Ten Things to Know About Your Medical School Application

A professional admissions consultant in a modern office, gesturing toward a whiteboard with the text '10 Common Questions About Medical School Applications.' The office is filled with medical-related items such as a stethoscope, books, and a laptop displaying a personal statement document, symbolizing the complex and important nature of the medical school application process.
Ten tips for getting your AMCAS and secondaries right!

Admissions Consultant Answers 10 Common Questions About Medical School Applications

Medical school is, by far, the most difficult and demanding application process. Far more rigorous than an MBA, law school, or PhD application… and for good reason! A bad MBA or lawyer still gets a corner office and a job, but a bad doctor can kill you!

Because applying to medical school is such a rigorous and competitive process, a well-crafted application can make all the difference. To help you navigate this journey, we’ve gathered ten common questions about medical school applications and provided brief responses. This guide is a great place to begin your medical school application process! For additional help, contact us at Gurufi.com. Every year, we help hundreds of applicants refine their AMCAS (and other) personal statements, Work & Activities sections, and secondaries.

1. What is the purpose of the AMCAS personal statement?

The AMCAS personal statement sends shivers of terror down people’s spines. You have 5300 characters (not even two pages) to describe your life, give your “doctor’s origin story” and make it clear why you’d be an amazing doctor. In short, this is the centerpiece of your application. The AMCAS personal statement is your opportunity to introduce yourself to the admissions committee and explain why you want to pursue a career in medicine. It should highlight your motivations, experiences, and personal qualities that make you a suitable candidate for medical school. This statement is crucial because it provides a holistic view of who you are beyond your grades and test scores, allowing the committee to understand your passion for medicine and your readiness for the challenges of medical school. It provides the frame for your application and the lens through which all of your other materials are viewed.

2. How can I effectively describe my clinical experiences in my medical school personal statement?

Tell stories. Next question. Okay, I’ll elaborate a bit! (if you’re interested, check out this video on storytelling we did for MBA applicants. The examples we use are for business students, but the core ideas, themes, and strategies still apply!)

To effectively describe your clinical experiences in your personal statement, focus on specific examples that highlight your involvement, responsibilities, and what you learned from these experiences. Discuss how these experiences shaped your understanding of the medical field and reinforced your desire to become a physician. Be sure to reflect on the impact these experiences had on you, both personally and professionally, and how they have prepared you for a career in medicine.

If you’re doing clinical work, such as volunteering or scribing, I would urge you to use our Scribing Journaling tool to help you begin to put your ideas together.

3. What should I include in the Work & Activities section of the AMCAS application?

A good rule of thumb for the AMCAS personal statement is that you should use that essay to demonstrate, in depth, a few things about your experience, accomplishments, and aspirations. Depth, not breadth, is the key. For the Work & Activities section of the AMCAS, use these mini-essays to show breadth. Complement what you’ve highlighted in the personal statement. For instance, if your personal statement is mostly clinical, then use the W&A to detail research or leadership. Be strategic about your “Most Significant” longer essays to provide / show greater breadth. You want your application to showcase your extracurricular involvement, employment, research, and volunteer experiences. Include detailed descriptions of your roles and responsibilities, highlighting any leadership positions, accomplishments, and skills you developed. Focus on activities that demonstrate your commitment to medicine, community service, and personal growth. Additionally, choose the most meaningful experiences to provide further insights into your character and values.

4. How can I write a strong secondary application essay for medical school?

If the AMCAS is the core pitch you send to all schools, then secondaries are tailored and specific. Writing a strong secondary application essay involves making your responses to each school responsive to what they’ve asked and, more than that, making sure it aligns with that school’s values, culture, and areas of strength. In short, if the AMCAS is designed to show that you’re a compelling candidate, in general, then secondaries are about proving that you’re a great fit for that particular school. Research each medical school to understand its values, mission, and unique programs. Use this information to craft thoughtful and personalized essays that reflect your alignment with the school’s goals. Be concise and focus on answering the prompt directly while providing specific examples from your experiences.

5. What are common mistakes to avoid in medical school personal statements?

Common mistakes to avoid in medical school personal statements include:
1. **Being too vague:** Provide specific examples and detailed descriptions rather than broad generalizations. If you can’t match a story to an assertion, don’t make it.
2. **Focusing too much on others:** While it’s important to acknowledge the influence of mentors, make sure the statement centers on your experiences and insights. After all, this is a PERSONAL statement, so make sure that you remain the main character in it.
3. **Ignoring the prompt:** Ensure your essay answers the specific question or prompt provided by the application. This problem often arises when, perhaps late in the application process, you can’t find the juice to write one more new secondary, so you figure that you’ll just try to shoehorn in an old essay… even if it doesn’t quite fit. Don’t do this.
4. **Neglecting to proofread:** Spelling and grammatical errors can detract from your professionalism. Proofread your essay multiple times and consider having others review it.

6. How can I convey my passion for medicine in my personal statement?

Again… storytelling. To convey your passion for medicine, share personal anecdotes that illustrate your commitment and enthusiasm for the field. Discuss formative experiences that inspired you to pursue medicine, such as volunteering in a healthcare setting, shadowing physicians, or overcoming personal health challenges. Reflect on what these experiences taught you and how they solidified your desire to become a physician. Authenticity is key, so be honest and heartfelt in your writing.

7. What experiences should I highlight in my medical school personal statement?

Highlight experiences that demonstrate your readiness for medical school and your suitability for a career in medicine. These may include:
1. **Clinical experiences:** Volunteering, shadowing, or working in healthcare settings.
2. **Research projects:** Participation in scientific research that showcases your analytical skills and commitment to advancing medical knowledge.
3. **Community service:** Involvement in volunteer activities that reflect your compassion and dedication to helping others.
4. **Leadership roles:** Positions in student organizations, work, or community groups that highlight your ability to lead and work collaboratively.
5. **Personal challenges:** Overcoming obstacles that have strengthened your resilience and determination to pursue medicine.

8. How do I handle the ‘Why this medical school?’ secondary essay?

To effectively handle the ‘Why this medical school?’ secondary essay, research the specific features and programs of each school. Identify aspects that resonate with your career goals, values, and interests. Discuss how these features align with your aspirations and how you would contribute to and benefit from the school’s community. Be specific about what attracts you to the school, such as particular faculty, research opportunities, or unique programs, and explain why these aspects are important to you.

This is an important thing to answer, so I’d even hop on forums or LinkedIn to cold-chat with current students there to gain insights. As you research schools to apply to, ask yourself over and over, “could I see myself thriving here? Why?” The answers to these questions could help to guide your secondaries.

9. How can I make my AMCAS application stand out?

In addition to the tips I’ve laid out above, make sure that you avoid overused topics. Don’t begin the essay at the bedside of your dying grandma or talk about how the first time you saw a doctor it was like their white coat was a superhero cape… those tropes have been overused.

10. What should I focus on in the ‘Most Meaningful Experiences’ section of the AMCAS application?

In the ‘Most Meaningful Experiences’ section of the AMCAS application, focus on providing detailed descriptions of experiences that had a significant impact on your personal and professional development. Discuss what made these experiences meaningful, the skills and insights you gained, and how they have prepared you for a career in medicine. Reflect on your growth and the lessons learned from these experiences, and explain why they stand out among your other activities.

The main tip I would give is that you should look to complement your personal statement. If there are things that you didn’t cover in your personal statement and you think they’re important, use your Most Meaningful essays on them. Remember, you should view your application holistically, and don’t try to jam everything into just the personal statement. The entirety of the application should cover all the main topics and strengths, so make sure that your personal statement provides enough space for the most important 1-2 ideas to breathe and have a full genuine impact. Then, use the Most Meaningful to show that you’ve had a well-rounded set of experiences and accomplishments.

As the husband of a doctor and the brother of two doctors, I know just how meaningful a medical career can be, so try to approach all of this from a position of optimism, excitement, and joy. Yes, it’ll be a slog, but people who are enthusiastic, confident, and positive in their mindset tend to be more interesting and attractive to admissions committees. Yes, this is the start of a long process and a difficult journey, but it’ll be worth the investment.

For more help with your personal statement, check us out at Gurufi.com. Our personal statement editors and consultants have decades of experience helping clients get into top medical schools. Our specialty is helping you craft compelling personal statements, AMCAS W&A, and secondaries that move the needle in your admissions process! For questions, shoot us an email at service@gurufi.com. Check us out on Facebook,Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Ten Mistakes to Avoid in Your Medical School Personal Essay

A cartoon of a stressed-out student sitting at a cluttered desk with a laptop, books, papers, and a coffee cup, showing a worried expression with a thought bubble containing 5300 characters, a doctor, a hospital, and a ticking clock.
5300 Characters Can Determine Your Life!

5300 characters. That’s all you have. After years spent taking demanding prerequisites, stuffing your CV full of volunteer, research, and clinical experiences, and studying for months for the MCAT, you have 5300 characters -about 700 words- to tell the admissions committee why they should take you. No pressure.

In our 18 years of helping clients build compelling personal statements for medical school, we have seen people make just about every mistake you can imagine. Sometimes people make amazing new ones, but mostly they tend to make the same ones that most of their fellow applicants make. Avoiding these mistakes can help you create a stronger, more effective personal statement. Here are some typical errors and advice on how to avoid them:

1. Being Too Generic

One of the most common mistakes is writing a generic personal statement that could apply to any applicant. Admissions committees read thousands of essays, so it’s essential to make yours stand out. Avoid clichés and broad statements like “I want to help people” or “I have always been passionate about medicine.”

Don’t open with a bedside story about the night your grandma died and please avoid, at all costs, the phrase “tears in her eyes…” Yes, you do need to provide specific examples and personal anecdotes that highlight your unique journey and motivations, but do it in a way that features how you really felt and acted, and not how you think the AdCom wants to see you or how you imagine the scene might play out in a Hallmark Channel Christmas movie.

  1. Focusing Too Much on Others

    While it’s important to acknowledge the influence of mentors, family members, or patients, your personal statement should primarily focus on you. Thus the “personal” in “personal statement.” Avoid spending too much time discussing other people’s achievements or stories. Admissions committees want to learn about your experiences, qualities, and aspirations. Make sure your essay centers on your journey and how it has prepared you for a career in medicine.

It’s fine if you weren’t the MVP of the team or the leader of the group. Focus on what you DID do, the role you played, and what it taught you.

  1. Listing Experiences Without Reflection

    A great personal statement is far more than just a narrative CV. Simply listing your experiences and accomplishments is not enough. Admissions committees are looking for reflection and insight. Explain the significance of each experience and how it has shaped your decision to pursue medicine. Discuss the skills and lessons you have gained and how they have prepared you for medical school and a medical career.

A good rule of thumb is to “tell fewer stories better.” Instead of stuffing six stories into your essay, instead focus on two or three. Remember, you have your Work & Activities section and secondary essays to cover additional ground.

  1. Overemphasizing Academic Achievements

    While academic achievements are important, your personal statement should provide a holistic view of who you are. Avoid focusing solely on your academic successes. Highlight your extracurricular activities, volunteer work, research, clinical experiences, and personal interests. This approach demonstrates that you are a well-rounded individual with diverse experiences and skills.

Typically, you don’t even mention your grades or academic awards in a personal statement. The committee will already have that data, so no need to rehash it.

5. Neglecting to Address Motivations

Your essay needs, at some point, to answer the “why medicine?” question. Admissions committees want to understand why you are passionate about medicine and what drives you to pursue this challenging career. Failing to clearly articulate your motivations is a common mistake. Reflect on the experiences and values that have led you to this path and explain them compellingly. This clarity helps the committee see your genuine commitment to the field.

Importantly, if you have extensive experience within a field such as nursing or public health and you are looking to transition into a medical career, you need to make sure that your “why medicine?” also covers the “why not just keep working within public health?”

  1. Writing a Chronological Essay

    Your personal statement doesn’t HAVE TO be chronological. Avoid simply recounting your life story in order. Instead, focus on a few key experiences that have been pivotal in your decision to pursue medicine. Use these experiences to illustrate your qualities, motivations, and readiness for medical school. A thematic approach can make your essay more engaging and impactful. And, if done well, opening a bit further forward, then in your second paragraph doing a “soft reset” and telling your full story can be really effective.

    7. Using Complex Language and Jargon

    While it’s important to write professionally, using overly complex language or medical jargon can make your essay difficult to read. It also feels stiff and inhuman at a moment when you are trying to establish a sense of connection with your reader. Aim for clarity and simplicity. Write in a way that is accessible to a broad audience, including those who may not have a medical background. Clear and concise writing is more effective and demonstrates strong communication skills.

    8. Failing to Show Personal Growth

    Medical schools are looking for applicants who demonstrate personal growth and the ability to learn from experiences. Failing to show this growth is a missed opportunity. Reflect on the challenges you have faced and how you have overcome them. Discuss what you have learned from your experiences and how they have prepared you for a career in medicine. This reflection shows maturity and resilience.

    9. Not Proofreading Carefully

    Typos, grammatical errors, and awkward phrasing can detract from the quality of your personal statement. Not proofreading carefully is a common mistake that can be easily avoided. After writing your essay, take the time to proofread it multiple times.

  1. Not getting outside help.

Consider seeking feedback from mentors, peers, or professional consultants to catch any errors you might have missed. A polished, error-free essay reflects your attention to detail and professionalism. Obviously, this is something we can help you with at Gurufi.com, but if you cannot afford outside services, then lean on people whose writing you trust and also see what resources your school provides, as many will help former graduates even some years after they leave.

For more help with your personal statement, check us out at Gurufi.com. Our personal statement editors and consultants have decades of experience helping clients get into top medical schools. Our specialty is helping you craft compelling personal statements that move the needle in your admissions process! For questions, shoot us an email at service@gurufi.com. Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

How to Select Your Three “Most Significant” Activities on Your AMCAS Work & Activities Section

A cartoon of a young, attractive medical school applicant wearing a white coat, levitating five bubbles. Each bubble contains an object representing a different aspect of their medical journey: a microscope for research, a beaker for science, a trophy for leadership, a stethoscope for clinical care, and a heart symbolizing their desire to become a doctor. The scene is colorful and whimsical.
Selecting your most compelling activities to highlight in your AMCAS takes thought

Medical school applicants often worry about which activities to select as their “most significant” on their AMCAS Work & Activities section. Over the last 17 years, Gurufi editors have helped hundreds of successful applicants craft this vital part of their medical school applications, including providing insights into which activities they should highlight. Since you can only select three, you should invest careful consideration into which accomplishments you elect to emphasize and showcase. When done thoughtfully, the right three activities can round out your application nicely and showcase the breadth and depth of your background.


Since every application is different, there is no simple and easy formula for selecting the ideal three, but there are some basic principles you should follow. Here’s how to choose your “Most Significant” activities thoughtfully.


Integrate with Your Personal Statement

Your personal statement and Work & Activities section should complement each other, creating a cohesive narrative about who you are and why you want to pursue medicine. If the personal statement provides depth, character, and nuance into one or two pivotal moments in your life, then the W&A should complement through breadth of experience. Thus, when selecting your “Most Significant” activities, ensure they add depth to your story without duplicating content from your personal statement. If your personal statement focuses on a specific event or life experience, use your “Most Significant” activities to shed light on other dimensions of your journey.


Highlight Leadership, Service, and Commitment to Social Justice

Medical schools value applicants who demonstrate leadership, a strong sense of service, and a commitment to social justice. Indeed, the revised formatting of the W&A section makes clear that this is a priority. When choosing your “Most Significant” activities, consider those that showcase these qualities. Did you lead a project, organize an event, or serve as a mentor? Did you volunteer extensively or work with underserved communities? These experiences not only highlight your skills but also reflect your commitment to making a difference, an essential trait for future physicians.


Focus on Long-Term Involvement and Growth

Activities that demonstrate sustained commitment and personal growth are highly valued. Prioritize those that span a significant period, where you gained new skills, earned promotions, or took on increased responsibilities. These experiences show your ability to commit and evolve, which is crucial for a successful medical career. Consider including activities where you played a long-term role in research, led a team, or made a lasting impact through community service.


Link Activities to Your Aspiring Medical Career

If possible, choose activities that connect with your aspirations as a future doctor. For example, if you aim to specialize in pediatrics, highlight your work with children. If you’re interested in medical research, discuss your research projects and their outcomes. By linking your “Most Significant” activities to your future career goals, you demonstrate a clear vision and purpose, qualities that medical schools seek in applicants.


Fill in the Gaps

Think of your application as a series of buckets to fill: science/research, service, your “origin story” explaining “why medicine?”, leadership, and clinical experiences. Your personal statement should not cover all five; it should focus on one key aspect. Use your “Most Significant” activities to fill in the gaps. If your personal statement primarily discusses your origin story, use this section to highlight your leadership or research experiences. This approach ensures a well-rounded application that captures various facets of your journey.


Tell a Compelling Story

With an additional 1,325 characters, you have the opportunity to share a compelling story about each “Most Significant” activity. Think about moments that had a profound impact on you or others, challenges you overcame, or lessons you learned. Craft a narrative that captures the essence of the experience and its relevance to your medical journey. By telling a captivating story, you engage the admissions committee and leave a lasting impression.


Selecting your “Most Significant” activities for the Work & Activities section of your AMCAS application is a strategic process. Focus on experiences that complement your personal statement, demonstrate leadership, service, and social justice, and showcase long-term involvement and growth. By linking these activities to your future aspirations in medicine and filling in the gaps, you’ll create a compelling narrative that reflects your readiness for medical school and beyond.

For more help with your personal statement, check us out at Gurufi.com. Our personal statement editors and consultants have decades of experience helping clients get into top medical schools. Our specialty is helping you craft compelling personal statements that move the needle in your admissions process! For questions, shoot us an email at service@gurufi.com. Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

How to Approach Medical School Interview (Start EARLY!)

A cartoon of a young, attractive blonde woman dressed in a professional business suit, confidently participating in a medical school interview. She appears calm and prepared, sitting across from an interviewer in a modern, minimalistic interview room.

When most people think about medical school interviews, they assume that they’re something they’ll deal with at the very end of the application process. After all, as our consultant at Gurufi know well, applicants first have to complete their MCAT, AMCAS package, personal statement, Work & Activities, and a flood (hopefully) of secondaries. In a technical sense, they’re right: interviews are the end of a lengthy journey.


But, it is worth it to spend some time going and over and thinking about the most common interview questions and thinking about what your responses would be. There are two reasons. First, if these are the questions that the doctors, administrators, and (sometimes) medical students tend to ask in interviews, isn’t this a good insight into what they tend to look for? As such, having worked out your responses to them beforehand could provide some useful background guidance or content for your personal statements and secondaries. Second, there is value in reading through these questions early, exposing them to your brain, and letting your mind work through them over the course of months so that you can slowly -almost as a background process- develop nuanced, personal, and authentic answers to these questions so that if/when you get to the interview stage, you’re ready to go!


Indeed, I would urge you to get a notebook and do 10 minutes of writing and outlining / brainstorming for each one. Sketch out your initial ideas. As you do, you should hopefully began to get ideas for your personal statement or, later, secondaries.


  1. Why do you want to pursue a career in medicine? This question is often one of the first asked and is an opportunity for you to express your passion and motivation for the field of medicine. Be clear and concise in your answer, and highlight specific experiences or events that inspired your interest in medicine.
  2. What is your understanding of the role of a physician? This question is an opportunity for you to show your understanding of the responsibilities and duties of a physician. Highlight your understanding of the importance of compassion, dedication, and professionalism in the field of medicine. It also provides an excellent opportunity to talk about role models or doctors whose approach you admire.
  3. Can you discuss a specific experience that influenced your decision to pursue medicine? This question is a chance for you to highlight a meaningful experience that has shaped your decision to pursue a career in medicine. Be specific and share details about what you learned from the experience and how it has influenced your goals and aspirations.
  4. Can you discuss a time when you had to overcome a challenge? This question is asking about your problem-solving skills and how you handle difficult situations. Be honest and provide a specific example of a challenge you faced and how you overcame it. Often, this might end up being a moment where you failed. That’s fine! As we have discussed in other contexts, a thoughtful and genuine (non “humble-brag”) reflection on a failure can be a valuable part of your interview / application.
  5. What interests you most about the medical school you are applying to? This question is an opportunity for you to show your interest in the specific medical school you are applying to and why it is a good fit for you. Be sure to research the school ahead of time and highlight specific programs, opportunities, or resources that appeal to you.
  6. Can you discuss a time when you had to work with a difficult team member? This question is asking about your ability to work with others and handle conflict in a team setting. Provide a specific example and talk about what you learned from the experience.
  7. What are your long-term career goals? This question is asking about your future plans and what you hope to achieve in your career. Be clear and concise in your answer and show how your goals align with the mission and values of the medical school you are applying to.
  8. Can you discuss a time when you had to make a difficult ethical decision? This question is asking about your ethical principles and how you handle challenging ethical situations. Be specific in your answer and talk about what you learned from the experience.
  9. Can you discuss a time when you had to learn something new quickly? This question is asking about your adaptability and ability to learn new information quickly. Provide a specific example and talk about what you learned from the experience.
  10. Can you tell us about a healthcare issue that you are passionate about? This question is an opportunity for you to show your interest in and knowledge of healthcare issues. Choose an issue that you are passionate about and be sure to explain why it is important to you.

When it comes time to actually interview, you should revisit your responses to these questions and perhaps expand on them, noting information you’ve gleaned from the following steps:

  1. Research the medical school ahead of time and be familiar with their mission and values.
  2. Work you’ve done to make your answers more concise and specific.
  3. Moments from your life that display your passion and motivation for the field of medicine.


For more help with your personal statement, check us out at Gurufi.com. Our medical school personal statement editors and consultants have decades of experience helping clients get into top med schools. Our specialty is helping you craft compelling personal statements and refining Work & Activities sections and secondaries in ways that move the needle in your admissions process! For questions, shoot us an email at service@gurufi.com. Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.