Navigating Career Transitions in Your MBA Personal Statement

A cartoonish and vibrant scene of a character standing at a colorful crossroads, with one path leading to a creative industry represented by artistic elements and the other path leading to a corporate business environment with sleek buildings, symbolizing career transitions.
How do you manage a professional crossroads?

Though most applicants use an MBA to accelerate their climb within their current professional silo, many people use it to transition from one industry to another. For the past 15 years, Gurufi has helped thousands of applicants earn admission into top business schools, so we’re familiar with how to reposition yourself to use an MBA to alter your professional trajectory. Whether you have a non-traditional background or are making a significant career shift, your MBA personal statement is an opportunity to explain your journey, showcase your transferable skills, and demonstrate your readiness for this new path. Here’s how to navigate career transitions in your MBA personal statement effectively:

  1. Acknowledge Your Background

If there’s something about your application that worries you, don’t ignore it, try to hide it, or hope the Admissions Committee doesn’t think about it. This is a bad idea for one simple reason: it won’t work. The best advice for how to handle unusual -or even problematic- aspects of your application that you know your reader will have concerns about is the same advice you’d give to a balding friend trying to fool everyone with a bad combover: what you can’t fix, feature. That is, if you know that the reader will have concerns, take them on head-on and even find a way to make it something that explains and contextualizes your mission and successes.

Start by acknowledging your non-traditional background or current career. Be proud of your journey and the unique perspectives it has given you. Highlight the skills, experiences, and insights you’ve gained from your previous roles. For example, if you’re transitioning from a career in the arts to business, discuss how your creativity, project management, and communication skills are valuable assets in the business world.

When you do this well, you’ll find that the reader appreciates your uniqueness. Remember, AdComs don’t want to fill classes with 150 photocopies of the same person, so your unusual path can really be a strength.

  1. Explain Your Motivation for Change

Clearly articulate why you are choosing to transition careers and pursue an MBA. Admissions committees want to understand your motivations and how the MBA fits into your overall career plan. Explain the specific events or realizations that led you to this decision. Whether it’s a desire to acquire new skills, a passion for a different industry, or the need to advance to a leadership role, your reasons should be genuine and well thought out.

The main idea here is that your journey needs to feel coherent. The three points on the line -past, present, future- should feel like the same person, even if you’re making a pivot in your career.

  1. Highlight Transferable Skills

One of the most critical aspects of transitioning careers is highlighting your transferable skills. These are abilities that are relevant and valuable across various fields. For example, skills such as leadership, problem-solving, communication, and analytical thinking are highly transferable. Provide examples from your previous experiences that demonstrate these skills. If you managed a team, resolved a significant challenge, or developed a strategic plan, describe these experiences and their outcomes.

  1. Connect Past Experiences to Future Goals

Draw a clear connection between your past experiences and your future career goals. Explain how your background has prepared you for the MBA program and your desired career path. For instance, if you’ve worked in education and now aim to transition into educational technology, discuss how your teaching experience has given you insights into the industry that you plan to innovate. This connection shows that your career transition is a logical progression rather than a random leap.

  1. Demonstrate Your Commitment

Transitioning careers often requires significant effort and dedication. Demonstrate your commitment to this new path by discussing any steps you’ve already taken to facilitate the transition. This could include additional coursework, certifications, networking, or relevant projects. Showing that you’ve actively prepared for this change reinforces your seriousness and readiness for the challenges ahead.

The idea here is that you need to show that this isn’t just a pipedream, it’s an aspiration connected to a plan that you’ve been working.

  1. Address Potential Concerns

Admissions committees may have concerns about your ability to succeed in a new field, especially if your background is vastly different from the typical MBA applicant. Address these concerns proactively by discussing how you plan to overcome potential challenges. Highlight any relevant experience that may not be immediately apparent. For instance, if you lack a traditional business background, emphasize any quantitative or analytical skills you’ve developed in other contexts.

  1. Showcase Adaptability and Resilience

Career transitions often require a high degree of adaptability and resilience. Share examples of times when you’ve successfully navigated change, adapted to new environments, or overcome significant obstacles. These stories demonstrate that you have the perseverance and flexibility needed to thrive in an MBA program and a new career.

  1. Be Authentic

Authenticity is crucial in your personal statement. Be honest about your journey and your reasons for making a career change. Avoid embellishing your experiences or creating a narrative that doesn’t reflect your true motivations. Authenticity resonates with admissions committees and makes your personal statement more compelling and believable.

  1. Tailor Your Statement to Each Program

Each MBA program has its unique strengths and culture. Tailor your personal statement to align with the specific values and offerings of each program. Research the school thoroughly and mention how its resources, faculty, and network will help you achieve your career transition goals. This shows that you’ve done your homework and are genuinely interested in what the program has to offer.

  1. Seek Feedback and Revise

Finally, seek feedback from mentors, colleagues, or professional consultants like those at Gurufi. Constructive feedback can help you refine your personal statement and ensure it effectively communicates your career transition story. Revise your statement multiple times to polish your writing and strengthen your message.

For more help with your personal statement, check us out at Our personal statement editors and consultants have decades of experience helping clients get into top MBA programs. Our specialty is helping you craft compelling personal statements that move the needle in your admissions process! For questions, shoot us an email at Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Are You Too Old for Law School?

A diverse group of law students of various ages, including a gray-haired woman in her 60s and a man in his 40s, actively participating in a classroom discussion led by a younger professor. The image emphasizes inclusivity and lifelong learning in law school.
NO! You’re not too old.

So let’s get the main question out of the way: are you too old for law school? No. No, you’re not. When I was in law school, I had two classmates in their mid-40s. When I was getting my Ph.D., I had a classmate who began his 6-year doctoral program at 49. I have helped a client in her sixties earn admission to college. So no, you’re not too old. If this is something you want to do, are passionate about, and feel like you have the energy to take on… do it! Gurufi has had a ton of success getting “nontraditional” candidates into top law schools, so if you’re worried about this, work with us!


For reference, the average age of first-year law students in the United States is around 25, according to the Law School Admission Council (LSAC). However, that number has slowly been ticking up because schools are valuing experience more, and this age range is quite broad, with individuals ranging from their early twenties to their fifties and beyond. In fact, according to a report by the American Bar Association (ABA), the number of law students over the age of 50 has steadily increased in recent years.


One common concern for older individuals considering law school is the time commitment and cost of pursuing a legal education. Law school is a significant investment of time and money, and it is important to carefully consider these factors before making a decision. This includes thinking about the loan process and what it would mean to potentially have student loans for the rest of your life. However, it is worth noting that many law schools offer part-time or evening programs that may be more accommodating to students who are balancing other responsibilities, such as work or family. Additionally, there are many scholarships and financial aid options available to help students finance their legal education.


Another concern for older students is the competitiveness of law school admissions. However, it is important to remember that law schools look at a range of factors beyond just undergraduate GPA and LSAT scores. Life experience, work experience, and other accomplishments can all be valuable factors in the admissions process. In fact, many law schools actively seek out and value nontraditional students who bring unique perspectives and experiences to the classroom. In fact, for older students, I would urge you to lean into your age, emphasize the unique journey that brought you to this point, and emphasize the range of experiences, accomplishments, and circumstances that will inform your participation in the school and your contributions to the profession.


One advantage that older students may have over their younger counterparts is their life experience and maturity. These qualities can be particularly valuable in the legal profession, where the ability to handle complex and emotionally charged situations with empathy and professionalism is essential. Additionally, older students may have a clearer sense of their career goals and a greater sense of motivation and dedication to their studies.


It is also worth noting that there are many different career paths within the legal profession, and some may be more accommodating to older students than others. For example, some law firms may value the life experience and perspective that older attorneys bring to their practice. In addition, some areas of law, such as elder law or estate planning, may be particularly well-suited to older students. Importantly, if you do hope to work at a firm after law school, think through whether you’d be willing and able to work the kinds of long, grueling hours that new hires are often subject to. If you have complex family commitments, it may not be for you.


One challenge that older students may face when entering law school is adapting to the demands of a rigorous academic program. However, many law schools offer resources and support services to help students succeed, including academic advising, tutoring, and writing centers. Additionally, older students may be better equipped to manage their time and balance their other responsibilities than their younger counterparts.


Finally, it is important to remember that age is not static. I know many 60-year-olds who have more pep, energy, focus, and drive than even the hungriest 25-year-old. As they say, age is just a number, and success in law school and beyond is largely dependent on one’s dedication, commitment, and passion for the law. There are many examples of successful attorneys who entered law school at an older age, including Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who began law school at the age of 21 but did not begin her legal career until she was in her late 30s.


In short, the core questions you ask when deciding whether to attend law school are the same that any applicant would: why law? Do I really want to do this? Can I pay for it? Is my life set up for the kind of commitment this entails? Do I have a plan for after? In itself, age should not be a barrier to pursuing a career in law. While there may be certain challenges and considerations that are unique to older students, there are many resources and support systems available to help them succeed. With dedication, hard work, and a passion for the law, older students can successfully navigate law school and go on to have fulfilling and rewarding careers as attorneys.


  1. “Age Distribution of Law Students.” Law School Admission Council,
  2. “Am I Too Old for Law School?” Law School Admission Council, 2022,
  3. “Is There a ‘Best’ Age for Law School?” ABA for Law Students, 2021,
  4. “When Is It Too Late to Go to Law School?” U.S. News & World Report, 2022,
  5. “Too Old for Law School? Think Again.” Kaplan Test Prep, 2022,
  6. “Is It Too Late to Become a Lawyer?” The Balance Careers, 2022,
  7. “Am I Too Old for Law School?” The Princeton Review, 2022,
  8. “When Is It Too Late to Go to Law School?” Medscape, 2021,
  9. “Is There an Ideal Age for Law School?” Top Law Schools, 2022,
  10. “Am I Too Old for Law School?” ThoughtCo, 2022,
  11. “The Pros and Cons of Going to Law School Later in Life.” Noodle, 2019,
  12. “Starting Law School Later in Life.” American Bar Association, 2019,
  13. “Too Old for Law School?” Law School Toolbox, 2021,
  14. “Is It Ever Too Late to Go to Law School?” Prospective Law Students, 2022,
  15. “How to Navigate Law School as an Older Student.” American Bar Association, 2018,
  16. “Never Too Late: 6 Stories of Older Students Who Went to Law School.” National Jurist, 2018,
  17. “Going to Law School Later in Life.” Attorney at Work, 2020,
  18. “Is It Too Late to Become a Lawyer?” All Law, 2022,

How to Get Advice for Your Personal Statement

A cartoon illustrating a 'Frankenstein Essay' scenario. A student holding a disjointed essay with visible seams and patches, resembling Frankenstein's monster. Surrounding the student are a roommate, a professor, a premed advisor, a friend, and a parent, all giving conflicting advice. The student looks confused and overwhelmed. The background includes a messy desk with books, notes, and a laptop.
Beware the dreaded “Frankenstein Essay”!

         Since founding Gurufi in 2008, I have helped clients fix, tighten, and rework probably 15,000 personal statements. Because I’ve had so many reps, I can instantly spot what I’ve come to call “the Frankenstein Essay.”

         These essays are distinctive for their abrupt change of voice, inexplicable jumps between narratives, and the overall sense that I’m not reading a single coherent essay, but rather a weird amalgam pieced together from the parts of five or six different sources. Whenever I get one of these, I’ll ask a client, “so, how many people did you show the first draft of your personal statement to?” Without fail, they’ll tell me that they showed everybody they could think of who might help: their roommate, a professor, the school’s premed / pre-law advisor, etc.

         This is a huge mistake.

         Look, it’s understandable that once you’ve finished your personal statement, you may feel a little apprehensive about what you have written, and as such it is only reasonable to seek out second and third opinions in order to make sure that you have overlooked nothing, the prose is tight, and you have made a compelling case for your candidacy.  But, just as an excellent revision and editing can make an average essay excellent, bad editing can wreck an essay. On such occasions, one is smart to heed the old aphorism that ‘too many cooks spoil the broth.’

         Once you have completed your first draft, you need to think carefully about how you go about using advice from other people.  Here are six pointers for how to get the best advice in order to turn your draft into an excellent final version you are proud of and happy with.

1.)  Be careful about who you pick.

Obviously, you want to get advice from someone who writes well, can be frank with you, and has some understanding of the field to which you are applying. If you choose to get advice from a boyfriend or your mother, for example, then be careful because they might give you an overly glowing review because of their esteem and love for you or may lack the qualifications to point out minor problems with your approach. Similarly, asking your English major friend to look at your Engineering graduate school essay is not a bad idea, but if you go that route, having someone involved in engineering (preferably in an academic capacity) also look at your essay is a good idea.

Good people to talk to are your academic advisor (if you are applying to graduate or professional schools) or guidance counselor (if you are applying to college).  I know that many people will take their essays to message boards and post them to see what people think of it. This is the one thing I would advise you NEVER to do. The problem here is that you have no real way to gauge someone’s level of expertise and you may get too much feedback from too many sources.

Which leads us to point #2…

  1. Don’t give it to too many people.

If you get critiques on your essay from 8-9 different people and you incorporate all of their suggestions, you will be pulled in too many directions and the essay will lose its sense of voice and focus. The old joke that a camel is a horse designed by committee applies here. Your essay cannot be everything to everyone, and you must accept this fact. There will always be something that someone would have done differently, so they will often naturally advise you that you should do something different than what you are doing.

  1. Ask follow-up questions

Whenever someone suggests a change, don’t be afraid to ask them about it. Sometimes you will agree with their rationale but disagree with the execution of the change. Also, through a conversation people will often help you see larger problems that you may have missed. People are often hesitant to give tough advice, and a friendly conversation can help you avoid this problem because by talking to someone, the person will see that you are serious about valuing their advice.

The most frequent form of advice that people will give is, “you should include _____.” Now, this is often useful advice, but because most personal statements have tight word caps, you can’t just add everything that might kinda-sorta be relevant. Thus, in my experience, one of the best questions you can ask is, “if you think that I should add ____, what do you think I should take out to make room for this new text?”

The reason is that writing is about choices, and just because something is relevant in the abstract doesn’t mean that it should be included in your essay. If their suggestion for what you should remove to make room for their suggested new text is something that you don’t think you can lose, then that may indicate that you should ignore this bit of advice.

Which brings us to Point #4:

  1. Don’t be afraid to ignore advice.

At the end of the day, this is *your* personal statement, and *your* future depends on how well you execute it. When someone suggests changes, consider their level of expertise (both as a writer and as a subject-matter expert), think about it carefully and, if you disagree, then don’t do it. Not every piece of advice given is good; often, you will receive terrible advice.

The final decision is yours, so take your role as the gatekeeper of advice seriously, and only let the best suggestions that work well with your theme, tone, approach and goal through.

  1. BUT, try to avoid pride of authorship

In my capacity as an admissions essay consultant, I often encounter customers who are furious when I tell them that they have things that they need to work on. It is almost as if they paid me $500 for me to tell them that their work was perfect, and they should not change a single letter.

Because a personal statement is so, well, personal, it can sometimes sting when someone gives you pointed advice. Try to see the bigger picture and embrace the process that will help you to move towards a better and stronger essay. Do your best not to see a critique of your essay as a criticism of you as a person, and rather see it as a positive moment that moves you one step closer to your goal.

  1. Consider using an essay editing service

They can be a bit expensive, but in the end, if you’re willing to tens -or even hundreds- of thousands of dollars on college or graduate school, spending a small fraction of that to get you into your desired school only makes sense. Getting into a top school, as opposed to an average one, is worth investing in.

Some things to consider:

-Make sure that they guarantee your satisfaction.

-Ask if they will work with you beyond just receiving a single revision back from you.  Often, it will take 2-3 exchanges with your editor to completely understand what you want to say, how you want to say it, and what core message you want to convey.

In the end, selecting the right editor / consultant is a personal choice about vibe and fit. We at understand that admissions can be a stressful and opaque process, and our editors are fantastic at working with you to produce a powerful essay that reflects your personality and aspirations.

For more help with your personal statement, check us out at Our personal statement editors and consultants have decades of experience helping clients get into top Masters and Ph.D. programs in STEM, humanities, fine arts, and social sciences. Our specialty is helping you craft compelling personal statements that move the needle in your admissions process! For questions, shoot us an email at Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

How Is a Graduate School Personal Statement Different?

A graduate school applicant sitting at a desk filled with books and papers, looking thoughtful and focused while writing a personal statement. The background shows shelves with academic journals, a computer with academic websites open, and a bulletin board with notes about different universities. The setting is a cozy study room with warm lighting, reflecting dedication and intellectual engagement.
A grad school personal statement is different!

How Is a Graduate School Personal Statement Different?


         Once you’ve decided to pursue a Ph.D., one of the challenges that you’ll face is that, unlike undergraduate, medical, law, or business school applications, there isn’t really a robust ecosystem offering lots of guidance to would-be applicants. Indeed, Gurufi is one of the few companies that provides consultation and assistance to graduate school applicants. Part of this has to do with subject matter fragmentation. That is, it just seems like an application for a doctoral Physics program at MIT should be very different than, say, a History program at Stanford. There is some truth to this (which is why we have consultants who are STEM PhDs as well as humanities and social science), and there are important subtle differences for how you should approach different kinds of graduate school applications, but graduate school applications as a whole differ in important ways from applications for colleges and professional schools.

I am that rare breed of expert who first attended law school (University of Michigan) then, after practicing briefly, I earned my PhD in History (Yale University). When I applied to graduate school, the process was far more nuanced and complicated, and I benefited immensely from the advice of people who had gone before me, whereas I had found law school applications quite straightforward. In future posts, I’ll cover some other aspects of graduate school applications that many applicants don’t know about, but today I just want to note what I see as the five most important factors that differentiate graduate school personal statements from professional school (law, medical, business, etc.) or college personal statements.

  1. Get the Tone Right

         For many applicants, the only advice they’ve ever been given about personal statements came when they were applying to college. College personal statements tend to be very much what you expect from a teenager who’s never actually done or experienced much in their lives: emotionally overwrought, zany, and all about having great “hooks” and a lot of puffery about what they’ve already accomplished and all that they’re going to achieve in life. There is a heavy emphasis on “personal,” and very little that could be classified as substantive. Fair enough, they’re 17 years old! But, if you’re applying to a high-level doctoral program, this is NOT the route you want to take!

         You can (and should) incorporate storytelling, and your essay should be engaging, optimistic, and passionate, but it also has to be mature and clear-eyed. In short, you need to show that you’re capable of doing high-level original thinking about a thin slice of a complex subject, and this means projecting gravitas. Humor, purple prose, or stories for their own sake are risky, and often ill-advised.

         When working with clients, I’ll often say, “this is for graduate school, not your Tinder profile.” In other words, the Admissions Committee isn’t trying to find a life partner or figure out the machinations of your soul; they’re trying to assess whether you have the talent to do difficult scholarship and an interesting perspective and set of germane experiences to build upon.

  1. You Need to Demonstrate Subject Matter Familiarity

         Unlike law school, where you can arrive with little to no real knowledge of the law, graduate programs operate under the assumption that you know something about the field and will arrive on Day 1 ready to engage with it. As such, how you discuss your field and the questions you want to pursue are really important. If you can signal work that you think is important and position yourself relative to scholars whose work you think is interesting, then that helps. Doubly so if those scholars you’re talking about are at the school you’re applying to (more on this next). A good rule of thumb is that the closer you can get in your personal statement to articulating what your eventual dissertation thesis will be, the better. Another way of thinking about this is that you are going to graduate school to acquire the intellectual tools to answer a question; what is that question? What do you think the answer is? Why? These are the sorts of questions that you can only really discuss if you’re familiar with the field.

  1. Applying to a Program, not Really to a School

         Okay, this one isn’t REALLY about the Personal Statement, but it’s worth keeping in mind. It’s hard not to be impressed by a brand name, but while top schools do have lots of top programs, don’t fall in love with brands. If the precise thing that you’re passionate about isn’t a strength at Harvard, don’t apply to Harvard. It may be that the University of Indiana or Georgia Tech (two perfectly good schools) are actually the best at what you’re interested in. Over and over, I’ve had clients who will either try to shoehorn their interests into what is offered at an Ivy League school or decide to pursue something else that they’re less interested in because it’s offered at a school they think is great. These are bad ideas. First, graduate school is a long hard slog, and if the school can’t support your particular intellectual interests, you’ll get frustrated and, frankly, you’ll probably quit. Likewise, if you elect to pursue something else just so that you can get a Princeton degree, it’s likely that in year 4 of your 7-year PhD program you’ll be so miserable that you’ll just decide you’ve had enough. A major contributor to the fact that only slightly more than 50% of doctoral candidates earn their PhD is that people aren’t thoughtful about selecting their program.

  1. Talk with specificity about why THAT program

         Given that you’re applying to a program, and not a school, you need to articulate why you want to attend thatschool. Importantly, this means avoiding generic sentences like, “Columbia’s excellent faculty, fist-rate facilities, and strong curriculum make it a compelling choice for me.” That just reeks of copy-paste text that could apply to any school. Instead, get specific about which professors you want to work with (I’ll have more on this later this week) and why, the specific programs and facilities that you want to use, and maybe even some of the coursework you hope to complete. So, the generic section above should instead say something like:

         “I would be excited to study under the direction of Prof. Jones, whose work on the instability of zeta particles in the CERN superconductor-supercollider poses complex questions about string theory. While working in the Jones Lab, I hope to have access to Columbia’s new high-frequency spectroscopy device so that I could explore whether similar conditions manifest in high-radiation environments.”

Note how (fake physics gibberish aside), a reader knows exactly “why Columbia?” and can picture what the applicant’s time within the program would look like.

  1. It’s Both an Intellectual and Personal History

As I noted above, it’s great to use storytelling to establish how you came to be interested in this particular subject. After all, graduate programs want people who will finish, and if you’re not passionate and excited about the field, you likely won’t. So, having early or formative experiences within a subject be the frame for your essay is a great idea.

But you also need to weave in your intellectual journey. What questions triggered this exploration? What books, ideas, studies, or intellectual problems have you found engaging, exasperating, or in desperate need of solution? If you answer these sorts of questions, and can fuse them with your personal narrative, you can produce an essay that moves the reader and allows them to understand your potential within the field and, importantly, like you as a person who shares their excitement for the subject.

You can see why I said that graduate school personal statements are more nuanced and complicated. And, frankly, my experience is that they’re just harder to write. Given the general rule that you shouldn’t exceed two single-spaced pages, this means you need to write with economy, structure, clarity, and punch. This is a high bar to clear, but if this is really your life’s passion (and if it isn’t, you shouldn’t apply), it’s well worth the work it requires to write, revise, and perfect a dynamite personal statement!

For more help with your personal statement, check us out at Our personal statement editors and consultants have decades of experience helping clients get into top Masters and Ph.D. programs in STEM, humanities, fine arts, and social sciences. Our specialty is helping you craft compelling personal statements that move the needle in your admissions process! For questions, shoot us an email at Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Ten Tips for Writing a Powerful Diversity Essay

10 Questions About Diversity Essays

A diverse group of students engaging in a lively discussion in a college setting, representing various ethnicities, genders, and backgrounds, highlighting their unique identities and perspectives.
Schools care a lot about diversity, so give real care to your Diversity Statement!

Perhaps no part of college or graduate school applications confuses people more than the diversity statement. Since we began helping applicants in 2008, Gurufi has helped hundreds of candidates craft compelling diversity statements, but so many times our consultations begin with them asking, “what am I even supposed to write here!?!?” This is especially true of international applicants applying to American schools, where discussions of diversity are more important.

In short, diversity statements offer a platform for applicants to highlight their unique backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives, demonstrating how they can contribute to a diverse and inclusive academic environment. Schools have repeatedly professed a desire in the educational benefits of diverse classes, so they use these statements to help build incoming cohorts that reflect a range of experiences, backgrounds, ethnicities, genders, and beliefs. Given this, how should you approach writing a powerful, honest, and effective diversity statement? In this blog post, we address ten common questions about diversity essays, providing insights and tips to help you craft a compelling and effective essay.

1. What is the purpose of a diversity essay?

The purpose of a diversity essay is to provide admissions committees with a deeper understanding of your unique background and experiences, and how these have shaped your perspectives and contributions. It allows you to showcase your ability to contribute to the diversity of the academic community and how your unique experiences have prepared you to succeed in a diverse environment. This essay helps the committee understand the value you bring to the institution beyond your academic achievements.

These essays emerged out of a changing American legal landscape where affirmative action (the country’s decades-old system of bringing greater racial and ethnic diversity to various educational and professional positions) was challenged and limited in certain ways. In short, schools can no longer ask applicants for their race for purposes of admission, BUT they may take a broader view of background as expressed through personal statements and diversity statements. Thus, to put a crass outcome-focused spin on it: if you’re from a background that’s traditionally underrepresented, here is a good place to explain that so that you can be identified as an applicant who, while otherwise qualified and prepared, would also add to the school’s diversity.

2. How can I effectively showcase my unique background in a diversity essay?

To effectively showcase your unique background, focus on specific experiences that highlight your identity, culture, and personal journey. You can’t just say, “I’m Black” or “I’m gay.” You have do the additional work of providing a narrative or story that makes clear how this demographic reality has shaped your experience, worldview, or aspirations. Discuss challenges you have faced and overcome, and how these experiences have transformed you or altered your trajectory. Be honest and authentic in your storytelling, and provide concrete examples that illustrate your unique perspective and contributions. Reflect on how your background has influenced your academic and professional goals and how you plan to leverage these experiences in your future endeavors.

3. What are some common topics for diversity essays?

Common topics for diversity essays include:
1. **Cultural Background:** Discuss your cultural heritage, traditions, and how they have influenced your identity.
2. **Challenges and Overcoming Adversity:** Describe significant obstacles you have faced and how you overcame them.
3. **Unique Experiences:** Highlight experiences that are unique to your background, such as growing up in a diverse community or being a first-generation college student.
4. **Community Involvement:** Share your involvement in community service or advocacy efforts that reflect your commitment to diversity and inclusion.
5. **Personal Growth:** Reflect on moments of personal growth that have shaped your values and perspective on diversity.

If you’re not from an underrepresented background and write an essay like this, then you have one of two choices. First, you can take a more expansive view of diversity that might include diversity of opinion, professional experience, or other aspects of your background. Second, (and far more complicated!!) you could acknowledge that you don’t come from such a background, but talk in substantive ways about how you have and will contribute to supporting diverse populations.

4. How can I connect my personal experiences to my academic goals in a diversity essay?

Connecting your personal experiences to your academic goals involves reflecting on how your background has influenced your academic interests and career aspirations. Discuss specific experiences that sparked your passion for your chosen field and how they have prepared you for academic success. Explain how your unique perspective will contribute to the academic community and how the program you are applying to will help you achieve your goals. Highlight any relevant skills, insights, or perspectives gained from your experiences that are applicable to your academic and professional aspirations.

I often ask clients to “tell me your origin story,” as though they’re a superhero who has to explain why they’ve elected to pursue this path. Thinking of background this way can provide ideas for a unique diversity statement.

5. What mistakes should I avoid in a diversity essay?

Common mistakes to avoid in a diversity essay include:
1. **Being Vague:** Avoid broad generalizations and provide specific examples and detailed descriptions. The best way to avoid this pitfall is through thoughtfully selected stories.
2. **Overemphasis on Hardships:** While discussing challenges is important, balance this with reflections on growth, resilience, and positive outcomes. Whatever challenge you’ve faced, the most important part of that story is your response to it.
3. **Ignoring the Prompt:** Ensure your essay addresses the specific question or prompt provided by the application.
4. **Neglecting to Proofread:** Spelling and grammatical errors can detract from your professionalism. Proofread your essay multiple times and consider having others review it.
5. **Lack of Authenticity:** Be genuine and honest in your writing, avoiding exaggerated or fabricated experiences. This is a real problem because often people don’t know what to write so they simply regurgitate what they expect their audience wants to hear.

6. How can I make my diversity essay stand out?

To make your diversity essay stand out, focus on authenticity, clarity, and compelling storytelling. Here are some tips:
1. **Be Yourself:** Let your unique voice and personality shine through your writing.
2. **Tell a Story:** Use a narrative structure to make your essay more engaging. Share specific anecdotes that highlight your key qualities and experiences.
3. **Show, Don’t Just Tell:** Use concrete examples to illustrate your points rather than making broad statements.
4. **Connect the Dots:** Clearly link your past experiences, present motivations, and future goals.
5. **Tailor to Each School:** Customize your essay for each program, highlighting why you are a great fit for their specific offerings.

7. How should I structure my diversity essay?

As with any essay, there is no set way that you MUST structure it. Rather, there are easier and harder ways, and ways that are better or worse suited for the kinds of things you want to emphasize. If that was a frustratingly vague answer, here is a sample(and only one; yours doesn’t have to be this way!) format you can use for your essay:

  1. **Introduction:** Start with a compelling story that captures the reader’s attention and introduces the main theme of your essay. Don’t try to write a hook. Those come across as gimmicky and forced.
    2. **Body:** Divide the body into several paragraphs, each focusing on a specific aspect of your background, experiences, and goals. Use this section to provide detailed examples and reflections.
    3. **Conclusion:** Summarize the key points of your essay and reiterate how your unique experiences will contribute to the academic community. End with a strong closing statement that leaves a lasting impression. A good tip is to return to your introduction and look at the ideas, words, phrases, and images you used. Select some to sprinkle throughout your conclusion. This will give the essay a sense of completeness, of coming full circle… as opposed to just stopping.

8. How can I highlight my contributions to diversity in a diversity essay?

Highlighting your contributions to diversity involves discussing specific actions you have taken to promote diversity and inclusion. Share examples of your involvement in diversity-related initiatives, advocacy efforts, or community service projects. Explain the impact of these activities and how they reflect your commitment to fostering an inclusive environment. Reflect on what you have learned from these experiences and how they have prepared you to contribute to the diversity of the academic community you are applying to.

9. What role does storytelling play in a diversity essay?

Storytelling plays a crucial role in a diversity essay as it makes your experiences and insights more relatable and engaging. Using a narrative approach allows you to illustrate your points with vivid, concrete examples that capture the reader’s interest. Stories help to humanize your essay, making it easier for the admissions committee to connect with you on a personal level. Effective storytelling involves setting the scene, describing the challenge or experience, and reflecting on the outcome and lessons learned.

10. How do I conclude a diversity essay effectively?

Concluding a diversity essay effectively involves reinforcing the key themes of your essay and leaving a lasting impression. Here’s how to craft a strong conclusion:
1. **Summarize Key Points:** Briefly recap the main themes of your essay without repeating them verbatim.
2. **Restate Your Contributions:** Reiterate how your unique background and experiences will contribute to the academic community.
3. **End on a Strong Note:** Use a powerful closing statement or call to action that underscores your enthusiasm and readiness to contribute to a diverse and inclusive environment.

Writing a compelling diversity essay requires thoughtful reflection and a clear presentation of your unique experiences and contributions. By addressing these common questions and incorporating the advice provided, you can craft an essay that authentically represents your background and demonstrates your commitment to diversity and inclusion. Remember to be genuine, specific, and reflective in your writing, and you will create a compelling narrative that resonates with admissions committees.

For more help with your personal statement, check us out at Our personal statement editors and consultants have decades of experience helping clients get into top Masters and Ph.D. programs in STEM, humanities, fine arts, and social sciences. Our specialty is helping you craft compelling personal statements that move the needle in your admissions process! For questions, shoot us an email at Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Three Tips for Scholarship Essays

A stressed graduate student sits at a cluttered desk with papers, scholarship applications, and a laptop. The student is holding a pen and jotting notes on a notecard, with symbols of leadership, community involvement, and achievements in the background, including a trophy, a community service medal, and a graduation cap. A thought bubble shows images of dollar signs and a graduation gown.
Getting a scholarship is often as stressful as getting in.

At Gurufi, we know that getting in is often only half the battle! Paying for it can be just as -if not more- stressful as applying. With the average cost of graduate school starting at nearly $50,000, getting a scholarship is an important way to defray costs and save a little money, as well as bolster your resume for the future. Writing an impressive scholarship statement is essential to your success, and keeping these tips in mind will put you on the right path.


Identify the key themes appropriately and use language that reinforces those themes. This can’t be stressed enough. Read the statement and make sure you understand exactly what they’re asking for. Most scholarship applications will explain precisely what kind of person they feel meets their qualifications, and all you have to do is interpret that correctly. While it will vary from essay question to essay question, you’ll typically see key themes related to leadership, community involvement, or milestones/successes in life. So that you don’t miss them, it’s a great idea to write these key themes on a notecard and brainstorm each one. Identify stories, successes, or key pivotal moments in your life or professional / academic journey that demonstrate these themes or attributes. Repeat the theme in your thesis statement and use it as the backbone for your whole essay.


Know your audience and cater to them. You’re not writing an essay that has to appeal to thousands of people. This is a targeted piece of writing designed to evoke a positive response from at most, a large committee, and at least, one or two individuals. This audience has a specific goal, and that goal is to find an applicant or applicants who they feel, in their completely subjective opinion, accurately and appropriately represent the organization, charity, company, group, estate, individual or other entity who will be providing the scholarship. Cater your language, your words, your stories, and your approach directly to this narrow audience. As long as you’re able to do this without pandering, your words will resonate with the committee in a positive way, and that can only help.


Make it personal. Your ultimate goal with a scholarship essay is to ask a committee of people to see you as something more than words on a page. You want them to see you as a person – a student, striving for success and overcoming burdens one at a time as you work hard and tire thanklessly to achieve your dreams. As you give examples in ways you’ve demonstrated leadership, or helped your community, or achieved certain goals in life, be specific. Show how these events impacted you emotionally and personally, and don’t be afraid to let your passion show through.

These three tips will provide you with some guidance as you tackle your scholarship essays. Remember, too, that sincerity and enthusiasm go a lot further than flattery and exaggeration, so be honest and transparent as you write. These committees don’t expect someone perfect – they want to find someone who they’ll be proud to call a scholarship recipient as you grow and succeed in life. Show them that you’re someone worth investing in.

For more help with your personal statement, check us out at Our personal statement editors and consultants have decades of experience helping clients get into top Masters and Ph.D. programs in STEM, humanities, fine arts, and social sciences. Our specialty is helping you craft compelling personal statements that move the needle in your admissions process! For questions, shoot us an email at Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Ten Tips for Your Grad School Writing Sample

Colorful cartoon of students working on their graduate school writing samples in a cozy study space with the help of an experienced editor from Gurufi. The students are smiling and focused, surrounded by books, laptops, and coffee cups, while the friendly editor offers guidance. Text overlay: 'Refine Your Writing Sample with Gurufi – Your Path to Graduate School Success!
Your writing sample is a central part of your application… so you better get it right!
Many graduate programs, particularly in the humanities and social sciences, request that applicants submit a writing sample. At Gurufi, our experienced editor have helped scores of successful applicants refine their writing samples and earn admission to top schools. Here we go over ten common questions that people have about writing samples and provide ideas for how you can make this a strength of your application.


Graduate school writing samples are an integral part of many applications, providing a window into your academic abilities, research skills, and potential for success in a rigorous academic environment. In this blog post, we address ten common questions about graduate school writing samples, offering guidance on how to select, craft, and present a strong sample that enhances your application.

1. What is the purpose of a graduate school writing sample?

The purpose of a graduate school writing sample is to demonstrate your writing ability, analytical skills, and readiness for graduate-level work. It allows the admissions committee to assess your capacity to engage with complex ideas, conduct thorough research, and communicate your findings effectively. The writing sample provides a concrete example of your academic capabilities and helps the committee determine if you are well-suited for the demands of their program and have sophisticated insights into the kind of complex issues that people engage with, especially within Ph.D. programs.

2. How do I choose the best writing sample for my graduate school application?

In short, you need to pick a writing sample that is germane, excellent, polished, and ideally is also representative of the kind of work you aspire to do. Showcase your strengths. To this end, consider the following tips:
1. **Relevance:** Choose a sample that is relevant to the field of study you are applying for. This demonstrates your knowledge and interest in the subject area. Even if you wrote an awesome paper for your American History class, that might not be the best choice for a Sociology graduate program.
2. **Quality:** Select a well-written piece that reflects your best work. Ensure it is free of errors and well-organized. Importantly, even if you got strong marks on the essay, you should spend a week or two refining it and revising it. Perhaps even think about tweaking it to align perfectly with the school you’re submitting it to and the strengths of that program.
3. **Length:** Follow the program’s guidelines regarding the length of the writing sample. If no guidelines are provided, a typical length is 10-20 pages.
4. **Originality:** Choose a piece that highlights your original thinking and research skills. This could be a research paper, a thesis chapter, or a critical essay.

3. What should I include in the introduction of my writing sample?

First, remember that if you are choosing a topic that’s germane to the field you’re applying to, you can expect for your reader to be quite familiar with the core ideas. That said, it would be helpful to include the prompt / assignment description if there is one. Otherwise, the writing should speak for itself as a coherent and internally consistent document, so the things that make a strong introduction in any essay apply to this one.

The introduction of your writing sample should provide a clear and concise overview of the topic, the research question or thesis, and the significance of your work. It should set the context for your research and outline the structure of the paper. The introduction should engage the reader and provide a roadmap for what to expect in the rest of the document.

4. How can I demonstrate my research skills in my writing sample?

To demonstrate your research skills, ensure your writing sample includes a well-defined research question or thesis, a comprehensive literature review, and (if relevant) a robust methodology section. Use credible sources and provide proper citations to support your arguments. Present your findings clearly and analyze the data effectively. Highlight your ability to synthesize information and draw insightful conclusions from your research.

It’s a good idea to talk to the professor for whom you originally wrote the paper and ask them for additional input on how they can strengthen the text for this particular purpose and school. Think about additional research you can do, if necessary, to demonstrate knowledge of the field.

5. What are common mistakes to avoid in a graduate school writing sample?

Common mistakes to avoid in a graduate school writing sample include:
1. **Poor Organization:** Ensure your paper is well-structured with clear headings and logical flow.
2. **Weak Thesis:** Present a strong and focused thesis or research question.
3. **Insufficient Analysis:** Provide thorough analysis and avoid simply summarizing sources.
4. **Lack of Clarity:** Write clearly and concisely, avoiding jargon and overly complex sentences.
5. **Grammatical Errors:** Proofread your sample multiple times to eliminate any spelling or grammatical errors. This really should not happen. For a paper of this importance, you should go over it a dozen or more times, looking for any errors.

6. How long should my graduate school writing sample be?

Most applications will specify a length. The length of your graduate school writing sample should follow the guidelines provided by the program you are applying to. If no specific length is mentioned, a typical writing sample ranges from 10 to 20 pages. Ensure that the sample is long enough to demonstrate your ability to conduct in-depth research and analysis, but not so long that it overwhelms the reader. Quality is more important than quantity, so focus on presenting a well-written and cohesive piece.

If your best writing came in a 60-page thesis, for instance, then think about whether your best approach is to reduce that down to 20 pages or whether you should select an excellent 20-page representative section. Ideally that section would be relatively self-sustaining, perhaps with a page or so of explanation that it was taken from a larger text for which you provide sufficient context and explanation.

7. How can I make my writing sample stand out?

To make your writing sample stand out, focus on the following aspects:
1. **Originality:** Present original ideas and perspectives that demonstrate your intellectual curiosity and critical thinking skills.
2. **Clarity:** Write clearly and concisely, ensuring your arguments are easy to follow.
3. **Relevance:** Choose a topic that is relevant to your field of study and showcases your expertise.
4. **Analysis:** Provide thorough and insightful analysis that goes beyond surface-level observations.
5. **Professionalism:** Ensure your sample is polished, well-formatted, and free of errors.

8. What role does the writing sample play in the admissions process?

The writing sample plays a crucial role in the admissions process as it provides tangible evidence of your academic abilities and potential for success in graduate school. It allows the admissions committee to evaluate your writing skills, research capabilities, and ability to engage with complex topics. A strong writing sample can significantly enhance your application by demonstrating your readiness for graduate-level work and your fit for the program.

In many programs, the writing sample determines which professor reviews your application, so be sure to account for that in terms of how you frame your admissions strategy.

9. How should I format my graduate school writing sample?

Personally, I don’t think this one matters much. As long as your formatting is clean and consistent, you should be fine. That said, some people believe that you should format your graduate school writing sample following academic standards and any specific guidelines provided by the program. Here are some general tips:
1. **Font and Spacing:** Use a standard font such as Times New Roman, 12-point size, and double-spacing.
2. **Margins:** Use 1-inch margins on all sides.
3. **Headings:** Use clear headings and subheadings to organize your paper.
4. **Citations:** Follow a consistent citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago) and include a bibliography or reference list.
5. **Title Page:** Include a title page with your name, the title of the paper, and any other required information.

10. How do I address feedback and revisions in my writing sample?

Addressing feedback and revisions is an important part of preparing a strong writing sample. Here’s how to approach it:
1. **Seek Feedback Early:** Share your draft with professors, mentors, or peers to get constructive feedback.
2. **Be Open to Criticism:** Accept feedback with an open mind and consider how it can improve your work.
3. **Revise Thoroughly:** Make necessary revisions to strengthen your arguments, clarify your writing, and correct any errors.
4. **Proofread Again:** After revising, proofread your sample multiple times to ensure it is polished and error-free.


A well-crafted graduate school writing sample is a key component of your application, showcasing your academic abilities and research skills. By addressing these common questions and incorporating the advice provided, you can select and prepare a writing sample that effectively demonstrates your potential for success in graduate school. Remember to be thoughtful, thorough, and reflective in your writing, and you will create a compelling sample that enhances your application.

For more help with your writing sample, CV, or personal statement, check us out at Our personal statement editors and consultants have decades of experience helping clients get into top Masters and Ph.D. programs in STEM, humanities, fine arts, and social sciences. Our specialty is helping you craft compelling personal statements that move the needle in your admissions process! For questions, shoot us an email at Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Mastering the MBA Personal Statement: From CV to Compelling Story

Crafting an MBA personal statement can be daunting. For many applicants, it’s the most uncomfortable part of the application process, transforming a straightforward CV into a compelling narrative. Yet, mastering this challenge is crucial for standing out in a competitive field. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you navigate from your CV to a polished personal statement.

The Right Mindset

Your personal statement is about your future. Unlike a CV, which lists past achievements, your essay should articulate a clear, specific, and feasible plan for your future. This plan should align with the strengths and resources of the schools you are applying to, guiding your selection of stories and experiences to highlight.

Begin by asking yourself: “What do I want to become and do?” Then, follow up with: “What specifically do I need to learn to make that happen?” and “What is the foundation that has prepared me to pursue this knowledge?” Your past achievements matter, but only in the context of how they have prepared you for your future goals.

The One Big Question: Storytelling

The heart of your personal statement lies in storytelling. Rather than providing a breadth of experiences, focus on a few well-chosen stories that convey your traits and readiness for your goals. Ask yourself:

  1. What traits am I trying to convey?
  2. How can I demonstrate that I’m ready to pursue my given goal?
  3. What stories convey those traits and demonstrate your preparedness?

Remember, showing is more effective than telling. Instead of stating, “I have great entrepreneurial instincts,” show it through a story, like, “When Jane and I built Xenotech, we identified an unserved niche in the market and created a plan to service it.” A compelling story should make clear the trait you’re trying to convey without explicitly stating it.

Building and Writing Great Stories

Every personal statement must answer the clear “why?” questions:

  • Why MBA?
  • Why now?
  • What is your vision for the future?
  • What experiences or potential do you have that supports this vision?

Incorporate “the steak and the sizzle” into your stories. The “steak” includes a clear rationale for why you need an MBA, why now is the right time, and evidence of your ability or potential, grounded in past experiences. This foundation ensures you are not bragging but demonstrating your qualifications.

The “sizzle” adds passion, excitement, and personality to your stories. Showcase human moments and personal interactions that reveal your leadership, learning, and moments of loss. Avoid being all steak or all sizzle. All steak with no sizzle is boring and misses the chance to let your personality shine. Conversely, all sizzle with no steak comes off as emotional but lacking substance.

Your Plan of Attack

  1. Get a Notebook: Write down your aspirations and the traits or skills you hope to acquire or build upon.
  2. Identify Stories: List instances where you demonstrated or failed to demonstrate these traits. Failure can be a powerful source for a compelling essay.
  3. Connect the Dots: For each trait, find a story that shows your excellence and readiness to achieve your goals.

Final Hints

Before you start outlining, have a clear sense of what you hope to emphasize. Distill your core positioning down to 2-3 sentences. Use brainstorming and freewriting to generate useful content. Remember, your core task is storytelling.


Mastering the MBA personal statement requires a balance of clear planning and engaging storytelling. By focusing on your future goals, selecting meaningful stories, and blending rational arguments with personal passion, you can create a compelling narrative that stands out. For more tips and personalized guidance, check out, where we’ve helped over 10,000 applicants achieve their dream schools. Good luck!

Admissions Consultant Answers 10 Common Questions About MBA Personal Statements

A cartoon of a friendly admissions consultant answering questions from a diverse group of MBA applicants, with a whiteboard labeled 'MBA Personal Statement Tips' in the background.
Use These Ten Tips to Supercharge Your Personal Statement

When I agreed to respond to ten common questions that MBA applicants had, I promised that I wouldn’t say “it depends” to every question… even though there isn’t just one right way to do things! That said, here are my responses to the 10 most common questions I’ve been asked in seminars and various other places where I work with clients.

As with most aspects of an MBA application, you can absolutely do this yourself, provided you’re a decent-to-strong writer and have the time and patience to get this right. If you’re not confident, then by all means, getting professional is a smart idea. At Gurufi, we’ve been doing this 2008, and in that time we’ve helped thousands of applicants get into their dreams schools, from Wharton and Harvard to the full range of part-time and executive MBA programs.

1. What is the most important element of an MBA personal statement?

The most important element of an MBA personal statement is authenticity. Admissions committees are looking for genuine insights into who you are, what motivates you, and how an MBA fits into your career aspirations. Authenticity helps convey your true personality, values, and goals, making your personal statement more relatable and compelling. Avoid trying to fit into a perceived mold of what an ‘ideal’ candidate should be; instead, focus on presenting your unique experiences and perspectives.

Though applicants tend not to think about this, you should also view this process as two-way: schools are assessing you, but you’re also using the various phases of the application to assess whether you would thrive at a given school. If you’re inauthentic, you’re unlikely to find a school that positions you for happiness and sustained excellence.

2. How can I demonstrate leadership in my MBA personal statement?

Tell stories of times when you demonstrated key elements of leadership! This typically involves highlighting specific examples of times when you have taken initiative, influenced others, and made a meaningful impact. Use concrete stories from your professional or extracurricular experiences to illustrate your leadership abilities. Describe the challenges you faced, the actions you took, and the outcomes of your efforts. Additionally, reflect on what these experiences taught you about leadership and how they have prepared you for future leadership roles in your career.

I have found that telling one or two stories really well, with well-chosen details and thoughtful self-reflection, is a more effective way to project your leadership abilities than listing off accomplishments. (save that for your CV!)

3. What mistakes should I avoid in my MBA personal statement?

Some common mistakes to avoid in your MBA personal statement include:
1. **Being too generic:** Avoid using clichés or generic statements that could apply to any applicant. Instead, focus on specific details that are unique to your experiences.
2. **Lack of focus:** Ensure that your personal statement has a clear and coherent narrative. Avoid jumping between unrelated topics. Every essay should have one clear, central theme or thread that connects everything.
3. **Neglecting to proofread:** Spelling and grammatical errors can undermine your professionalism. Proofread your essay multiple times and consider having someone else review it.
4. **Overemphasis on accomplishments:** While it’s important to highlight your achievements, don’t come across as arrogant. Balance your successes with reflections on your growth and areas for improvement.

4. How should I structure my MBA personal statement?

The real answer is that there’s not one correct way to do it, necessarily. For instance, you need not adhere to strict chronology. In fact, if done thoughtfully, you can jump around so long as your theme and progression come across clearly. But, if you’re just looking for a template, you can use this one:

  1. **Introduction:** Start with a compelling story that captures the reader’s attention and introduces the main theme of your essay. DO NOT think in terms of hooks or overly dramatic or clever openings. They more often come across as cheesy or forced.
    2. **Body:** Divide the body into several paragraphs, each focusing on a specific aspect of your background, experiences, and goals. Use this section to provide detailed examples of your leadership, accomplishments, and learning experiences. For each paragraph, ask yourself three questions:

-How does this further my application?

-What does it say about me?

-How does it connect with the paragraphs before and after?

An essay that flows has clear, strong, and compelling answers to these questions.

  1. **Conclusion:** Summarize the key points of your essay and reiterate how an MBA will help you achieve your career aspirations. End with a strong closing statement that leaves a lasting impression. The best way to do this is to return to your introduction and sprinkle in words, references, or ideas that you began with. This helps to give the essay a sense of conclusion, and not just that it ends abruptly.

5. How can I highlight my career goals in an MBA personal statement?

To effectively highlight your career goals in your MBA personal statement, be specific about your short-term and long-term objectives. Explain how your past experiences have shaped these goals and why you are passionate about pursuing them. Discuss how an MBA from the specific program you are applying to will help you achieve your aspirations. Mention any particular courses, faculty members, or resources at the school that align with your career plans. This demonstrates that you have done your research and are genuinely interested in the program.

6. What role do extracurricular activities play in an MBA personal statement?

Extracurricular activities play a significant role in an MBA personal statement as they provide a fuller picture of who you are beyond your professional achievements. They can demonstrate leadership, teamwork, and time management skills. Highlight any roles where you took initiative, led a team, or made a significant impact. Discuss what you learned from these experiences and how they have prepared you for the challenges of an MBA program and your future career. Do be careful about just stuffing in stuff that isn’t relevant, though.

7. How can I make my MBA personal statement stand out?

Tell great stories and give a compelling vision of your FUTURE. The best piece of advice I can give to personal statement writers is that “the personal statement is about your future.” If you focus only on your past, it’s just a narrative CV. Obviously, you need to build the essay by referencing your past because past accomplishments / trajectory give context and credibility to your vision for your future.

Lastly, to make your MBA personal statement stand out, focus on authenticity, clarity, and compelling storytelling. Here are some tips:
1. **Be Yourself:** Let your unique voice and personality shine through your writing.
2. **Tell a Story:** Use a narrative structure to make your essay more engaging. Share specific anecdotes that highlight your key qualities and experiences.
3. **Show, Don’t Just Tell:** Use concrete examples to illustrate your points rather than making broad statements.
4. **Connect the Dots:** Clearly link your past experiences, present motivations, and future goals.
5. **Tailor to Each School:** Customize your personal statement for each program, highlighting why you are a great fit for their specific offerings.

8. How do I address a gap in my resume in my MBA personal statement?

Addressing a gap in your resume in your MBA personal statement involves honesty and framing the gap in a positive light. Briefly explain the reason for the gap without making excuses. Focus on what you did during that time, whether it was gaining new skills, volunteering, or personal development. Highlight any productive activities or learning experiences that occurred during the gap and how they have prepared you for an MBA program.

9. What are some tips for writing a compelling introduction for an MBA personal statement?

A compelling introduction sets the tone for your MBA personal statement and grabs the reader’s attention. Here are some tips:
1. Be willing to play with chronology. Think about the most pivotal moment in your professional life, and begin there. Tell that story. From there, you can in subsequent paragraphs rewind, reset, and contextualize. Use an interesting fact, a quote, or a brief anecdote to draw the reader in.
2. **Set the Scene:** Provide some context for your story or background.
3. **Introduce Your Main Theme:** Clearly indicate the main theme or message of your essay.
4. **Be Concise:** Keep the introduction short and to the point, leading smoothly into the body of your essay.

10. How should I conclude my MBA personal statement?

Your conclusion should reinforce the key points of your MBA personal statement and leave a lasting impression. Here’s how to craft a strong conclusion:
1. **Summarize Key Points:** Briefly recap the main themes of your essay without repeating them verbatim.
2. **Restate Your Goals:** Reiterate your career goals and how the MBA program will help you achieve them.
3. **End on a Strong Note:** Use a powerful closing statement or call to action that underscores your enthusiasm and readiness for the MBA program.

Writing an effective MBA personal statement requires careful thought, reflection, and planning. By addressing these common questions and incorporating the advice provided, you can craft a personal statement that authentically represents you, highlights your strengths, and demonstrates your readiness for the challenges and opportunities of an MBA program. Remember to be genuine, specific, and reflective in your writing, and you will create a compelling narrative that resonates with admissions committees.

For more help with your personal statement, check us out at Our personal statement editors and consultants have decades of experience helping clients get into top MBA programs. Our specialty is helping you craft compelling personal statements that move the needle in your admissions process! For questions, shoot us an email at Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Ten Mistakes to Avoid in Your Medical School Personal Essay

A cartoon of a stressed-out student sitting at a cluttered desk with a laptop, books, papers, and a coffee cup, showing a worried expression with a thought bubble containing 5300 characters, a doctor, a hospital, and a ticking clock.
5300 Characters Can Determine Your Life!

5300 characters. That’s all you have. After years spent taking demanding prerequisites, stuffing your CV full of volunteer, research, and clinical experiences, and studying for months for the MCAT, you have 5300 characters -about 700 words- to tell the admissions committee why they should take you. No pressure.

In our 18 years of helping clients build compelling personal statements for medical school, we have seen people make just about every mistake you can imagine. Sometimes people make amazing new ones, but mostly they tend to make the same ones that most of their fellow applicants make. Avoiding these mistakes can help you create a stronger, more effective personal statement. Here are some typical errors and advice on how to avoid them:

1. Being Too Generic

One of the most common mistakes is writing a generic personal statement that could apply to any applicant. Admissions committees read thousands of essays, so it’s essential to make yours stand out. Avoid clichés and broad statements like “I want to help people” or “I have always been passionate about medicine.”

Don’t open with a bedside story about the night your grandma died and please avoid, at all costs, the phrase “tears in her eyes…” Yes, you do need to provide specific examples and personal anecdotes that highlight your unique journey and motivations, but do it in a way that features how you really felt and acted, and not how you think the AdCom wants to see you or how you imagine the scene might play out in a Hallmark Channel Christmas movie.

  1. Focusing Too Much on Others

    While it’s important to acknowledge the influence of mentors, family members, or patients, your personal statement should primarily focus on you. Thus the “personal” in “personal statement.” Avoid spending too much time discussing other people’s achievements or stories. Admissions committees want to learn about your experiences, qualities, and aspirations. Make sure your essay centers on your journey and how it has prepared you for a career in medicine.

It’s fine if you weren’t the MVP of the team or the leader of the group. Focus on what you DID do, the role you played, and what it taught you.

  1. Listing Experiences Without Reflection

    A great personal statement is far more than just a narrative CV. Simply listing your experiences and accomplishments is not enough. Admissions committees are looking for reflection and insight. Explain the significance of each experience and how it has shaped your decision to pursue medicine. Discuss the skills and lessons you have gained and how they have prepared you for medical school and a medical career.

A good rule of thumb is to “tell fewer stories better.” Instead of stuffing six stories into your essay, instead focus on two or three. Remember, you have your Work & Activities section and secondary essays to cover additional ground.

  1. Overemphasizing Academic Achievements

    While academic achievements are important, your personal statement should provide a holistic view of who you are. Avoid focusing solely on your academic successes. Highlight your extracurricular activities, volunteer work, research, clinical experiences, and personal interests. This approach demonstrates that you are a well-rounded individual with diverse experiences and skills.

Typically, you don’t even mention your grades or academic awards in a personal statement. The committee will already have that data, so no need to rehash it.

5. Neglecting to Address Motivations

Your essay needs, at some point, to answer the “why medicine?” question. Admissions committees want to understand why you are passionate about medicine and what drives you to pursue this challenging career. Failing to clearly articulate your motivations is a common mistake. Reflect on the experiences and values that have led you to this path and explain them compellingly. This clarity helps the committee see your genuine commitment to the field.

Importantly, if you have extensive experience within a field such as nursing or public health and you are looking to transition into a medical career, you need to make sure that your “why medicine?” also covers the “why not just keep working within public health?”

  1. Writing a Chronological Essay

    Your personal statement doesn’t HAVE TO be chronological. Avoid simply recounting your life story in order. Instead, focus on a few key experiences that have been pivotal in your decision to pursue medicine. Use these experiences to illustrate your qualities, motivations, and readiness for medical school. A thematic approach can make your essay more engaging and impactful. And, if done well, opening a bit further forward, then in your second paragraph doing a “soft reset” and telling your full story can be really effective.

    7. Using Complex Language and Jargon

    While it’s important to write professionally, using overly complex language or medical jargon can make your essay difficult to read. It also feels stiff and inhuman at a moment when you are trying to establish a sense of connection with your reader. Aim for clarity and simplicity. Write in a way that is accessible to a broad audience, including those who may not have a medical background. Clear and concise writing is more effective and demonstrates strong communication skills.

    8. Failing to Show Personal Growth

    Medical schools are looking for applicants who demonstrate personal growth and the ability to learn from experiences. Failing to show this growth is a missed opportunity. Reflect on the challenges you have faced and how you have overcome them. Discuss what you have learned from your experiences and how they have prepared you for a career in medicine. This reflection shows maturity and resilience.

    9. Not Proofreading Carefully

    Typos, grammatical errors, and awkward phrasing can detract from the quality of your personal statement. Not proofreading carefully is a common mistake that can be easily avoided. After writing your essay, take the time to proofread it multiple times.

  1. Not getting outside help.

Consider seeking feedback from mentors, peers, or professional consultants to catch any errors you might have missed. A polished, error-free essay reflects your attention to detail and professionalism. Obviously, this is something we can help you with at, but if you cannot afford outside services, then lean on people whose writing you trust and also see what resources your school provides, as many will help former graduates even some years after they leave.

For more help with your personal statement, check us out at Our personal statement editors and consultants have decades of experience helping clients get into top medical schools. Our specialty is helping you craft compelling personal statements that move the needle in your admissions process! For questions, shoot us an email at Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.