader who might not be familiar with your particular area that you’re talking about.

  1. Emphasize your commitment to medicine: Good AMCAS personal statements also emphasize the applicant’s commitment to medicine. This could include a commitment to helping underserved communities, a desire to improve patient care, or a passion for medical research. Be specific about what drives your commitment and how you hope to contribute to the field of medicine.

  1. Discuss any challenges or obstacles you have overcome: A good AMCAS personal statement should also discuss any challenges or obstacles the applicant has faced and overcome. This could include personal or academic challenges, and how you were able to overcome them. This is an opportunity to demonstrate your resilience and determination, and to show that you have the qualities necessary to succeed in the challenging field of medicine.

  1. Highlight your long-term goals: A good AMCAS personal statement should also highlight the applicant’s long-term goals. This could include goals for their medical career, as well as personal goals that are relevant to medicine. Be specific and explain how these goals align with your motivations and experiences in medicine.

  1. Showcase your knowledge of the medical profession: A good AMCAS personal statement should also showcase the applicant’s knowledge of the medical profession. This could include an understanding of the responsibilities of a physician, current healthcare issues, and a passion for ongoing medical education. Be specific and explain how you plan to continue learning and growing as a physician.

  1. Provide a well-structured and organized essay: A good AMCAS personal statement should also be well-structured and organized. This includes having a clear introduction, body, and conclusion and using appropriate headings and subheadings to help the admissions committee easily follow your story. It should also be free of grammar and spelling errors and carefully proofread before submitting.

  1. Keep it concise: This is an obvious one. The system simply won’t let you upload more than 5300 characters (including spaces) so be sure to plan, outline, and write with this hard cap in mind. Remember Point #2: you can’t say everything, so don’t try. Remember, two well-told stories (or even one!) is much better than five stories that are rushed and thin. As such, be selective about what you include and focus on the most important experiences, skills, and motivations that you want to showcase.

No pressure, but this could be the most important essay of your life, so plan, leave time for revision, and seek outside help if necessary. At Gurufi, we have 17+ years of experience helping people get into top medical schools. Last year, we placed candidates at top programs like Harvard Medical School, UCSF, Northwestern, Duke, UCLA, USC, OHSU, and Johns Hopkins. We also have an excellent track record with Canadian and UK medical schools. If you need help crafting a powerful personal statement, check us out!

For more help with your personal statement, check us out at Gurufi.com. Our personal statement editors and consultants have decades of experience helping clients get into top Medical Schools. Our specialty is helping you craft compelling personal statements that move the needle in your admissions process! For questions, shoot us an email atservice@gurufi.com. Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.