Three Tips for Scholarship Essays

A stressed graduate student sits at a cluttered desk with papers, scholarship applications, and a laptop. The student is holding a pen and jotting notes on a notecard, with symbols of leadership, community involvement, and achievements in the background, including a trophy, a community service medal, and a graduation cap. A thought bubble shows images of dollar signs and a graduation gown.
Getting a scholarship is often as stressful as getting in.

At Gurufi, we know that getting in is often only half the battle! Paying for it can be just as -if not more- stressful as applying. With the average cost of graduate school starting at nearly $50,000, getting a scholarship is an important way to defray costs and save a little money, as well as bolster your resume for the future. Writing an impressive scholarship statement is essential to your success, and keeping these tips in mind will put you on the right path.


Identify the key themes appropriately and use language that reinforces those themes. This can’t be stressed enough. Read the statement and make sure you understand exactly what they’re asking for. Most scholarship applications will explain precisely what kind of person they feel meets their qualifications, and all you have to do is interpret that correctly. While it will vary from essay question to essay question, you’ll typically see key themes related to leadership, community involvement, or milestones/successes in life. So that you don’t miss them, it’s a great idea to write these key themes on a notecard and brainstorm each one. Identify stories, successes, or key pivotal moments in your life or professional / academic journey that demonstrate these themes or attributes. Repeat the theme in your thesis statement and use it as the backbone for your whole essay.


Know your audience and cater to them. You’re not writing an essay that has to appeal to thousands of people. This is a targeted piece of writing designed to evoke a positive response from at most, a large committee, and at least, one or two individuals. This audience has a specific goal, and that goal is to find an applicant or applicants who they feel, in their completely subjective opinion, accurately and appropriately represent the organization, charity, company, group, estate, individual or other entity who will be providing the scholarship. Cater your language, your words, your stories, and your approach directly to this narrow audience. As long as you’re able to do this without pandering, your words will resonate with the committee in a positive way, and that can only help.


Make it personal. Your ultimate goal with a scholarship essay is to ask a committee of people to see you as something more than words on a page. You want them to see you as a person – a student, striving for success and overcoming burdens one at a time as you work hard and tire thanklessly to achieve your dreams. As you give examples in ways you’ve demonstrated leadership, or helped your community, or achieved certain goals in life, be specific. Show how these events impacted you emotionally and personally, and don’t be afraid to let your passion show through.

These three tips will provide you with some guidance as you tackle your scholarship essays. Remember, too, that sincerity and enthusiasm go a lot further than flattery and exaggeration, so be honest and transparent as you write. These committees don’t expect someone perfect – they want to find someone who they’ll be proud to call a scholarship recipient as you grow and succeed in life. Show them that you’re someone worth investing in.

For more help with your personal statement, check us out at Our personal statement editors and consultants have decades of experience helping clients get into top Masters and Ph.D. programs in STEM, humanities, fine arts, and social sciences. Our specialty is helping you craft compelling personal statements that move the needle in your admissions process! For questions, shoot us an email at Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Mastering the MBA Personal Statement: From CV to Compelling Story

Crafting an MBA personal statement can be daunting. For many applicants, it’s the most uncomfortable part of the application process, transforming a straightforward CV into a compelling narrative. Yet, mastering this challenge is crucial for standing out in a competitive field. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you navigate from your CV to a polished personal statement.

The Right Mindset

Your personal statement is about your future. Unlike a CV, which lists past achievements, your essay should articulate a clear, specific, and feasible plan for your future. This plan should align with the strengths and resources of the schools you are applying to, guiding your selection of stories and experiences to highlight.

Begin by asking yourself: “What do I want to become and do?” Then, follow up with: “What specifically do I need to learn to make that happen?” and “What is the foundation that has prepared me to pursue this knowledge?” Your past achievements matter, but only in the context of how they have prepared you for your future goals.

The One Big Question: Storytelling

The heart of your personal statement lies in storytelling. Rather than providing a breadth of experiences, focus on a few well-chosen stories that convey your traits and readiness for your goals. Ask yourself:

  1. What traits am I trying to convey?
  2. How can I demonstrate that I’m ready to pursue my given goal?
  3. What stories convey those traits and demonstrate your preparedness?

Remember, showing is more effective than telling. Instead of stating, “I have great entrepreneurial instincts,” show it through a story, like, “When Jane and I built Xenotech, we identified an unserved niche in the market and created a plan to service it.” A compelling story should make clear the trait you’re trying to convey without explicitly stating it.

Building and Writing Great Stories

Every personal statement must answer the clear “why?” questions:

  • Why MBA?
  • Why now?
  • What is your vision for the future?
  • What experiences or potential do you have that supports this vision?

Incorporate “the steak and the sizzle” into your stories. The “steak” includes a clear rationale for why you need an MBA, why now is the right time, and evidence of your ability or potential, grounded in past experiences. This foundation ensures you are not bragging but demonstrating your qualifications.

The “sizzle” adds passion, excitement, and personality to your stories. Showcase human moments and personal interactions that reveal your leadership, learning, and moments of loss. Avoid being all steak or all sizzle. All steak with no sizzle is boring and misses the chance to let your personality shine. Conversely, all sizzle with no steak comes off as emotional but lacking substance.

Your Plan of Attack

  1. Get a Notebook: Write down your aspirations and the traits or skills you hope to acquire or build upon.
  2. Identify Stories: List instances where you demonstrated or failed to demonstrate these traits. Failure can be a powerful source for a compelling essay.
  3. Connect the Dots: For each trait, find a story that shows your excellence and readiness to achieve your goals.

Final Hints

Before you start outlining, have a clear sense of what you hope to emphasize. Distill your core positioning down to 2-3 sentences. Use brainstorming and freewriting to generate useful content. Remember, your core task is storytelling.


Mastering the MBA personal statement requires a balance of clear planning and engaging storytelling. By focusing on your future goals, selecting meaningful stories, and blending rational arguments with personal passion, you can create a compelling narrative that stands out. For more tips and personalized guidance, check out, where we’ve helped over 10,000 applicants achieve their dream schools. Good luck!