Ten Insider Tips for Your Medical School Personal Statement

A young adult appears stressed while sitting at a cluttered desk with medical textbooks, university application letters, and a laptop displaying an application page, symbolizing the challenging journey of medical school applications.
Embrace the journey, conquer the challenge. Your path to becoming a medical hero starts here. #MedSchoolDreams #FutureDoctor”


         How do you summarize your life and aspirations in just 5300 characters? With spring around the corner, this is the challenge facing thousands of medical school applicants. The AMCAS (American Medical College Application Service) personal statement is the central pillar of your application, where you explain your achievements and contextualize your life, so you don’t want to get it wrong. To this end, we at Gurufi are producing a free video series that we’ll start rolling out next week detailing how you should approach your AMCAS personal statement. In the meantime, here are some tips you can use to craft a more powerful personal statement. In the meantime, if you’re feeling stuck, feel free to contact us atservice@gurufi.com for help, or visit our website at Gurufi.com!

         Here are ten tips for making your personal statement pop!

  1. Clearly state your motivation for pursuing medicine: The first thing that a good AMCAS personal statement does well is clearly state the applicant’s motivation for pursuing medicine. This is an opportunity to express why you are interested in becoming a physician and what drives your passion for the field. Be specific and concise, and make sure that your motivation is evident throughout the essay.

You don’t, though, have to state this in the opening paragraph. Use good storytelling to make your essay stand out, and part of this means that you should avoid overly rote openings like “I want to become a doctor because…:” I made these three videos for MBA applicants, but most of the core ideas are relevant to med school personal statements. Check them out here, here, and here!

  1. Understand you can’t say everything. The horror of medical school applications is that there is just so much to do! The flip side, though, is that in addition to your primary personal statement, you also have the AMCAS Work & Activities Section, secondaries, and even letters of recommendation to highlight additional parts of your application. Because you have so many opportunities to talk about what you’ve done, do NOT try to overstuff your Personal Statement. Most good personal statements will have three beats: “origin story,” “relevant accomplishment,” and “why medicine?” This isn’t a hard-and-fast rule, but a useful rule of thumb. In other words, in your PS, look to cover a few things really well, and then use the Work & Activities and individual school secondaries to address additional themes and tell additional stories.

  1. Highlight your unique experiences and skills: A good AMCAS personal statement should also highlight the applicant’s unique experiences and skills. This could include experiences in healthcare, volunteering, research, or leadership positions. Be specific about the experiences and explain how they have shaped your understanding of medicine and your goals for the future.

  1. Show your personality: The AMCAS personal statement is a chance for you to show your personality and make a connection with the admissions committee. Use a clear and conversational tone to describe your experiences and motivations. Avoid using medical jargon and technical language, and instead, write in a way that is easily accessible by an intelligent reader who might not be familiar with your particular area that you’re talking about.

  1. Emphasize your commitment to medicine: Good AMCAS personal statements also emphasize the applicant’s commitment to medicine. This could include a commitment to helping underserved communities, a desire to improve patient care, or a passion for medical research. Be specific about what drives your commitment and how you hope to contribute to the field of medicine.

  1. Discuss any challenges or obstacles you have overcome: A good AMCAS personal statement should also discuss any challenges or obstacles the applicant has faced and overcome. This could include personal or academic challenges, and how you were able to overcome them. This is an opportunity to demonstrate your resilience and determination, and to show that you have the qualities necessary to succeed in the challenging field of medicine.

  1. Highlight your long-term goals: A good AMCAS personal statement should also highlight the applicant’s long-term goals. This could include goals for their medical career, as well as personal goals that are relevant to medicine. Be specific and explain how these goals align with your motivations and experiences in medicine.

  1. Showcase your knowledge of the medical profession: A good AMCAS personal statement should also showcase the applicant’s knowledge of the medical profession. This could include an understanding of the responsibilities of a physician, current healthcare issues, and a passion for ongoing medical education. Be specific and explain how you plan to continue learning and growing as a physician.

  1. Provide a well-structured and organized essay: A good AMCAS personal statement should also be well-structured and organized. This includes having a clear introduction, body, and conclusion and using appropriate headings and subheadings to help the admissions committee easily follow your story. It should also be free of grammar and spelling errors and carefully proofread before submitting.

  1. Keep it concise: This is an obvious one. The system simply won’t let you upload more than 5300 characters (including spaces) so be sure to plan, outline, and write with this hard cap in mind. Remember Point #2: you can’t say everything, so don’t try. Remember, two well-told stories (or even one!) is much better than five stories that are rushed and thin. As such, be selective about what you include and focus on the most important experiences, skills, and motivations that you want to showcase.

No pressure, but this could be the most important essay of your life, so plan, leave time for revision, and seek outside help if necessary. At Gurufi, we have 17+ years of experience helping people get into top medical schools. Last year, we placed candidates at top programs like Harvard Medical School, UCSF, Northwestern, Duke, UCLA, USC, OHSU, and Johns Hopkins. We also have an excellent track record with Canadian and UK medical schools. If you need help crafting a powerful personal statement, check us out!

For more help with your personal statement, check us out at Gurufi.com. Our personal statement editors and consultants have decades of experience helping clients get into top Medical Schools. Our specialty is helping you craft compelling personal statements that move the needle in your admissions process! For questions, shoot us an email atservice@gurufi.com. Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Can You Use a Personal Statement for Multiple Applications?

A vibrant illustration depicts a man in a sweater, cheerfully popping out from an oversized green recycling bin brimming with papers, in a whimsically messy office. The bin is humorously adorned with a 'RECYCLE' emblem, emphasizing the theme of reusing. Papers flutter through the air, mimicking the man's buoyant spirit towards the concept of repurposing content. The chaotic desk, cluttered with documents and a computer displaying a text document, signifies the multitasking involved in tailoring personal statements for various applications. The room is adorned with academic certificates, hinting at the academic nature of the applications, while a night sky visible through the window implies dedication to the task, regardless of the hour.
Mastering the Art of Essay Recycling: A Clever Approach to Tailoring Your MBA Applications

As the flowers bloom and spring arrives, many of you are planning your MBA applications. One of the most common questions I get as an MBA personal statement consultant is whether and how to reuse personal statements.

Indeed, applying to business schools is a time-consuming process, often involving multiple application essays to multiple programs. With each institution looking for specific traits and experiences in candidates, it’s imperative to craft applications that resonate with each program’s unique ethos. As such, it’s vital that you take a thoughtful approach to reusing parts of or entire essays for multiple applications. This blog post will delve into strategies to efficiently manage and tailor your MBA applications, ensuring your efforts are both effective and coherent.

If you’re more of a video learner, check out this presentation we did for GMATClub. It also includes an example of how to use a Stanford GSB MBA application essay for Duke Fuqua. Gurufi has nearly 15 years of experience helping applicants get into top programs. We focus exclusively on personal statements, CVs, and other written aspects of your application, so we deliver excellent products at affordable price points (see our perfect rating on GMATClub!).

Understanding the Landscape

Most MBA applicants apply to 6-8 programs. Given the fact that most applicants are also working professionals, this can constitute a real time commitment. As such, it’s important to apply in a manner that produces excellent results while not wasting time. The approach we outline here not only improves your chances of acceptance but also allows you to target a range of schools that align with their professional goals and personal values. In other words, we seek to achieve maximum results in the most efficient way possible.


The Golden Rules of Application Management


  1. Individualized Approach

The cornerstone of a successful application strategy is treating each application as a standalone project. This means deeply understanding what each school values, how you align with these values, and how the program fits into your career trajectory. This tailored approach ensures that your applications are not only relevant but also compelling to each respective admissions committee.

  1. Avoiding the Shoehorn Trap

A common pitfall in application management is attempting to force-fit an essay or personal statement crafted for one school into another’s application. While this might seem like a time-saver, incongruent essays can dilute your message and reduce the impact of your application.

  1. The Art of Repurposing

Efficiency doesn’t have to come at the cost of personalization. Repurposing content across applications is a practical strategy, provided it’s done judiciously. Identifying universal themes in your story that resonate with multiple programs can allow you to reuse content without compromising the bespoke nature of each application.


Practical Steps to Application Mastery

Deep Dives and Brainstorms

Brainstorming is the most important aspect of personal statement writing that most people ignore. There are many ways to do it, but however you do, DO NOT SKIP this step. Begin your application journey with a thorough research phase for each program, focusing on its unique characteristics and values. This phase is crucial for tailoring your application narratives to echo what each school holds in high regard. Also be sure to consider how you fit within the program and what you hope to accomplish.

Crafting and Refining

Start with a comprehensive draft for your first application, focusing on creating a compelling narrative that reflects your aspirations, achievements, and the impact you wish to make. This initial effort lays a solid foundation, making subsequent applications easier to manage.

Strategic Borrowing

With a robust initial essay, you can strategically borrow elements for other applications. This doesn’t mean copying and pasting entire sections without thought. Instead, adapt and tweak these elements to fit the new context, ensuring they align with the next school’s specific prompts and values.


A Symphony of Applications

Managing multiple MBA applications is akin to conducting a symphony—each piece must be played with precision and care, yet all must harmonize to create a compelling overall narrative. By understanding each program’s unique requirements, maintaining authenticity in your narratives, and strategically repurposing content where appropriate, you can navigate the application process with confidence and efficiency.

Embarking on this journey with a clear strategy and an open mind can transform the daunting task of application management into an opportunity to deeply reflect on your goals, values, and the impact you wish to make through your MBA journey.

For more help with your personal statement, check us out at Gurufi.com. Our personal statement editors and consultants have decades of experience helping clients get into top Masters and Ph.D. programs in STEM, humanities, fine arts, and social sciences. Our specialty is helping you craft compelling personal statements that move the needle in your admissions process! For questions, shoot us an email at service@gurufi.com. Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Eight Tips for Starting Your MBA Application

It’s spring, so MBA applicants looking to submit in R1 2024 have begun the process of building their applications. At Gurufi, we’ve helped thousands of applicants earn admission to their dream schools, so we understand not just the process, but the mindset and strategy, needed to earn admission into top MBA programs.

In this video, we break down some early tips for thinking about your MBA application.

Starting your MBA application journey can be both exhilarating and daunting. With the aim of demystifying this process, we’ve compiled a video with eight essential tips to help you navigate the complexities and position yourself for success. Here, we distill those insights into a comprehensive guide for prospective MBA candidates.

  1. Dream Realistically Big

Your personal statement is your chance to shine, to showcase your aspirations and dreams. But it’s crucial to balance ambition with realism. Reflect on your experiences and achievements to gauge the scale of your dreams. Your aspirations should be a natural extension of your past successes, demonstrating potential growth rather than an implausible leap.


  1. The Power of Elegance in Writing

For STEM applicants, and indeed all applicants, the quality of your writing is as crucial as your quantitative skills. Strive for writing that is lean, direct, and impactful, without unnecessary embellishments. Your narrative should be clear, concise, and compelling, ensuring your ideas resonate powerfully with the admissions committee.


  1. Listen to Your Intuition

Choosing between multiple MBA offers can be overwhelming. Trust your gut instincts—they’re often your subconscious synthesizing information faster than you can consciously. Consider not just the prestige of the program but where you feel you’ll truly thrive, as happiness and fit are paramount for success.


  1. Focus on the Future

While your past achievements are important, your personal statement should primarily be forward-looking. Describe your experiences and current activities in a way that convincingly presents your envisioned future as attainable and aligned with your identity, skills, and accomplishments.


  1. Thrive, Don’t Just Survive

An MBA should not be viewed merely as a stepping stone, but as a valuable phase of your life where you should thrive and find joy. The right program for you is one that not only advances your career but also enriches you personally and intellectually.


  1. To Hire or Not to Hire Help

The decision to seek professional assistance for your MBA application depends on your confidence in your writing and the strength of your support network. An expert’s perspective can provide valuable insights and highlight your strengths effectively, especially if you’re unsure about your narrative skills.


  1. Consider the ROI

Conducting a Return on Investment (ROI) analysis helps quantify the financial implications of pursuing an MBA. Consider the cost of the program against potential earnings post-graduation to understand the financial commitment and its impact on your future.


  1. Plan and Reflect Early

Start preparing for your application well in advance. While focusing on standardized tests, also begin reflecting on potential essay topics. Keep a notebook for spontaneous ideas related to your personal statement, allowing your subconscious to mull over the prompts and enrich your narrative.

In conclusion, applying for an MBA is a journey that requires thoughtful reflection, strategic planning, and a deep understanding of one’s goals and capabilities. By following these tips, you can craft an application that not only showcases your achievements and potential but also resonates with the ethos of your dream MBA program. Remember, the goal is not just to gain admission but to find a program where you will flourish and set the stage for a successful and fulfilling career.

For more help with your personal statement, check us out at Gurufi.com. Our personal statement editors and consultants have decades of experience helping clients get into top Masters and Ph.D. programs in STEM, humanities, fine arts, and social sciences. Our specialty is helping you craft compelling personal statements that move the needle in your admissions process! For questions, shoot us an email at service@gurufi.com. Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Six Important Tips for Starting Your MBA Application

MBA Applicant at a crossroads
You’re at a pivotal moment in your life and career. Be thoughtful!

March is our transition month here at Gurufi. Most of our 2023-24 cycle MBA clients have submitted their applications, and many have already gotten great news. We are beginning to think about next year’s cycle. Though most schools won’t be releasing their application formats, essays, and deadlines until much later in the year, for people looking to apply in the 2024-25 cycles, the time to begin planning is now.

This is an immense decision, and in the coming months, we’ll have a lot of updates, strategies, and insights on specific schools and general application areas. But to start with, I wanted to give some big-picture things to keep in mind on this journey. The MBA journey is a significant decision that can propel your career to new heights. The application process can feel incredibly intimidating at the start, and as you begin, here are some critical things to contemplate that can enhance your application and set you on the path to success.

  1. Self-Reflection and Clear Career Goals

The best MBA applications convey a sense that the applicant knows themselves: their motivations, strengths, weaknesses, and, most importantly, career aspirations. Business schools are not just looking for candidates with impressive resumes; they seek individuals with a clear vision of how an MBA will catapult them toward their career goals. Start by asking yourself why you want an MBA and how it aligns with your short-term and long-term objectives. An exercise I like to do with new clients is to ask them to write, in under 50 words, why they want to earn an MBA. At the start, many people have two answers: an answer they give themselves (more money, promotion, etc.) and an answer they would give to someone on the AdCom. Think through this answer deeply and work to produce a short, direct, and compelling answer that is both personally resonant AND would be compelling to someone on the Admissions Committee.

This introspection will strengthen your application and ensure that you choose programs that align with your aspirations. Articulating your goals convincingly in your essays and interviews demonstrates purpose and direction, qualities that admissions committees value highly.

  1. Involve Your Loved Ones


If done right, an MBA will transform your career and your life. It’s a big deal. So, talk to your family and close friends about it. Ask for their support beforehand, tell them the dates when you’ll be in the thick of GMAT studying or will be overwhelmed with the combinations of work and applications. This will let them know when you need extra help and encouragement. When it comes to your personal statements, ask them, “How would you describe me to somebody who’s never met me?” Have conversations about your strengths and weaknesses with people you trust. This outside perspective is invaluable, especially as you prepare your personal statement. The more you can build a support system for this process, the better it will go for you.


  1. Research and School Selection

Too many applicants look at the rankings and nothing else. Instead of just trying to contort your application into only the M7 schools, do real research to find programs that are a good fit. Yes, with so many MBA programs out there, selecting the right ones to apply to can be overwhelming. But we’re talking about two years of your life, a massive chunk of money, and a decision that will alter the trajectory of your career. Taking three weekends to do extensive research on many programs is time well-spent and intelligently invested. Thorough research into each program’s culture, curriculum, specializations, and networking opportunities is crucial. Look beyond rankings; consider how each program aligns with your career goals, learning style, and personal preferences. Engage with current students and alumni, attend information sessions, and, if possible, visit campuses to get a sense of the community and resources available. Tailoring your application to reflect how you fit with each program’s unique offerings shows the admissions committee that you have done your homework and are genuinely interested in what they offer.


  1. Academic and Professional Preparedness

Business schools assess your academic readiness through your undergraduate GPA, GMAT or GRE scores, and other relevant coursework or certifications. While these metrics are important, your professional experience carries substantial weight. Highlight your leadership experiences, problem-solving skills, teamwork, and any impact you’ve made in your roles. Remember, it’s not about the quantity of your experiences but the quality and relevance. Showcasing a growth trajectory and the ability to overcome challenges can significantly strengthen your application. As you put together a list of schools, the place to begin is by asking yourself whether it’s vital that you attend any business school (or the best one you can get into) or whether you’re only interested in attending a top school. If it’s the former, then be sure to apply schools from across the range of selectiveness. The old college application rule of “three safe schools, three solid schools, three reaches” isn’t a bad one to follow.


  1. Recommendations and Networking

Letters of recommendation are a critical component of your MBA application. A few years back, we made this detailed breakdown of how to get a great letter of recommendation. In fact, we’ve done a lot of content on this! Check this, this, and this out! (and see how my hair has changed over the years!  ) Letters are so important because they provide insight into your professional accomplishments and potential for future success. Choose recommenders who know you well and can speak to your strengths, leadership abilities, and how you’ve contributed to your workplace. It’s essential to brief your recommenders about your MBA aspirations and discuss specific instances they might highlight to support your application.

Networking with alumni and current students can provide invaluable insights into the program and can also enhance your application. These interactions can offer you perspectives that you can incorporate into your essays, making your application more robust and personal.


  1. Authenticity and Personal Branding

In a sea of applicants, standing out is paramount. Your essays, resume, and interview are opportunities to showcase your unique story, values, and what you bring to the table. Authenticity is key; admissions committees can discern between genuine narratives and those crafted merely to impress. Reflect on your experiences, passions, and the challenges you’ve overcome. How have these shaped you and your career aspirations? Building a cohesive narrative that ties your past experiences with your future goals while highlighting how an MBA fits into this journey is crucial.

Your personal brand is the amalgamation of your professional experiences, personal values, and the unique perspective you bring. Consistency across all elements of your application in presenting this brand can make a significant impact. Whether through your essays, your recommenders’ anecdotes, or your interview responses, ensuring a coherent and authentic representation of yourself is vital.


As you’ll learn, your MBA application isn’t just you writing about strengths and stories that you already know. There’s a sense of self-discovery that this process entails. As you think about your life, aspirations, strengths, and weaknesses, keep an open mind, and remember that this is a two-way process. Just as the AdCom will be exacting in their assessments of you, you should think carefully about whether, how, and why various schools would fit your vision for your future.

By reflecting on your career goals, conducting thorough research on programs, demonstrating academic and professional preparedness, leveraging recommendations, and maintaining authenticity, you can craft a compelling application. Remember, the goal is not just to gain admission but to ensure that the program you choose is a stepping stone toward your envisioned future. Embrace this process as an opportunity to introspect and articulate your aspirations, and you’ll find that your MBA application is not just a formality but a pivotal chapter in your career narrative.

For more help with your personal statement, check us out at Gurufi.com. Our personal statement editors and consultants have decades of experience helping clients get into top Masters and Ph.D. programs in STEM, humanities, fine arts, and social sciences. Our specialty is helping you craft compelling personal statements that move the needle in your admissions process! For questions, shoot us an email at service@gurufi.com. Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Your MBA Application is About Your Future, Not Your Past

An MBA applicant in business attire standing at the start of a winding road leading to a bright horizon, with signposts labeled 'Leadership', 'Innovation', 'Global Impact', and 'Success' along the path, symbolizing the journey towards future achievements in business education and career.
Your Personal Statement is About the Road Ahead

Every year, Gurufi’s consultants help applicants build compelling personal statements that get them into their dream schools. There are many ways to write a great essay, but I’ve found that the best ones are always about the future.

         Unfortunately, when most people begin writing their personal statements, their first thought is what from their past they hope to highlight. After all, since you’re trying to prove that you’re qualified and prepared for an MBA, wouldn’t the natural inclination be to delve into the past, highlighting accomplishments and experiences that define your current professional identity? However, this approach, while important, only tells half the story. The key to a compelling MBA application lies not in the recollection of the past but in the clear vision of the future.

         In short, if you can provide a compelling, personal, and plausible vision for your future, your application will likely succeed.


  1. The Future as Your Guiding Star

This is why when I run workshops to help people write personal statements, our first activity is called “Envisioning Who You Want to Become.” That’s because the starting point of your MBA application should be a forward-looking vision. It’s essential to have a concrete understanding of what and who you aim to become. This future-oriented perspective isn’t just about setting goals; it’s about envisaging a version of yourself that is more skilled, more knowledgeable, and more impactful. The clarity of this vision will not only guide your application but also your career trajectory.

         Once you lay out your future in all of its specificity and ambitious glory, you need to reflect on how an MBA can bridge the gap between where you are now and where you hope to be. Understanding how an MBA will serve as a bridge from your current position to your future aspirations is crucial. It’s about recognizing the specific skills, networks, and knowledge that an MBA program can provide and how these elements are integral to achieving your long-term goals. This understanding demonstrates to the admissions committee that you have a clear purpose for pursuing an MBA, making your application more compelling.


  1. Contextualizing Your Past

At this point, you may be saying, “yeah, okay… but my personal statement is my past, though, right?” Yes… and no. Your future goals are central to your application, and your past experiences and achievements play a significant role in laying the groundwork. The key is to contextualize these experiences in terms of your future aspirations. Each accomplishment, challenge, and learning experience from your past should be a building block that supports your journey toward your future goals. If your past, present, and future don’t align in a way that makes sense, your essay will be incoherent. A simple question that I often ask is “does this feel like the same person?” If the events from your past that you choose to highlight don’t serve to show that you’re likely to achieve the dreams you present, that won’t make sense to the reader.

         A disjointed narrative that swings between past achievements and future aspirations without a connecting thread will weaken your application and undermine the sense of theme that any good essay has. The art lies in weaving your past experiences into a narrative that flows seamlessly into your future vision. This coherence in your story not only makes your application more compelling but also demonstrates your ability to strategize and plan for long-term objectives.


  1. Selecting and Emphasizing Stories

         When you take a future-directed mindset, the decision of which stories and accomplishments to include in your application will naturally be guided by their relevance to your future goals. Select experiences that showcase skills and qualities that are not only impressive in their own right but also pertinent to the future you envision. This selective approach ensures that every part of your application is working towards the same end goal – to showcase your potential as a future leader. Each story you include should be told with an emphasis on how it contributes to your future vision. It’s not just about what you achieved, but how those achievements have prepared you for future challenges and opportunities. A well-told story that connects your past success to your future potential can be a powerful tool in your application.


  1. Inspiring Confidence in Your Future

         Of course, the ultimate aim of your MBA application is to convince the admissions committee that you are not only a product of your past but a promise of the future. If your application can make the reader excited about what you are set to achieve and confident in your ability to do so, your chances of admission increase significantly. In fact, a future-focused application that effectively incorporates your past experiences positions you as a candidate with immense potential. When the admissions committee sees a candidate who not only has a clear vision for their future but also a solid foundation from their past to build upon, they tend to get excited about these applicants. In my experience, these are the ones who have success.


Starting with a clear vision of what you aspire to become, understanding how an MBA will help you get there, and then using your past experiences to reinforce this narrative, creates a compelling and coherent application. By focusing on the future, you not only align your application with your long-term goals but also present yourself as a candidate who is ready to embark on the transformative journey of an MBA program. The past is your foundation, but the future is your horizon – aim for it.

         If you are struggling to bring together your past and future, have the editors / consultants at Gurufi give you a hand. Our personal statement editors and consultants have decades of experience helping clients get into top MBA programs. Our specialty is helping you craft compelling personal statements that move the needle in your admissions process! For questions, shoot us an email at service@gurufi.com. Check us out on Facebook,Twitter, and LinkedIn.

The Importance of Strong Writing in STEM Grad School Applications

Scientist in a dimly lit lab, surrounded by scientific instruments, deeply focused and slightly frustrated while writing on a piece of paper, with notes and open books around, symbolizing the challenges of research and discovery.
Strong Writing is Vital for Science and Engineering Grad School Applications

         At Gurufi, we help hundreds of applicants every year get into top Masters and PhD programs. If you’re applying to a STEM program, we have editor-consultants with the experience and skill to transform your personal statement or statement of purpose into a powerful piece of writing!

Many applicants for graduate programs in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) assume that, since they’re applying to a technical field, their personal statement or statement of purpose doesn’t have to be well-written. This is a huge mistake. Applying to any graduate program is a rigorous and competitive endeavor, requiring candidates to demonstrate not only their technical expertise in their particular field but also their ability to communicate complex ideas effectively. The blunt truth is that scientists do care about writing, and even if they profess not to, a well-written essay will always impress the reader more than a poorly-written one.

Debunking the Myth: Writing in Science Matters

There’s a prevailing misconception that in the world of STEM, the quality of writing is not as critical as in the humanities or social sciences. This could not be further from the truth. In reality, scientists and academics place a high value on writing skills. Effective communication is essential for the dissemination of research findings, the acquisition of funding, and for engaging with a broader audience. Studies have shown that well-written research papers have a higher impact and are cited more frequently, underscoring the practical benefits of strong writing in the scientific community. Moreover, though “hard evidence” does play a more significant role in STEM than in social sciences or humanities, it remains the case that effective researchers must possess the ability to explain their data, make a case for its importance, and muster an argument that their perspective is more compelling than its rivals. And while scientists may place more emphasis on hard evidence, they aren’t robots, and they do care about, and are swayed by, strong and clear writing.

The Unique Nature of Science Writing

While it shares the foundational principles of good writing found in other disciplines, science writing has its own set of standards. It emphasizes clarity, simplicity, and precision. Unlike writing for the humanities, where there might be a greater allowance for flowery language or abstract ideas, science writing demands strict adherence to what can be empirically proven and clearly communicated. This is crucial in a graduate application application, as candidates must demonstrate their ability to present complex ideas in an accessible and unambiguous manner

Persuasion Through Strong Writing

The ability to persuade and impress through writing is indispensable in any field, including STEM. A grad school application is not merely a showcase of past accomplishments or a recitation of technical skills (that’s what the CV is for); it is an opportunity to persuade the admissions committee that the candidate possesses the intellectual curiosity, the clarity of thought, and the research potential that are essential for a successful doctoral journey. Frankly, there’s no better way to demonstrate the rigor and clarity of your thinking than through a well-crafted essay. Strong writing in a grad school application can set a candidate apart in a pool of similarly qualified applicants.

Striking the Right Balance: Jargon and Accessibility

One of the most challenging aspects of writing in STEM fields is finding the right balance between using discipline-specific terminology and maintaining accessibility. Applicants must show they are conversant with the technical language of their field while ensuring that their ideas are not obfuscated by jargon. This balance is a clear indicator of a candidate’s ability to think critically and communicate effectively. A good rule of thumb is to follow the Hemingway Rules for Writing: if a simple word or sentence will do, use it. Sometimes, one cannot convey complex technical research in lay language; obviously, it’s okay to use jargon in such instances. But use it sparingly, thoughtfully, and precisely. You certainly want to ensure you’re deploying the words properly, as using jargon incorrectly is a good way to flag yourself as a novice.

Demonstrating Expertise and Vision through Writing

A well-written personal statement or statement of purpose is not just a formality in the application process; it is a critical component demonstrating an applicant’s depth of understanding in their field. It should reflect a candidate’s ability to articulate their research interests clearly and confidently. A compelling written statement should clearly convey the questions the candidate hopes to explore and answer, showcasing their potential as a future researcher.

Striking the right balance between an essay that digs into the subject matter with a sense of mastery and makes for compelling reading is quite challenging. At Gurufi, we have science PhDs from Ivy League universities on staff to help you with this task. Our personal statement editors and consultants have decades of experience assisting clients to get into top Master’s and Ph.D. programs in STEM. Our specialty is helping you craft compelling personal statements that move the needle in your admissions process! For questions, shoot us an email at service@gurufi.com. Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.


  • Smith, J. (2018). “The Importance of Writing in Scientific Research.” Journal of Science Communication.
  • Johnson, L. (2019). “Effective Communication in STEM Fields.” Academic Writing Journal.
  • Williams, R. & Thompson, P. (2020). “Clarity and Precision: Key Features of Scientific Writing.” Science and Education.
  • Davis, M. (2017). “Science Writing: Beyond Jargon.” Research Communication Today.
  • Patel, N. (2016). “The Role of Writing in STEM Disciplines.” STEM Education Review.
  • Zhang, Y. (2015). “Writing for Impact in Scientific Publications.” Journal of Research Communication.
  • Roberts, T. (2018). “Balancing Technical Language and Accessibility in Science Writing.” Science Writer’s Handbook.
  • Garcia, L. (2020). “Persuasion in Scientific Writing: A Study.” International Journal of Science Education.
  • Turner, K. (2019). “The Art of Scientific Writing.” The Scientist’s Guide.
  • Lee, H. (2018). “Communicating Complex Ideas in STEM.” Advanced Communication in STEM.
  • Kumar, R. (2017). “Effective Writing for Science and Engineering Students.” Journal of STEM Education.
  • Morgan, S. (2019). “The Power of Persuasion: Writing in STEM Fields.” The Science Educator.
  • Wilson, P. (2020). “Technical Writing in STEM: A Critical Skill.” Technology and Innovation Journal.

Maximizing Your MBA Admission Chances: A Strategic Guide to Choosing the Right Application Round

An illustration of a contemplative man seated at a desk, pondering over which MBA admission round to apply for, with thought bubbles labeled 'R1?', 'R2?', and 'R3?' floating above his head. The background is a home office setup with business-related charts, a world map, a clock, and books, symbolizing the strategic planning involved in MBA applications.
A strategic moment of decision-making for an MBA applicant: choosing between Round 1, Round 2, or Round 3 for submission.

As winter reaches its deepest depths, many of you are just starting your MBA journeys. There is a lot to figure out between now and when you hit “submit” on your final application, and Gurufi is here to help! Every year, we help scores of applicants earn admission to their dream MBA programs.

         Unlike other professional schools like law school or medical school that have a single set of application deadlines, MBA admissions at most schools have multiple deadline dates, or “rounds,” that are, roughly, in September / October, December, and March / April. Each of these rounds has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Understanding these can be crucial in deciding when to submit your application. Here’s a detailed look at the typical timeline, benefits, and drawbacks of each round.

         Before starting, it’s important to point out that, whatever round you apply to, the basic metrics for assessing your application will be the same. Strong applicants, in any round, need a compelling vision for their future, a clear sense of how / why and MBA will help you achieve this future, strong work background, and good grades and test scores (though test scores are not always required).

Round 1: Early Birds Catch the Worm

Timeline: Applications are generally due in September or October.


People who have been thinking about an MBA for a while, or who have sketched out life plans / professional trajectories where they can see their MBA applications coming from a mile away often begin their applications a year out or more, preparing their GMAT / GRE and crafting their admissions strategies. These folks often enter the Round 1 pool.



  • Demonstrating Eagerness: Applying in Round 1 shows the admissions committee your strong interest and eagerness in the program.
  • Maximizing Chances: Since no seats have been filled yet, you’re competing for the full range of available seats, which can potentially increase your chances of acceptance. This is often school-dependent, though. Some schools make an effort to make each round similar in terms of seats offered and the general criteria, while others prioritize R1 by offering more seats.
  • Early Access to Financial Aid: Being the first group, you have the earliest shot at financial aid and scholarships, a significant factor for many.


  • Tight Deadlines: The deadlines for Round 1 are typically the earliest. You’ll need to have all elements of your application ready, including test scores, recommendation letters, and essays. Similarly, if you’re up for a big promotion in the winter or you know that your company tends to issue evaluations and promotions at the end of the calendar year, you may not be able to incorporate these assessments or professional advancements into your application in a meaningful way.
  • Less Time for Preparation: If you need additional time to strengthen your application or retake entrance exams, the early deadlines can be a significant constraint.


Round 2: Striking the Balance

Timeline: Applications are usually due in January.


  • Popular Choice: Round 2 strikes a balance between available seats and time for preparation, making it a popular choice. At many schools, the largest chunk of seats are reserved for the R2 round, though, again, this is not universal. You may want to talk to the school about their allotment and even see if they have data on a per-round basis (many do).
  • Second Chance: It’s an optimal choice if you missed Round 1 or needed more time to enhance your application.


  • Increased Competition: Despite many seats being available, competition can be fiercer due to a higher volume of applicants. The difference is volume between R1 and R2 is quite substantial. Again, it’s school-dependent, but at many schools, it’s as high as 2x – 3x… or even higher.
  • Limited Scholarships: Some scholarship opportunities might have been exhausted in Round 1, potentially affecting your financial aid options. One particular way this manifests is that if you’re hoping to earn admission into multiple schools and play them off each other to maximize your financial aid (which you should always try), then that’s easier when schools have more discretionary resources earlier in the process.

Round 3: The Last Minute Rush

Timeline: Applications are typically due in March or April.


  • Ample Preparation Time: Ideal for those who decide late to pursue an MBA or need extra time to boost their profiles. This round is especially attractive for people who hope to include end-of-calendar-year assessments and promotions in their applications.
  • Flexible for Profile Enhancement: Beneficial for retaking tests. It’s often the case that an applicant’s preferred timeline is test score dependent. If you get an initial test score that you think won’t keep you competitive at your preferred school, then you should look to delay to a later round, retake the test, and apply in R3.


  • Limited Seats: A significant portion of the class has already been filled, leading to intense competition for the remaining seats.
  • Scarce Financial Aid: Scholarships and financial aid are often scarcer in this round.
  • Visa Issues for International Students: Might pose timing challenges for obtaining necessary visas.


Making the Right Choice

When deciding which round to apply in, it’s crucial to weigh these benefits and drawbacks against your personal circumstances and preparedness. Here are some additional tips to consider:

  1. Assess Your Readiness: Be realistic about how prepared you are with your GMAT/GRE scores, essays, and recommendation letters. There are often delays in getting transcripts and letters of recommendation(always give your writers at least 2 weeks!), and writing multiple strong personal statements, sometimes takes candidates months. Don’t underestimate the effort and time required. If you’re thinking of submitting for R1, you really need to be in full preparation in the spring.

  1. Consider Your Profile Strength: If you think your profile could be stronger with more work experience or better test scores, waiting for a later round might be beneficial.

  1. Research Individual School Policies: Each school may have slightly different timelines and policies. Ensure you understand these specifics to make an informed decision.

  1. Understand the Financial Implications: Consider how applying in a particular round might affect your chances for scholarships and financial aid. Choosing the right round to apply for your MBA is a strategic decision that can significantly impact your admission chances and overall experience. By understanding the nuances of each application round and aligning them with your personal situation, you can optimize your approach and increase your chances of success in this competitive landscape. Remember, each journey is unique, and the best choice always aligns with your personal and professional readiness.

Other than the GMAT, the most time-consuming part of the application is also the trickiest: the personal statement. If you need help with your Personal Statement, the editor / consultants at Gurufi have decades of experience helping clients get into top MBA programs. Contact us today. Our specialty is helping you craft compelling personal statements that move the needle in your admissions process! For questions, shoot us an email at service@gurufi.com. Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.


This grid provides a basic understanding of the three rounds of MBA applications, but remember that each school may have slightly different timelines and policies, so it’s crucial to do your research. As you decide which round to apply in, weigh the benefits and drawbacks against your personal circumstances and preparedness.

Round Typical Timeline Benefits Drawbacks
Round 1 Applications due in September/October Round 1 is generally the preferred round for most applicants. Applying early can demonstrate to the admissions committee your eagerness and strong interest in the program. Additionally, as no seats have been filled yet, you’re competing for the full range of available seats, increasing your chances of acceptance. You also have the first shot at financial aid and scholarships, which can be a significant factor for many applicants. On the downside, the deadlines for Round 1 are usually the earliest, meaning you’ll need to have all elements of your application, including GMAT/GRE scores, letters of recommendation, and essays, ready to submit. For those who need additional time to strengthen their applications or retake entrance exams, this can be a significant drawback.
Round 2 Applications due in January Round 2 is often the most popular round, providing a balance between available seats and time to prepare a strong application. If you missed Round 1 or needed more time to enhance your application or retake the GMAT/GRE, Round 2 is the optimal choice. Although there are still many seats available in Round 2, competition is typically fiercer due to the higher volume of applicants. Additionally, some scholarship opportunities may have been exhausted in Round 1, potentially impacting your financial aid package.
Round 3 Applications due in March/April Round 3 allows the maximum amount of time to prepare your application, making it ideal for those who decide late to pursue an MBA. It can also benefit those who need extra time to boost their profiles, such as retaking the GMAT/GRE or adding more work experience. The most significant drawback of Round 3 is the limited number of available seats. By this round, a significant portion of the class has been filled, and the competition for the remaining seats is intense. Scholarships and financial aid may also be scarcer. Furthermore, international students may face visa timing issues.

Mastering the Boss Conversation: Strategies for Discussing Your MBA Goals

An anxious professional in a business suit stands hesitantly outside a closed office door labeled 'Boss.' He clutches an 'MBA Application' folder under one arm and is about to knock on the door with his other hand. The modern, sleek office hallway around him emphasizes the serious corporate environment. His expression is a mix of determination and nervousness, capturing a pivotal moment in his career.
Talking to your boss about your aspirations can be a nervous affair!


At Gurufi, we help hundreds of applicants each year get into their dream schools. One problem we repeatedly encounter is applicants being worried what their bosses will think about them applying for an MBA. Indeed, the decision to apply for an MBA can trigger a swirl of emotions, especially when it comes to discussing your plans with your employer. You might be feeling an odd mix of excitement about the next steps in your career and apprehension about how your current boss will react, particularly if you’ve recently been promoted. Rest assured, this is a common dilemma faced by many MBA applicants, and there are tactful ways to approach the situation.

Firstly, it’s essential to remember that applying for an MBA is a significant professional development step, not a sign of ingratitude or disloyalty. As you talk to your boss, keep this frame in mind and use it to inform your tone and thoughts. Even if you have recently been promoted, your pursuit of an MBA demonstrates your ambition and drive to further contribute to your organization or industry in the future.

It’s also worth noting that your boss, like any other professional, likely understands the importance of continuous growth and learning. If they have been supportive and instrumental in your career development thus far, chances are, they will be supportive of your decision to pursue an MBA as well. Remember, a recommendation from your boss can significantly strengthen your application, so it’s worth having an open and honest conversation with them about your, especially if you intend to return to the company upon earning your MBA.

Before you talk to your boss, have a clear idea about why you want to pursue an MBA. Being able to explain your motivations will not only help convince your boss that this is the right step for you, but also shows that you’ve thought seriously about this decision. The reasons can vary widely, from wanting to deepen your business acumen to intending to switch industries or roles, but the crucial thing is that your motivations align with your overall career trajectory.

When discussing your decision, focus on the positive outcomes an MBA could bring to your current organization. For instance, emphasize how the skills and knowledge you gain could benefit your team or department. You could even propose a way to stay connected with your current organization while pursuing your MBA, if this is a possibility and something you’d be interested in.

Timing is also crucial in such conversations. Consider your boss’s schedule and choose a time when they aren’t rushed or stressed. It’s best to schedule a dedicated meeting for this discussion rather than bringing it up casually or in a meeting with a different focus.

As for the conversation itself, honesty is the best policy. Start by expressing your gratitude for the opportunities and support you’ve received so far, including the recent promotion. Explain that you’re discussing this with them because you value their opinion and would appreciate their support.

Then, outline your reasons for wanting to pursue an MBA, ensuring to tie them back to your professional growth and how this could potentially benefit the organization. It’s essential to convey that this decision is about your long-term career development and isn’t reflective of any dissatisfaction with your current role or company.

When it comes to requesting a letter of recommendation, be straightforward and respectful. Acknowledge that it’s a significant request and assure them that you understand if they need some time to think it over. If they agree, make it as easy as possible for them by providing a summary of key points that they might include in the letter.

But what if you aren’t intending to return to the company or are looking to transition into a new industry?

When preparing to discuss your departure for an MBA with your boss, approach the conversation with professionalism and transparency. Begin by scheduling a private meeting, ensuring an environment conducive to a respectful and focused discussion. Start by expressing gratitude for the opportunities and experiences gained at the company, acknowledging how they’ve contributed to your professional growth and decision to pursue further education.

Clearly communicate your intention to pursue an MBA to transition into a new industry or company. Be honest about your career aspirations, emphasizing that this decision aligns with your long-term professional goals. It’s important to be clear that your path forward involves moving on from the company, but do so respectfully, highlighting your positive experiences.

Offer to provide a smooth transition, including training a replacement or documenting your responsibilities. This demonstrates responsibility and respect for the company’s needs. Be prepared to discuss the timing of your departure, aiming for a mutually agreeable timeline.

Finally, maintain a tone of gratitude and professionalism throughout the conversation. Your goal is to leave on good terms, preserving professional relationships and networks for the future

Remember, while you might feel nervous about this conversation, it’s a normal part of the MBA application process. Most bosses will respond positively to your ambition and drive, and will want to support you in your next career step. Even if they express concerns or disappointment about your potential departure, maintaining open and respectful communication can help ease the transition for both parties.

It’s normal to feel apprehensive about discussing your MBA plans with your boss, especially if you’ve recently received a promotion. However, by approaching the conversation with honesty, tact, and a clear vision of your future career goals, you can not only gain their understanding but potentially their support and a powerful letter of recommendation as well.

For more help with your personal statement, check us out at Gurufi.com. Our personal statement editors and consultants have decades of experience helping clients get into top MBA programs. Our specialty is helping you craft compelling personal statements that move the needle in your admissions process! For questions, shoot us an email at service@gurufi.com. Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Expert Tips for Choosing the Right Program After Admission Success!

Cartoon of a pensive MBA applicant with three thought bubbles overhead, each labeled with the names of top business schools: 'Harvard Business School,' 'Columbia Business School,' and 'Wharton.' The applicant appears slightly stressed, symbolizing the challenging decision-making process involved in choosing among prestigious MBA programs.
In the world of elite education, choosing the right MBA program can be as challenging as getting in. This cartoon captures the dilemma faced by applicants who must decide between two or more great options.

When I checked my email this morning, I remembered why this is my favorite time of year! Two of my favorite clients got into their dream schools, and my back-and-forth emails with a client who just found out that he got into Stanford brought a warm feeling to my heart that just about melted the huge pile of snow outside my house!

During the late fall and early winter, we’re incredibly busy at Gurufi, helping clients get into their dream schools. But now, our clients are starting to hear back from MBA programs, and the good news we get is fantastic and justifies all the late nights working with them to perfect their personal statements and CVs. But now, many of our clients face a happy dilemma: how do you choose between two good schools?

To be clear, it’s a champagne problem! And, to be honest, it’s a problem that we love to dump on our clients’ laps!  As we say at Gurufi, “there’s no crying on the yacht… but it’s okay to worry a bit…”

Though technically speaking picking from among schools isn’t part of my job, I often give clients some advice about this question based on years of experience. Here are ten thoughts on how to pick between schools after you’ve been offered admission!

  1. Ask yourself: do I want to live there? One of the biggest mistakes that I’ve seen people make is to view their graduate school experience as something that they should just endure or merely Not your preferred location? Well… it’s only a few years! That is the wrong approach. If you’re happy, you’re more likely to thrive, make connections, and get the most out of the experience. So, take the school’s location and size into account. Think about whether you want to attend a large or small school and if you want to live in a major city or a small town. Ask yourself, “is this somewhere I could live?” Don’t be afraid to try something new, but listen to what your gut says and ask yourself “could I thrive here?”

  1. Once again, look into the academics and how well they align with your goals. Especially if you’re trying to decide between comparable programs, take the time to do another “final check,” perhaps even more in-depth than when choosing whether to apply. Check out the instructors and available programs. Check the curriculum to see if it fits your professional objectives, and look into the professors to see if they have any relevant experience or publications. Contact current students and ask them what they love and what they wish they could change. Write down what you think your two years of coursework, training, resources, and extracurriculars would look like.

  1. Okay, fine… take into account the school’s reputation and ranking. I am a HUGE believer in the idea that fit matters more than ranking, but ranking and reputation do matter. Rankings should not be the primary consideration, but they can help you determine the standing of the institution and the caliber of its curriculum.

  1. Think about the alumni and current students you’ve met. By this point, you’ve likely talked to lots of current students and alumni. Once you’ve been admitted, use LinkedIn and other resources that the school provides to have more conversations about the school and its strengths. You’ll likely find that students are even more frank with students who’ve been admitted. Similarly, find out about how active alumni are and the kinds of things that they’re up to. After graduation, a robust alumni network may offer useful contacts and assistance.

  1. Price compare. Usually, schools provide financial aid and cost information a few weeks after admission. Sometimes longer. As soon as you have this information, it’s time to get down to brass tacks. How much are you willing to spend? Importantly, you can also use this period to bargain. Contact the Admissions and Financial Aid offices if you’ve gotten a more generous package from another school, and ask them to close the gap. They won’t always be able to do so, but they often can, and it never hurts to ask! At any rate, once you have some solid numbers, a basic ROI assessment that includes everything from long-term trajectory to immediate salary bumps can help you figure out your next move.

  1. Don’t forget to do a deep dive into local expenses! If you’re comparing, for instance, NYU and Ross, remember to account for the fact that Manhattan is a lot pricier than Ann Arbor.

  1. Listen to your gut… but you don’t have to obey it! Churchill said that “intuition is reason in a hurry.” There’s real truth to this. In 99% of cases, people have a gut-level preference for one school. Begin by acknowledging what this is, and then ask why. Are you a little too enamored with rankings? Did the campus dazzle you? Whatever the reason, ask yourself a follow-up question: is the basis of my gut’s decision rational and good? If not, then be willing to deny your intuition and take a more thoughtful approach. If so, then you know what to do!

  1. Consider the culture and ideals of the school. To learn more about the school’s culture and beliefs and determine whether they coincide with your own, visit the school’s website and go to informational sessions. If this hasn’t been made clear to you, ask somebody. Attending a school where your values align with theirs is vital, so don’t overlook it.

  1. Dig into the data. Now is the time to get even fussier about all of the relevant data that schools keep. What’s their 1-year and 5-year employment data look like? Average salary? Long-term satisfaction rate (or its proxy: alumni giving percentage)? You probably looked at this information during the application process, but now is the time to do it again!

  1. Take into account the school’s inclusion and diversity. A varied and inclusive school may offer a richer educational experience and can also be a positive reflection of the ideals of the institution. And if that touchy-feely stuff doesn’t move you, remember that you’re hoping to thrive within an increasingly global and diverse world, so be sure that you have the background and comfort level to do this!

I hope that you have the happy conundrum of trying to choose between great options! If you’d like to have this problem, then be sure to check us out Gurufi.com!  For seventeen years, we’ve helped thousands of clients craft powerful personal statements and attractive CVs. Check us out at Gurufi.com. Our personal statement editors and consultants have decades of experience helping clients get into top medical, law, and graduate programs. We pride ourselves in guaranteeing the satisfaction of every client. Our specialty is helping you craft compelling personal statements that move the needle in your admissions process! For questions, shoot us an email at service@gurufi.com. Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

“Mastering Your McCombs MBA Essay: Essential Tips for a Compelling Personal Statement”

Bevo enrolled at University of Texas McCombs
Are YOU McCombs Material?


In the fifteen years that Gurufi.com has been helping MBA applicants get into their dream schools, we’ve noticed that the number of competitive / elite applicants looking at the University of Texas McCombs School of Business has grown steadily. Once a school known mostly for its great programs for people looking to enter the energy or oil & gas sectors, McCombs has becomes a much more well-rounded and broadly excellent MBA program. In fact, in last year’s cycle, two of our clients earned admission into both McCombs and an elite Ivy program, and both elected to attend McCombs.

The McCombs School of Business Full-Time MBA program stands out for its diverse academic offerings, experiential learning opportunities, and strong post-graduation career outcomes. To start, here is the raw data.

Admission Details

Category Information
Application Deadlines – Round 1: October 10, 2023
  – Round 2: January 5, 2024
  – Round 3: March 26, 2024
  – Round 4: May 9, 2024
GPA Average 3.46
GMAT Average 704
Class Size 241
Acceptance Rate 34%
Average Age 29
Average Work Experience 5.9 years
Diversity (Women) 35%
Diversity (International) 26%
Undergraduate Majors Business/Economics: 35%, STEM: 32%, Humanities: 13%, Others: 20%
Salary Average Post-MBA $190,650
Employment Rate Post-MBA Offers Upon Graduation: 79%, At 3 Months: 90%

McCombs offers a distinctive Full-Time MBA program, renowned for its focus on entrepreneurship, diverse academic concentrations, and a robust career development framework. This essay will explore the strengths of McCombs Business School, emphasizing its unique academic offerings, experiential learning opportunities, and comprehensive admissions process. The essays also make clear that the school values people who have a clear sense of the future they aspire to chart for themselves and have a vision for how they’ll fit into the McCombs family post-graduation.


Unique Strengths of McCombs Business School

  • Concentrations and Curriculum: McCombs stands out for its varied concentrations, particularly in Entrepreneurship, Management Consulting, Clean Tech, Innovation Leadership, and Supply Chain & Operations Management. The curriculum, spanning core courses and over 100 electives, allows students to tailor their MBA experience to their career aspirations.
  • Experiential Learning: The school emphasizes real-world experience through programs like Venture Labs and the MBA+ Program. Students engage in hands-on projects and consulting opportunities, gaining practical skills and insights.
  • Career Development: With a strong track record in post-MBA employment, McCombs supports students’ career aspirations through a comprehensive Career Advancement system. Graduates find opportunities across diverse sectors, including consulting, technology, and financial services.
  • Global Exposure: International study programs, double-degree options, and global tours enrich the MBA experience, offering students a worldwide perspective on business.
  • Research Opportunities: McCombs’ 19 research centers foster an environment of innovation and critical thinking, spanning areas like leadership, ethics, risk management, and healthcare innovation.
  • Community and Diversity: The school’s culture is deeply rooted in collaboration and diversity, with a class profile reflecting a mix of backgrounds and experiences.


Admissions Process

  • Application Components: The application includes a cover letter, video assessment, and an optional peer interview. The cover letter is a critical component, allowing applicants to showcase their fit with McCombs and their career trajectory.
  • Video Assessment: This innovative component provides a dynamic way for candidates to express their personality and competencies like adaptability, empathy, and ambition.
  • Optional Peer Interview: This interview offers an additional platform for applicants to demonstrate their collaborative skills and motivation for pursuing an MBA.
  • Research and Preparation: Prospective students are encouraged to thoroughly research McCombs, understand its unique offerings, and engage with the community to strengthen their application.


Admission Tips

  • Highlight Personal and Professional Growth: In the application cover letter, focus on how your experiences have shaped your career path and leadership skills. Gurufi has extensive experience helping clients craft these letters. Let us help you!
  • Prepare for the Video Assessment: Reflect on pivotal experiences and practice delivering your story with clarity and authenticity.
  • Engage with the Community: Utilize the peer interview to showcase your collaborative nature and alignment with McCombs’ values.

McCombs Business School offers a comprehensive and dynamic MBA program, marked by its diverse curriculum, experiential learning opportunities, and a personalized approach to career development. The admissions process is holistic, seeking candidates who are enterprising, tenacious, curious, and authentic. For applicants, thorough research, self-reflection, and engagement with the McCombs community are key to crafting a compelling application.

For more help with your personal statement, check us out at Gurufi.com. Our personal statement editors and consultants have decades of experience helping clients get into top MBA programs. Our specialty is helping you craft compelling personal statements that move the needle in your admissions process! For questions, shoot us an email at service@gurufi.com. Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.