How to Get Advice for Your Personal Statement

A cartoon illustrating a 'Frankenstein Essay' scenario. A student holding a disjointed essay with visible seams and patches, resembling Frankenstein's monster. Surrounding the student are a roommate, a professor, a premed advisor, a friend, and a parent, all giving conflicting advice. The student looks confused and overwhelmed. The background includes a messy desk with books, notes, and a laptop.
Beware the dreaded “Frankenstein Essay”!

         Since founding Gurufi in 2008, I have helped clients fix, tighten, and rework probably 15,000 personal statements. Because I’ve had so many reps, I can instantly spot what I’ve come to call “the Frankenstein Essay.”

         These essays are distinctive for their abrupt change of voice, inexplicable jumps between narratives, and the overall sense that I’m not reading a single coherent essay, but rather a weird amalgam pieced together from the parts of five or six different sources. Whenever I get one of these, I’ll ask a client, “so, how many people did you show the first draft of your personal statement to?” Without fail, they’ll tell me that they showed everybody they could think of who might help: their roommate, a professor, the school’s premed / pre-law advisor, etc.

         This is a huge mistake.

         Look, it’s understandable that once you’ve finished your personal statement, you may feel a little apprehensive about what you have written, and as such it is only reasonable to seek out second and third opinions in order to make sure that you have overlooked nothing, the prose is tight, and you have made a compelling case for your candidacy.  But, just as an excellent revision and editing can make an average essay excellent, bad editing can wreck an essay. On such occasions, one is smart to heed the old aphorism that ‘too many cooks spoil the broth.’

         Once you have completed your first draft, you need to think carefully about how you go about using advice from other people.  Here are six pointers for how to get the best advice in order to turn your draft into an excellent final version you are proud of and happy with.

1.)  Be careful about who you pick.

Obviously, you want to get advice from someone who writes well, can be frank with you, and has some understanding of the field to which you are applying. If you choose to get advice from a boyfriend or your mother, for example, then be careful because they might give you an overly glowing review because of their esteem and love for you or may lack the qualifications to point out minor problems with your approach. Similarly, asking your English major friend to look at your Engineering graduate school essay is not a bad idea, but if you go that route, having someone involved in engineering (preferably in an academic capacity) also look at your essay is a good idea.

Good people to talk to are your academic advisor (if you are applying to graduate or professional schools) or guidance counselor (if you are applying to college).  I know that many people will take their essays to message boards and post them to see what people think of it. This is the one thing I would advise you NEVER to do. The problem here is that you have no real way to gauge someone’s level of expertise and you may get too much feedback from too many sources.

Which leads us to point #2…

  1. Don’t give it to too many people.

If you get critiques on your essay from 8-9 different people and you incorporate all of their suggestions, you will be pulled in too many directions and the essay will lose its sense of voice and focus. The old joke that a camel is a horse designed by committee applies here. Your essay cannot be everything to everyone, and you must accept this fact. There will always be something that someone would have done differently, so they will often naturally advise you that you should do something different than what you are doing.

  1. Ask follow-up questions

Whenever someone suggests a change, don’t be afraid to ask them about it. Sometimes you will agree with their rationale but disagree with the execution of the change. Also, through a conversation people will often help you see larger problems that you may have missed. People are often hesitant to give tough advice, and a friendly conversation can help you avoid this problem because by talking to someone, the person will see that you are serious about valuing their advice.

The most frequent form of advice that people will give is, “you should include _____.” Now, this is often useful advice, but because most personal statements have tight word caps, you can’t just add everything that might kinda-sorta be relevant. Thus, in my experience, one of the best questions you can ask is, “if you think that I should add ____, what do you think I should take out to make room for this new text?”

The reason is that writing is about choices, and just because something is relevant in the abstract doesn’t mean that it should be included in your essay. If their suggestion for what you should remove to make room for their suggested new text is something that you don’t think you can lose, then that may indicate that you should ignore this bit of advice.

Which brings us to Point #4:

  1. Don’t be afraid to ignore advice.

At the end of the day, this is *your* personal statement, and *your* future depends on how well you execute it. When someone suggests changes, consider their level of expertise (both as a writer and as a subject-matter expert), think about it carefully and, if you disagree, then don’t do it. Not every piece of advice given is good; often, you will receive terrible advice.

The final decision is yours, so take your role as the gatekeeper of advice seriously, and only let the best suggestions that work well with your theme, tone, approach and goal through.

  1. BUT, try to avoid pride of authorship

In my capacity as an admissions essay consultant, I often encounter customers who are furious when I tell them that they have things that they need to work on. It is almost as if they paid me $500 for me to tell them that their work was perfect, and they should not change a single letter.

Because a personal statement is so, well, personal, it can sometimes sting when someone gives you pointed advice. Try to see the bigger picture and embrace the process that will help you to move towards a better and stronger essay. Do your best not to see a critique of your essay as a criticism of you as a person, and rather see it as a positive moment that moves you one step closer to your goal.

  1. Consider using an essay editing service

They can be a bit expensive, but in the end, if you’re willing to tens -or even hundreds- of thousands of dollars on college or graduate school, spending a small fraction of that to get you into your desired school only makes sense. Getting into a top school, as opposed to an average one, is worth investing in.

Some things to consider:

-Make sure that they guarantee your satisfaction.

-Ask if they will work with you beyond just receiving a single revision back from you.  Often, it will take 2-3 exchanges with your editor to completely understand what you want to say, how you want to say it, and what core message you want to convey.

In the end, selecting the right editor / consultant is a personal choice about vibe and fit. We at understand that admissions can be a stressful and opaque process, and our editors are fantastic at working with you to produce a powerful essay that reflects your personality and aspirations.

For more help with your personal statement, check us out at Our personal statement editors and consultants have decades of experience helping clients get into top Masters and Ph.D. programs in STEM, humanities, fine arts, and social sciences. Our specialty is helping you craft compelling personal statements that move the needle in your admissions process! For questions, shoot us an email at Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Ten Tips for Your Grad School Writing Sample

Colorful cartoon of students working on their graduate school writing samples in a cozy study space with the help of an experienced editor from Gurufi. The students are smiling and focused, surrounded by books, laptops, and coffee cups, while the friendly editor offers guidance. Text overlay: 'Refine Your Writing Sample with Gurufi – Your Path to Graduate School Success!
Your writing sample is a central part of your application… so you better get it right!
Many graduate programs, particularly in the humanities and social sciences, request that applicants submit a writing sample. At Gurufi, our experienced editor have helped scores of successful applicants refine their writing samples and earn admission to top schools. Here we go over ten common questions that people have about writing samples and provide ideas for how you can make this a strength of your application.


Graduate school writing samples are an integral part of many applications, providing a window into your academic abilities, research skills, and potential for success in a rigorous academic environment. In this blog post, we address ten common questions about graduate school writing samples, offering guidance on how to select, craft, and present a strong sample that enhances your application.

1. What is the purpose of a graduate school writing sample?

The purpose of a graduate school writing sample is to demonstrate your writing ability, analytical skills, and readiness for graduate-level work. It allows the admissions committee to assess your capacity to engage with complex ideas, conduct thorough research, and communicate your findings effectively. The writing sample provides a concrete example of your academic capabilities and helps the committee determine if you are well-suited for the demands of their program and have sophisticated insights into the kind of complex issues that people engage with, especially within Ph.D. programs.

2. How do I choose the best writing sample for my graduate school application?

In short, you need to pick a writing sample that is germane, excellent, polished, and ideally is also representative of the kind of work you aspire to do. Showcase your strengths. To this end, consider the following tips:
1. **Relevance:** Choose a sample that is relevant to the field of study you are applying for. This demonstrates your knowledge and interest in the subject area. Even if you wrote an awesome paper for your American History class, that might not be the best choice for a Sociology graduate program.
2. **Quality:** Select a well-written piece that reflects your best work. Ensure it is free of errors and well-organized. Importantly, even if you got strong marks on the essay, you should spend a week or two refining it and revising it. Perhaps even think about tweaking it to align perfectly with the school you’re submitting it to and the strengths of that program.
3. **Length:** Follow the program’s guidelines regarding the length of the writing sample. If no guidelines are provided, a typical length is 10-20 pages.
4. **Originality:** Choose a piece that highlights your original thinking and research skills. This could be a research paper, a thesis chapter, or a critical essay.

3. What should I include in the introduction of my writing sample?

First, remember that if you are choosing a topic that’s germane to the field you’re applying to, you can expect for your reader to be quite familiar with the core ideas. That said, it would be helpful to include the prompt / assignment description if there is one. Otherwise, the writing should speak for itself as a coherent and internally consistent document, so the things that make a strong introduction in any essay apply to this one.

The introduction of your writing sample should provide a clear and concise overview of the topic, the research question or thesis, and the significance of your work. It should set the context for your research and outline the structure of the paper. The introduction should engage the reader and provide a roadmap for what to expect in the rest of the document.

4. How can I demonstrate my research skills in my writing sample?

To demonstrate your research skills, ensure your writing sample includes a well-defined research question or thesis, a comprehensive literature review, and (if relevant) a robust methodology section. Use credible sources and provide proper citations to support your arguments. Present your findings clearly and analyze the data effectively. Highlight your ability to synthesize information and draw insightful conclusions from your research.

It’s a good idea to talk to the professor for whom you originally wrote the paper and ask them for additional input on how they can strengthen the text for this particular purpose and school. Think about additional research you can do, if necessary, to demonstrate knowledge of the field.

5. What are common mistakes to avoid in a graduate school writing sample?

Common mistakes to avoid in a graduate school writing sample include:
1. **Poor Organization:** Ensure your paper is well-structured with clear headings and logical flow.
2. **Weak Thesis:** Present a strong and focused thesis or research question.
3. **Insufficient Analysis:** Provide thorough analysis and avoid simply summarizing sources.
4. **Lack of Clarity:** Write clearly and concisely, avoiding jargon and overly complex sentences.
5. **Grammatical Errors:** Proofread your sample multiple times to eliminate any spelling or grammatical errors. This really should not happen. For a paper of this importance, you should go over it a dozen or more times, looking for any errors.

6. How long should my graduate school writing sample be?

Most applications will specify a length. The length of your graduate school writing sample should follow the guidelines provided by the program you are applying to. If no specific length is mentioned, a typical writing sample ranges from 10 to 20 pages. Ensure that the sample is long enough to demonstrate your ability to conduct in-depth research and analysis, but not so long that it overwhelms the reader. Quality is more important than quantity, so focus on presenting a well-written and cohesive piece.

If your best writing came in a 60-page thesis, for instance, then think about whether your best approach is to reduce that down to 20 pages or whether you should select an excellent 20-page representative section. Ideally that section would be relatively self-sustaining, perhaps with a page or so of explanation that it was taken from a larger text for which you provide sufficient context and explanation.

7. How can I make my writing sample stand out?

To make your writing sample stand out, focus on the following aspects:
1. **Originality:** Present original ideas and perspectives that demonstrate your intellectual curiosity and critical thinking skills.
2. **Clarity:** Write clearly and concisely, ensuring your arguments are easy to follow.
3. **Relevance:** Choose a topic that is relevant to your field of study and showcases your expertise.
4. **Analysis:** Provide thorough and insightful analysis that goes beyond surface-level observations.
5. **Professionalism:** Ensure your sample is polished, well-formatted, and free of errors.

8. What role does the writing sample play in the admissions process?

The writing sample plays a crucial role in the admissions process as it provides tangible evidence of your academic abilities and potential for success in graduate school. It allows the admissions committee to evaluate your writing skills, research capabilities, and ability to engage with complex topics. A strong writing sample can significantly enhance your application by demonstrating your readiness for graduate-level work and your fit for the program.

In many programs, the writing sample determines which professor reviews your application, so be sure to account for that in terms of how you frame your admissions strategy.

9. How should I format my graduate school writing sample?

Personally, I don’t think this one matters much. As long as your formatting is clean and consistent, you should be fine. That said, some people believe that you should format your graduate school writing sample following academic standards and any specific guidelines provided by the program. Here are some general tips:
1. **Font and Spacing:** Use a standard font such as Times New Roman, 12-point size, and double-spacing.
2. **Margins:** Use 1-inch margins on all sides.
3. **Headings:** Use clear headings and subheadings to organize your paper.
4. **Citations:** Follow a consistent citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago) and include a bibliography or reference list.
5. **Title Page:** Include a title page with your name, the title of the paper, and any other required information.

10. How do I address feedback and revisions in my writing sample?

Addressing feedback and revisions is an important part of preparing a strong writing sample. Here’s how to approach it:
1. **Seek Feedback Early:** Share your draft with professors, mentors, or peers to get constructive feedback.
2. **Be Open to Criticism:** Accept feedback with an open mind and consider how it can improve your work.
3. **Revise Thoroughly:** Make necessary revisions to strengthen your arguments, clarify your writing, and correct any errors.
4. **Proofread Again:** After revising, proofread your sample multiple times to ensure it is polished and error-free.


A well-crafted graduate school writing sample is a key component of your application, showcasing your academic abilities and research skills. By addressing these common questions and incorporating the advice provided, you can select and prepare a writing sample that effectively demonstrates your potential for success in graduate school. Remember to be thoughtful, thorough, and reflective in your writing, and you will create a compelling sample that enhances your application.

For more help with your writing sample, CV, or personal statement, check us out at Our personal statement editors and consultants have decades of experience helping clients get into top Masters and Ph.D. programs in STEM, humanities, fine arts, and social sciences. Our specialty is helping you craft compelling personal statements that move the needle in your admissions process! For questions, shoot us an email at Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Five Tips for a Great College Admissions Essay

A cartoon illustration of a college student sitting at a desk, deep in thought while holding a pencil and notebook. The desk is cluttered with books, a laptop, and sticky notes. A corkboard with pinned photos and a calendar labeled "College" is on the wall behind him. Two friends are standing near the window, pointing and laughing. A light bulb with question marks around it floats above the student's head, symbolizing an idea or realization.
Have a plan for your personal statement!

Many college aspirants use the summer before their senior year of high school to write their personal statements. We’ll be doing a full, detailed day-by-day video series on how to build a college personal statement in late July (follow our YouTube channel to make sure you’re notified when it drops), but for now, we wanted to give you a quick five-part guide with some tips on writing a great personal statement.

Writing a college personal statement can feel quite daunting. It’s a unique opportunity to showcase your personality, achievements, and aspirations to an admissions committee that knows little about you beyond your academic record. With only 650 words (for CommonApp) to cover all that ground, it’s high-stakes and quite stressful. To help you craft a compelling and memorable personal statement, here are five tips that will guide you through the process.


  1. Set a Schedule and Stick to It

One of the most effective ways to reduce stress when writing your personal statement is to set a schedule and adhere to it. Breaking the task into manageable steps can make it less overwhelming and ensure you have ample time to produce a polished final draft. Here’s a suggested timeline:

  • Day One: Brainstorm: Spend an afternoon brainstorming topics and themes you want to cover. Reflect on your experiences, achievements, and the qualities that make you unique. There are lots of ways to brainstorm. This video is a quick-and-simple brainstorming activity that you can use.
    Many people avoid this step and feel like brainstorming is too “touchy-feely” but every time I’ve used this process in a seminar, the students have loved it and found it immensely valuable.
  • Day Two: Outline: Once you have a list of potential ideas, create an outline. This will serve as a roadmap for your essay, helping you organize your thoughts and ensure your narrative flows logically. Different people outline in different ways, but whatever system you use, the point is to nail down the basics of your story and note some details you want to include.
  • Day Three: Write: In my experience, two two-hour sessions can be enough to write a draft. The key is to schedule the time, turn off your phone, disconnect from the internet, and create a quiet, distraction-free space for writing. Focus on getting your ideas down on paper without worrying too much about perfection. The goal is to develop a first draft.
  • Pause and Revise: After completing your draft, take a break. A few days away from your essay will give you fresh perspective when you return to revise it. If you have the time, three days is an optimal break to put some space between you and your first draft. Then, go back and revise the text. Start by reading it once through completely without fixing anything. Ask yourself whether overall construction, transitions, and theme are strong. Make changes, as necessary, to get that right. Then do sentence-by-sentence revisions, paying special attention to grammar and syntax, but also to tightening the prose by eliminating everything unnecessary. Your edited essay should be considerably shorter.
  • Seek Feedback: Finally, share your draft with a trusted mentor, teacher, or professional editor for constructive feedback.


  1. Don’t Ask Too Many People for Feedback

While seeking feedback is crucial, asking too many people can be counterproductive. The adage “too many cooks spoil the broth” applies here. Here’s why:

  • It Will Make You Feel Bad: Receiving conflicting advice from multiple sources can be disheartening and confusing. It may leave you feeling unsure about the direction of your essay.
  • You Can’t Incorporate It All: Different people will have different opinions, and trying to incorporate every piece of advice will dilute your unique voice and message. This is the dreaded “Frankenstein Essay” that’s a mishmash of parts from multiple perspectives.
  • Unhelpful Suggestions: Often, people will suggest adding more content but won’t advise on what to remove to make space. This can lead to an overstuffed essay that lacks focus.

Instead, select one or two trusted individuals who understand the application process and your goals. Their targeted feedback will be more manageable and meaningful.


  1. Be Positive

Admissions committees appreciate honesty, but your personal statement should ultimately be a positive reflection of who you are and your future potential. Here’s how to maintain a positive tone:

  • Acknowledge Setbacks: It’s okay to discuss challenges and mistakes, but frame them in a way that highlights your resilience, growth, and lessons learned. We’ve spoken extensively about failures and how to write about it in your admissions materials. Here are three videos that might help you with this!
  • Forward-Looking Stance: Focus on how your past experiences have prepared you for future success. Show enthusiasm for your goals and the opportunities that lie ahead. For example, instead of dwelling on a low grade, explain how it motivated you to develop better study habits and led to academic improvement.


  1. Be Judicious with Getting Advice Online

The internet is a double-edged sword when it comes to advice on writing personal statements. While there are valuable resources available, there are also many “message board cowboys” who may offer misguided advice. Consider the following:

  • Unknown Sources: You don’t know the credentials or motivations of people giving advice online. What worked for someone else might not work for you.
  • Individual Experience: Personal statements are highly individualized. Tailoring your essay to your personal experiences and goals is essential, and generic online advice may not be applicable.

Use online resources to gain general insights, but rely on trusted mentors and professionals for personalized guidance.


  1. Resist the Urge to Make a Lot of Last-Minute Changes

As the submission deadline approaches, it’s natural to feel nervous and second-guess your work. However, making significant last-minute changes can be detrimental. Here’s why you should trust your process:

  • Nervousness: Last-minute changes are often driven by anxiety rather than actual improvement. Trust that the time and effort you put into planning, writing, and revising have paid off.
  • Process and Feedback: Rely on the feedback you received from trusted sources and the revisions you’ve made. Your personal story, as thoughtfully crafted, is your best asset.

Instead of overhauling your essay at the last minute, focus on minor tweaks and proofreading to ensure your final draft is polished and error-free.



Writing a great college personal statement requires careful planning, thoughtful reflection, and a balanced approach to feedback and revisions. By setting a schedule, limiting your feedback sources, maintaining a positive tone, being cautious with online advice, and trusting your process, you can craft a compelling and authentic personal statement.

If you need additional support, consider reaching out to a professional service like Gurufi, which offers personalized feedback on completed drafts and consultations to help you select topics and build detailed outlines. With the right approach and resources, you can create a personal statement that stands out and truly represents who you are.