Five Tips for a Great College Admissions Essay

A cartoon illustration of a college student sitting at a desk, deep in thought while holding a pencil and notebook. The desk is cluttered with books, a laptop, and sticky notes. A corkboard with pinned photos and a calendar labeled "College" is on the wall behind him. Two friends are standing near the window, pointing and laughing. A light bulb with question marks around it floats above the student's head, symbolizing an idea or realization.
Have a plan for your personal statement!

Many college aspirants use the summer before their senior year of high school to write their personal statements. We’ll be doing a full, detailed day-by-day video series on how to build a college personal statement in late July (follow our YouTube channel to make sure you’re notified when it drops), but for now, we wanted to give you a quick five-part guide with some tips on writing a great personal statement.

Writing a college personal statement can feel quite daunting. It’s a unique opportunity to showcase your personality, achievements, and aspirations to an admissions committee that knows little about you beyond your academic record. With only 650 words (for CommonApp) to cover all that ground, it’s high-stakes and quite stressful. To help you craft a compelling and memorable personal statement, here are five tips that will guide you through the process.


  1. Set a Schedule and Stick to It

One of the most effective ways to reduce stress when writing your personal statement is to set a schedule and adhere to it. Breaking the task into manageable steps can make it less overwhelming and ensure you have ample time to produce a polished final draft. Here’s a suggested timeline:

  • Day One: Brainstorm: Spend an afternoon brainstorming topics and themes you want to cover. Reflect on your experiences, achievements, and the qualities that make you unique. There are lots of ways to brainstorm. This video is a quick-and-simple brainstorming activity that you can use.
    Many people avoid this step and feel like brainstorming is too “touchy-feely” but every time I’ve used this process in a seminar, the students have loved it and found it immensely valuable.
  • Day Two: Outline: Once you have a list of potential ideas, create an outline. This will serve as a roadmap for your essay, helping you organize your thoughts and ensure your narrative flows logically. Different people outline in different ways, but whatever system you use, the point is to nail down the basics of your story and note some details you want to include.
  • Day Three: Write: In my experience, two two-hour sessions can be enough to write a draft. The key is to schedule the time, turn off your phone, disconnect from the internet, and create a quiet, distraction-free space for writing. Focus on getting your ideas down on paper without worrying too much about perfection. The goal is to develop a first draft.
  • Pause and Revise: After completing your draft, take a break. A few days away from your essay will give you fresh perspective when you return to revise it. If you have the time, three days is an optimal break to put some space between you and your first draft. Then, go back and revise the text. Start by reading it once through completely without fixing anything. Ask yourself whether overall construction, transitions, and theme are strong. Make changes, as necessary, to get that right. Then do sentence-by-sentence revisions, paying special attention to grammar and syntax, but also to tightening the prose by eliminating everything unnecessary. Your edited essay should be considerably shorter.
  • Seek Feedback: Finally, share your draft with a trusted mentor, teacher, or professional editor for constructive feedback.


  1. Don’t Ask Too Many People for Feedback

While seeking feedback is crucial, asking too many people can be counterproductive. The adage “too many cooks spoil the broth” applies here. Here’s why:

  • It Will Make You Feel Bad: Receiving conflicting advice from multiple sources can be disheartening and confusing. It may leave you feeling unsure about the direction of your essay.
  • You Can’t Incorporate It All: Different people will have different opinions, and trying to incorporate every piece of advice will dilute your unique voice and message. This is the dreaded “Frankenstein Essay” that’s a mishmash of parts from multiple perspectives.
  • Unhelpful Suggestions: Often, people will suggest adding more content but won’t advise on what to remove to make space. This can lead to an overstuffed essay that lacks focus.

Instead, select one or two trusted individuals who understand the application process and your goals. Their targeted feedback will be more manageable and meaningful.


  1. Be Positive

Admissions committees appreciate honesty, but your personal statement should ultimately be a positive reflection of who you are and your future potential. Here’s how to maintain a positive tone:

  • Acknowledge Setbacks: It’s okay to discuss challenges and mistakes, but frame them in a way that highlights your resilience, growth, and lessons learned. We’ve spoken extensively about failures and how to write about it in your admissions materials. Here are three videos that might help you with this!
  • Forward-Looking Stance: Focus on how your past experiences have prepared you for future success. Show enthusiasm for your goals and the opportunities that lie ahead. For example, instead of dwelling on a low grade, explain how it motivated you to develop better study habits and led to academic improvement.


  1. Be Judicious with Getting Advice Online

The internet is a double-edged sword when it comes to advice on writing personal statements. While there are valuable resources available, there are also many “message board cowboys” who may offer misguided advice. Consider the following:

  • Unknown Sources: You don’t know the credentials or motivations of people giving advice online. What worked for someone else might not work for you.
  • Individual Experience: Personal statements are highly individualized. Tailoring your essay to your personal experiences and goals is essential, and generic online advice may not be applicable.

Use online resources to gain general insights, but rely on trusted mentors and professionals for personalized guidance.


  1. Resist the Urge to Make a Lot of Last-Minute Changes

As the submission deadline approaches, it’s natural to feel nervous and second-guess your work. However, making significant last-minute changes can be detrimental. Here’s why you should trust your process:

  • Nervousness: Last-minute changes are often driven by anxiety rather than actual improvement. Trust that the time and effort you put into planning, writing, and revising have paid off.
  • Process and Feedback: Rely on the feedback you received from trusted sources and the revisions you’ve made. Your personal story, as thoughtfully crafted, is your best asset.

Instead of overhauling your essay at the last minute, focus on minor tweaks and proofreading to ensure your final draft is polished and error-free.



Writing a great college personal statement requires careful planning, thoughtful reflection, and a balanced approach to feedback and revisions. By setting a schedule, limiting your feedback sources, maintaining a positive tone, being cautious with online advice, and trusting your process, you can craft a compelling and authentic personal statement.

If you need additional support, consider reaching out to a professional service like Gurufi, which offers personalized feedback on completed drafts and consultations to help you select topics and build detailed outlines. With the right approach and resources, you can create a personal statement that stands out and truly represents who you are.

Maximizing Your MBA Admission Chances: A Strategic Guide to Choosing the Right Application Round

An illustration of a contemplative man seated at a desk, pondering over which MBA admission round to apply for, with thought bubbles labeled 'R1?', 'R2?', and 'R3?' floating above his head. The background is a home office setup with business-related charts, a world map, a clock, and books, symbolizing the strategic planning involved in MBA applications.
A strategic moment of decision-making for an MBA applicant: choosing between Round 1, Round 2, or Round 3 for submission.

As winter reaches its deepest depths, many of you are just starting your MBA journeys. There is a lot to figure out between now and when you hit “submit” on your final application, and Gurufi is here to help! Every year, we help scores of applicants earn admission to their dream MBA programs.

         Unlike other professional schools like law school or medical school that have a single set of application deadlines, MBA admissions at most schools have multiple deadline dates, or “rounds,” that are, roughly, in September / October, December, and March / April. Each of these rounds has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Understanding these can be crucial in deciding when to submit your application. Here’s a detailed look at the typical timeline, benefits, and drawbacks of each round.

         Before starting, it’s important to point out that, whatever round you apply to, the basic metrics for assessing your application will be the same. Strong applicants, in any round, need a compelling vision for their future, a clear sense of how / why and MBA will help you achieve this future, strong work background, and good grades and test scores (though test scores are not always required).

Round 1: Early Birds Catch the Worm

Timeline: Applications are generally due in September or October.


People who have been thinking about an MBA for a while, or who have sketched out life plans / professional trajectories where they can see their MBA applications coming from a mile away often begin their applications a year out or more, preparing their GMAT / GRE and crafting their admissions strategies. These folks often enter the Round 1 pool.



  • Demonstrating Eagerness: Applying in Round 1 shows the admissions committee your strong interest and eagerness in the program.
  • Maximizing Chances: Since no seats have been filled yet, you’re competing for the full range of available seats, which can potentially increase your chances of acceptance. This is often school-dependent, though. Some schools make an effort to make each round similar in terms of seats offered and the general criteria, while others prioritize R1 by offering more seats.
  • Early Access to Financial Aid: Being the first group, you have the earliest shot at financial aid and scholarships, a significant factor for many.


  • Tight Deadlines: The deadlines for Round 1 are typically the earliest. You’ll need to have all elements of your application ready, including test scores, recommendation letters, and essays. Similarly, if you’re up for a big promotion in the winter or you know that your company tends to issue evaluations and promotions at the end of the calendar year, you may not be able to incorporate these assessments or professional advancements into your application in a meaningful way.
  • Less Time for Preparation: If you need additional time to strengthen your application or retake entrance exams, the early deadlines can be a significant constraint.


Round 2: Striking the Balance

Timeline: Applications are usually due in January.


  • Popular Choice: Round 2 strikes a balance between available seats and time for preparation, making it a popular choice. At many schools, the largest chunk of seats are reserved for the R2 round, though, again, this is not universal. You may want to talk to the school about their allotment and even see if they have data on a per-round basis (many do).
  • Second Chance: It’s an optimal choice if you missed Round 1 or needed more time to enhance your application.


  • Increased Competition: Despite many seats being available, competition can be fiercer due to a higher volume of applicants. The difference is volume between R1 and R2 is quite substantial. Again, it’s school-dependent, but at many schools, it’s as high as 2x – 3x… or even higher.
  • Limited Scholarships: Some scholarship opportunities might have been exhausted in Round 1, potentially affecting your financial aid options. One particular way this manifests is that if you’re hoping to earn admission into multiple schools and play them off each other to maximize your financial aid (which you should always try), then that’s easier when schools have more discretionary resources earlier in the process.

Round 3: The Last Minute Rush

Timeline: Applications are typically due in March or April.


  • Ample Preparation Time: Ideal for those who decide late to pursue an MBA or need extra time to boost their profiles. This round is especially attractive for people who hope to include end-of-calendar-year assessments and promotions in their applications.
  • Flexible for Profile Enhancement: Beneficial for retaking tests. It’s often the case that an applicant’s preferred timeline is test score dependent. If you get an initial test score that you think won’t keep you competitive at your preferred school, then you should look to delay to a later round, retake the test, and apply in R3.


  • Limited Seats: A significant portion of the class has already been filled, leading to intense competition for the remaining seats.
  • Scarce Financial Aid: Scholarships and financial aid are often scarcer in this round.
  • Visa Issues for International Students: Might pose timing challenges for obtaining necessary visas.


Making the Right Choice

When deciding which round to apply in, it’s crucial to weigh these benefits and drawbacks against your personal circumstances and preparedness. Here are some additional tips to consider:

  1. Assess Your Readiness: Be realistic about how prepared you are with your GMAT/GRE scores, essays, and recommendation letters. There are often delays in getting transcripts and letters of recommendation(always give your writers at least 2 weeks!), and writing multiple strong personal statements, sometimes takes candidates months. Don’t underestimate the effort and time required. If you’re thinking of submitting for R1, you really need to be in full preparation in the spring.

  1. Consider Your Profile Strength: If you think your profile could be stronger with more work experience or better test scores, waiting for a later round might be beneficial.

  1. Research Individual School Policies: Each school may have slightly different timelines and policies. Ensure you understand these specifics to make an informed decision.

  1. Understand the Financial Implications: Consider how applying in a particular round might affect your chances for scholarships and financial aid. Choosing the right round to apply for your MBA is a strategic decision that can significantly impact your admission chances and overall experience. By understanding the nuances of each application round and aligning them with your personal situation, you can optimize your approach and increase your chances of success in this competitive landscape. Remember, each journey is unique, and the best choice always aligns with your personal and professional readiness.

Other than the GMAT, the most time-consuming part of the application is also the trickiest: the personal statement. If you need help with your Personal Statement, the editor / consultants at Gurufi have decades of experience helping clients get into top MBA programs. Contact us today. Our specialty is helping you craft compelling personal statements that move the needle in your admissions process! For questions, shoot us an email at Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.


This grid provides a basic understanding of the three rounds of MBA applications, but remember that each school may have slightly different timelines and policies, so it’s crucial to do your research. As you decide which round to apply in, weigh the benefits and drawbacks against your personal circumstances and preparedness.

Round Typical Timeline Benefits Drawbacks
Round 1 Applications due in September/October Round 1 is generally the preferred round for most applicants. Applying early can demonstrate to the admissions committee your eagerness and strong interest in the program. Additionally, as no seats have been filled yet, you’re competing for the full range of available seats, increasing your chances of acceptance. You also have the first shot at financial aid and scholarships, which can be a significant factor for many applicants. On the downside, the deadlines for Round 1 are usually the earliest, meaning you’ll need to have all elements of your application, including GMAT/GRE scores, letters of recommendation, and essays, ready to submit. For those who need additional time to strengthen their applications or retake entrance exams, this can be a significant drawback.
Round 2 Applications due in January Round 2 is often the most popular round, providing a balance between available seats and time to prepare a strong application. If you missed Round 1 or needed more time to enhance your application or retake the GMAT/GRE, Round 2 is the optimal choice. Although there are still many seats available in Round 2, competition is typically fiercer due to the higher volume of applicants. Additionally, some scholarship opportunities may have been exhausted in Round 1, potentially impacting your financial aid package.
Round 3 Applications due in March/April Round 3 allows the maximum amount of time to prepare your application, making it ideal for those who decide late to pursue an MBA. It can also benefit those who need extra time to boost their profiles, such as retaking the GMAT/GRE or adding more work experience. The most significant drawback of Round 3 is the limited number of available seats. By this round, a significant portion of the class has been filled, and the competition for the remaining seats is intense. Scholarships and financial aid may also be scarcer. Furthermore, international students may face visa timing issues.